tClean up and remove examples - cngf-pf - continuum model for granular flows with pore-pressure dynamics (renamed from 1d_fd_simple_shear)
 (HTM) git clone git://
 (DIR) Log
 (DIR) Files
 (DIR) Refs
 (DIR) commit dc46674d016883f15b65d5d0150429d1b142eebe
 (DIR) parent f0c5149085e991fa6b9404c0e783b2560abde557
 (HTM) Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
       Date:   Fri,  7 Feb 2020 11:36:39 +0100
       Clean up and remove examples
         D .gitlab-ci.yml                      |      12 ------------
         D examples/      |      18 ------------------
         D examples/1d_fd_simple_shear.png     |       0 
         D examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_fluid.… |      31 -------------------------------
         D examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheolo… |      18 ------------------
         D examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheolo… |       0 
         D examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheolo… |      26 --------------------------
         D examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheolo… |       0 
         D examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheolo… |      21 ---------------------
         D examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheolo… |       0 
         D examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheolo… |      25 -------------------------
         D examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheolo… |       0 
         D examples/BlueSeq.plt                |      26 --------------------------
         D examples/Makefile                   |     115 -------------------------------
         D examples/      |      27 ---------------------------
       15 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 319 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
       t@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
       -  stage: build
       -  image: alpine:edge
       -  before_script:
       -    - apk --no-cache add build-base gnuplot valgrind
       -  script:
       -    - make -C examples
       -    - make memtest
       -    - make test
       -  artifacts:
       -    paths:
       -      - examples/1d_fd_simple_shear.png
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
       t@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
       -#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
       -set terminal pngcairo color size 18.6 cm, 17.6 cm
       -set output "1d_fd_simple_shear.png"
       -set xlabel "Normalized horizontal velocity, v_x [-]"
       -set ylabel "Vertical position, z [m]" offset 2
       -set yrange [0.0:0.73]
       -set xrange [-0.1:1.05]
       -set key bottom right #samplen 0.9
       -plot "1d_fd_simple_shear_P10kPa.txt" u 2:1 w l lw 2 lc "#ee2430" title "P_{wall} = 10 kPa", \
       -     "1d_fd_simple_shear_P20kPa.txt" u 2:1 w l lw 2 lc "#53bf3a" title "P_{wall} = 20 kPa", \
       -     "1d_fd_simple_shear_P40kPa.txt" u 2:1 w l lw 2 lc "#2f54ad" title "P_{wall} = 40 kPa", \
       -     "1d_fd_simple_shear_P60kPa.txt" u 2:1 w l lw 2 lc "#b047aa" title "P_{wall} = 60 kPa", \
       -     "1d_fd_simple_shear_P80kPa.txt" u 2:1 w l lw 2 lc "#6ccfd9" title "P_{wall} = 80 kPa", \
       -     "1d_fd_simple_shear_P120kPa.txt" u 2:1 w l lw 2 lc "#231f20" title "P_{wall} = 120 kPa"
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/1d_fd_simple_shear.png b/examples/1d_fd_simple_shear.png
       Binary files differ.
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
       t@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
       -#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
       -# specify input file with:
       -#    gnuplot -e "filename='file.txt'"
       -set terminal pngcairo color size 40 cm, 12 cm
       -set multiplot layout 1,3
       -# set multiplot layout 1,4
       -set key bottom right #samplen 0.9
       -set xlabel "Water pressure, p_f [Pa]"
       -set ylabel "Vertical position, z [m]" offset 2
       -set xrange [p_min:p_max]
       -plot filename u 4:1 w l lw 2 lc "blue" t ""
       -set xlabel "Effective normal stress [Pa]"
       -set ylabel ""
       -set xrange [0:300e3]
       -plot filename u 3:1 w l lw 2 lc "black" t ""
       -# set xlabel "Friction, mu [-]"
       -# set xrange [-0.05:1.5]
       -# plot filename u 5:1 w l lw 2 lc "gray" t ""
       -set xlabel "Horizontal velocity, v_x [m/s]"
       -set ylabel ""
       -set xrange [0.0:0.025]
       -plot filename u 2:1 w l lw 2 lc "red" t ""
       -unset multiplot
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
       t@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
       -#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
       -set terminal pngcairo color size 18.6 cm, 17.6 cm
       -set output "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology.png"
       -set xlabel "Applied friction, mu = tau/N [-]"
       -set ylabel "Shear velocity, v [m/s]" offset 2
       -set xrange [0.0:0.7]
       -set yrange [0.0:0.01]
       -set key top left #samplen 0.9
       -plot "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.01.txt" u 1:2 w l lw 2 t "b = 0.01", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.10.txt" u 1:2 w l lw 2 t "b = 0.1", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.20.txt" u 1:2 w l lw 2 t "b = 0.2", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.40.txt" u 1:2 w l lw 2 t "b = 0.4", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.60.txt" u 1:2 w l lw 2 t "b = 0.6", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.80.txt" u 1:2 w l lw 2 t "b = 0.8", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b1.00.txt" u 1:2 w l lw 2 t "b = 1.0"
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology.png b/examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology.png
       Binary files differ.
