tadd visual comparison between fluid diffusion and skin depth - cngf-pf - continuum model for granular flows with pore-pressure dynamics (renamed from 1d_fd_simple_shear)
 (HTM) git clone git://src.adamsgaard.dk/cngf-pf
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 (DIR) commit 50f06fc60f267608011e5c54e3170d98daa7569e
 (DIR) parent 0f275a2bb924a26ee57746c000a1b5d145fdd942
 (HTM) Author: Anders Damsgaard <anders@adamsgaard.dk>
       Date:   Mon, 16 Aug 2021 15:42:39 +0200
       add visual comparison between fluid diffusion and skin depth
         A fluidtest/Makefile                  |      50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A fluidtest/fig.gp                    |      30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/fluidtest/Makefile b/fluidtest/Makefile
       t@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
       +BIN = ../cngf-pf
       +BIN2 = ../max_depth_simple_shear
       +PERMEABILITY = 2e-17
       +FLUID_PRESSURE_TOP = 100e3
       +FLUID_PRESSURE_AMPL = 80e3
       +FLUID_PRESSURE_FREQ != echo "1.0/(3600*24)" | bc -l
       +EFF_NORMAL_STRESS_TOP = 200e3
       +timeseries.pdf: fig.gp timeseries.txt
       +        sh -c '\
       +                out=$$($(BIN2) \
       +                        -k $(PERMEABILITY) \
       +                        -P $(GRAIN_COMPRESSIBILITY) \
       +                        -O $(FLUID_PRESSURE_TOP) \
       +                        -a $(FLUID_PRESSURE_AMPL) \
       +                        -q $(FLUID_PRESSURE_FREQ) \
       +                        ); \
       +                echo $$out; \
       +                max_def_depth=$$(echo $$out | cut -d" " -f1); \
       +                skin_depth=$$(echo $$out | cut -d" " -f2); \
       +                gnuplot -e "skin_depth=$$skin_depth; max_def_depth=$$max_def_depth" \
       +                        fig.gp > $@'
       +timeseries.txt: sim.output00000.txt
       +        /bin/sh -c '\
       +        rm -f $@; \
       +        for f in sim.output*.txt; do \
       +                tail -n 1 "$$f" | cut -f2- >> $@; \
       +        done'
       +sim.output00000.txt: $(BIN)
       +        /bin/sh -c '\
       +        $(BIN) -L 8.0 \
       +        -n $(EFF_NORMAL_STRESS_TOP) \
       +        -f 0.40 \
       +        -F \
       +        -k $(PERMEABILITY) \
       +        -P $(GRAIN_COMPRESSIBILITY) \
       +        -O $(FLUID_PRESSURE_TOP) \
       +        -a $(FLUID_PRESSURE_AMPL) \
       +        -q $(FLUID_PRESSURE_FREQ) \
       +        -I $$( echo "60*10" | bc -l ) \
       +        -e $$( echo "3600*24*7" | bc -l ) sim'
       +        rm -f *.txt timeseries.pdf
       +.PHONY: clean
 (DIR) diff --git a/fluidtest/fig.gp b/fluidtest/fig.gp
       t@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
       +set terminal pdfcairo color size 17.8 cm, 10.0 cm font ",10"
       +set colorsequence podo
       +set multiplot
       +set yrange [4.0:0.0]
       +set ytics 1.0
       +t0 = 48*inc - 1
       +tend = 72*inc - 1
       +filename(t) = sprintf('sim.output%05d.txt', t)
       +#set origin 0.095, 0.09
       +#set size 0.14, 0.23
       +set xlabel "{/:Normal Water pressure [kPa]}" font ",8" offset 0,1.3
       +set ylabel ""
       +unset arrow
       +xmin = 0
       +xmax = 200.0
       +set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
       +set xrange [xmin:xmax]
       +set xtics 100 offset 0,0.5
       +set ytics 2 offset 0.5
       +plot for [t = t0:tend:inc*2] filename(t) u ($4/1e3):(L_z - $1):(t*file_interval/(24.*3600.)) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""