tAdd Dirichlet BC and improve BC calls - cngf-pf - continuum model for granular flows with pore-pressure dynamics (renamed from 1d_fd_simple_shear)
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 (DIR) commit 95cdb6dd109d1a82e9ae6d0f20e46d2929b5dd80
 (DIR) parent c1aa4dce15eba37cc67913aa232337e9205feb70
 (HTM) Author: Anders Damsgaard <anders@adamsgaard.dk>
       Date:   Fri,  5 Apr 2019 09:15:14 +0200
       Add Dirichlet BC and improve BC calls
         M 1d_fd_simple_shear.jl               |      58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
       1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/1d_fd_simple_shear.jl b/1d_fd_simple_shear.jl
       t@@ -90,10 +90,27 @@ function g_local(p, μ)
        ## Update ghost nodes for g from current values
       -## BC: neumann (dg/dx = 0)
       -function g_set_bc_neumann(g_ghost)
       -    g_ghost[1] = g_ghost[2]
       -    g_ghost[end] = g_ghost[end-1]
       +## BC: Neumann (dg/dx = 0)
       +function set_bc_neumann(g_ghost, boundary)
       +    if boundary == "-z"
       +        g_ghost[1] = g_ghost[2]
       +    elseif boundary == "+z"
       +        g_ghost[end] = g_ghost[end-1]
       +    else
       +        @error "boundary '$boundary' not understood"
       +    end
       +## Update ghost nodes for g from current values
       +## BC: Dirichlet (g = 0)
       +function set_bc_dirichlet(g_ghost, boundary, value=0.0)
       +    if boundary == "-z"
       +        g_ghost[1] = value
       +    elseif boundary == "+z"
       +        g_ghost[end] = value
       +    else
       +        @error "boundary '$boundary' not understood"
       +    end
        ## Compute shear stress from velocity gradient using finite differences
       t@@ -158,7 +175,8 @@ function implicit_1d_jacobian_poisson_solver(g, p, μ, Δz,
            for iter=1:max_iter
       -        g_set_bc_neumann(g)
       +        set_bc_neumann(g, "+z")
       +        set_bc_dirichlet(g, "-z")
                if verbose
                    println("g after BC: ")
       t@@ -215,23 +233,39 @@ init_μ(μ_wall, ϕ, ρ_s, G, z, P_wall) =
        # Main
        for P_wall in P_wall_
       -    ## Set velocity BCs
       -    v_x[1] = v_x_bot
       -    ## Calculate stressses
       +    ## calculate stresses
            p = p_lithostatic(P_wall, z)
            μ = init_μ(μ_wall, ϕ, ρ_s, G, z, P_wall)
       +    ## solve for fluidity
            implicit_1d_jacobian_poisson_solver(g_ghost, p, μ, Δz)
       +    ## calculate shear velocitiesj
            v_x = γ_dot_p(g_ghost[2:end-1], μ)
       -    plot_profile(z, v_x, "Shear velocity, \$v_x\$ [m/s]", "1d_fd_simple_shear_v_x_P$(P_wall).png")
       -    plot_profile(z, μ, "Stress ratio, μ [-]", "1d_fd_simple_shear_mu_P$(P_wall).png")
       -    plot_profile(z, p, "Normal stress, \$p\$ [Pa]", "1d_fd_simple_shear_p_P$(P_wall).png")
       -    plot_profile(z, g_ghost[2:end-1], "Fluidity, \$g\$", "1d_fd_simple_shear_g_P$(P_wall).png")
       +    ## plot results
       +    P = Int(round(P_wall/1e3))
       +    PyPlot.plot(v_x/maximum(v_x), z, "+-", label="\$P_{wall}\$ = $P kPa")
       +    # plot_profile(z, v_x, "Shear velocity, \$v_x\$ [m/s]",
       +    #              "1d_fd_simple_shear_v_x_P$(P)kPa.png")
       +    # plot_profile(z, μ, "Stress ratio, μ [-]",
       +    #              "1d_fd_simple_shear_mu_P$(P)kPa.png")
       +    # plot_profile(z, p, "Normal stress, \$p\$ [Pa]",
       +    #              "1d_fd_simple_shear_p_P$(P)kPa.png")
       +    # plot_profile(z, g_ghost[2:end-1], "Fluidity, \$g\$",
       +    #              "1d_fd_simple_shear_g_P$(P)kPa.png")
       +PyPlot.xlabel("Normalized shear displacement, [m]")
       +PyPlot.ylabel("Vertical position, \$z\$ [m]")
        end # end let