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
       t@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
       -#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
       -## resemble Iverson 2010 plot:
       -#set terminal pngcairo color size 18.6 cm, 11.0 cm
       -set terminal pngcairo size 18.6 cm, 11.0 cm
       -set output "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_iverson.png"
       -set xlabel "Shear strain rate [a^{-1}]"
       -set ylabel "Shear friction [-]" offset 2
       -set xrange [1e1:1e6]  # m/a
       -set yrange [0.0:0.8]
       -set key bottom right #samplen 0.9
       -set logscale x
       -load 'BlueSeq.plt'
       -plot "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.94_iverson.txt" u ($2*3600*24*365):1 w l lc '#666666' lw 2 dashtype '-' t "glass beads, b = 0.94", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.40_iverson.txt" u ($2*3600*24*365):1 w l ls 6 lw 2 t "b = 0.40", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.20_iverson.txt" u ($2*3600*24*365):1 w l ls 5 lw 2 t "b = 0.20", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.10_iverson.txt" u ($2*3600*24*365):1 w l ls 3 lw 2 t "b = 0.10", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.01_iverson.txt" u ($2*3600*24*365):1 w l ls 1 lw 2 t "b = 0.01"
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_iverson.png b/examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_iverson.png
       Binary files differ.
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
       t@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
       -#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
       -## resemble Kamb 1991 plot:
       -set terminal pngcairo color size 18.6 cm, 17.6 cm
       -set output "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_kamb.png"
       -set xlabel "Shear stress [bar]"
       -set ylabel "Shear displacment rate [m/day]" offset 2
       -set xrange [0.0:0.028]
       -set yrange [0.0:2.5]
       -set key top left #samplen 0.9
       -load 'BlueSeq.plt'
       -plot "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.94_kamb.txt" u ($1*1700/100000):($2*3600*24) w l lc '#666666' lw 2 dashtype '-' t "b = 0.94", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.40_kamb.txt" u ($1*1700/100000):($2*3600*24) w l ls 6 lw 2 t "b = 0.40", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.20_kamb.txt" u ($1*1700/100000):($2*3600*24) w l ls 5 lw 2 t "b = 0.20", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.10_kamb.txt" u ($1*1700/100000):($2*3600*24) w l ls 3 lw 2 t "b = 0.10", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.01_kamb.txt" u ($1*1700/100000):($2*3600*24) w l ls 1 lw 2 t "b = 0.01"
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_kamb.png b/examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_kamb.png
       Binary files differ.
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
       t@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
       -#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
       -## resemble Tulaczyk 2006 plot:
       -set terminal pngcairo color size 18.6 cm, 17.6 cm
       -set output "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_tulaczyk.png"
       -set xlabel "Normalized shear stress [-]"
       -set ylabel "Normalized shear strain rate [-]" offset 2
       -set xrange [0.1:10.0]
       -set yrange [1.0:1000.0]
       -set key top left #samplen 0.9
       -set logscale xy
       -load 'BlueSeq.plt'
       -# divide friction by threshold friction value (mu_s)
       -# divide shear velocity by 1 m/h
       -plot "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.94_tulaczyk.txt" u ($1/0.502):($2/3.4e-9) w l lc '#666666' lw 2 dashtype '-' t "b = 0.94", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.40_tulaczyk.txt" u ($1/0.502):($2/8.6e-9) w l ls 6 lw 2 t "b = 0.40", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.20_tulaczyk.txt" u ($1/0.502):($2/1.7e-8) w l ls 5 lw 2 t "b = 0.20", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.10_tulaczyk.txt" u ($1/0.502):($2/3.5e-8) w l ls 3 lw 2 t "b = 0.10", \
       -         "1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b0.01_tulaczyk.txt" u ($1/0.502):($2/3.5e-7) w l ls 1 lw 2 t "b = 0.01"
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_tulaczyk.png b/examples/1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_tulaczyk.png
       Binary files differ.
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/BlueSeq.plt b/examples/BlueSeq.plt
       t@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
       -# line styles for ColorBrewer Blues
       -# for use with sequential data
       -# provides 8 blue colors of increasing saturation
       -# compatible with gnuplot >=4.2
       -# derived from Anna Schneider
       -# line styles
       -set style line 1 lc rgb '#084594' # dark blue
       -set style line 2 lc rgb '#2171B5' #
       -set style line 3 lc rgb '#4292C6' # medium blue
       -set style line 4 lc rgb '#6BAED6' # 
       -set style line 5 lc rgb '#9ECAE1' # light blue
       -set style line 6 lc rgb '#C6DBEF' # 
       -set style line 7 lc rgb '#DEEBF7' # 
       -set style line 8 lc rgb '#F7FBFF' # very light blue
       -# palette
       -set palette defined ( 0 '#084594',\
       -    1 '#2171B5',\
       -    2 '#4292C6',\
       -    3 '#6BAED6',\
       -    4 '#9ECAE1',\
       -    5 '#C6DBEF',\
       -    6 '#DEEBF7',\
       -    7 '#F7FBFF')
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/Makefile b/examples/Makefile
       t@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
       -BIN = ../1d_fd_simple_shear
       -plots: 1d_fd_simple_shear.png \
       -        1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology.png \
       -        1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_kamb.png \
       -        1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_iverson.png \
       -        1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_tulaczyk.png \
       -        diurnal.timeseries.pdf
       -diurnal.mp4: diurnal.output00000.txt.png
       -        ffmpeg -i diurnal.output%05d.txt.png -y diurnal.mp4
       -diurnal.output00000.txt.png: diurnal.output00000.txt
       -        /bin/sh -c '\
       -        for f in diurnal.output*.txt; do \
       -                gnuplot -e "filename=\"$$f\"; p_min=\"0\"; p_max=\"100e3\"" \
       -               > $$f.png; \
       -        done'
       -diurnal.output00000.txt: $(BIN)
       -        /bin/sh -c '\
       -        ./$(BIN) --length 8.0 --normal-stress 150e3 \
       -        --fluid --fluid-permeability 2e-17 \
       -        --fluid-pressure-top 50e3 --fluid-pressure-ampl 100e3 \
       -        --fluid-pressure-freq $$( echo "1.0/(3600*24)" | bc -l ) \
       -        --file-interval $$( echo "60*10" | bc -l ) \
       -        --time-end $$( echo "3600*24*7" | bc -l ) diurnal'
       -diurnal.timeseries.txt: diurnal.output00000.txt
       -        /bin/sh -c '\
       -        for f in diurnal.output*.txt; do \
       -                tail -n 1 "$$f" | cut -f2- >> $@; \
       -        done'
       -diurnal.timeseries.pdf: diurnal.timeseries.txt
       -        gnuplot > $@
       -diurnal.gif: diurnal.mp4
       -        convert diurnal.output*.txt.png \
       -                -delay 1 -loop 0 -fuzz 10% -layers Optimize $@
       -1d_fd_simple_shear.png: $(BIN)
       -        /bin/sh -c '\
       -        for P in 10 20 40 60 80 120; do \
       -                ./$(BIN) --stress-ratio 0.44 -o 0.03 -L 0.64 -P $${P}e3 -N \
       -                        > 1d_fd_simple_shear_P$${P}kPa.txt; \
       -        done'
       -        gnuplot > $@
       -1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology.png: $(BIN)
       -        /bin/sh -c '\
       -        for b in $$(printf "0.01\n0.10\n"; jot 5 0.20 1.00); do \
       -                out="1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b$${b}.txt"; \
       -                rm -f "$$out"; \
       -                for t in $$(jot 80 0.01 0.80); do \
       -                        printf "$$t\t" >> "$$out"; \
       -                        ./$(BIN) -P 20e3 --stress-ratio $$t -b $$b | \
       -                        tail -n 1 | cut -f2 >> "$$out"; \
       -        done; done'
       -        gnuplot > $@
       -# 1 bar is equal to 100 kPa
       -1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_kamb.png: $(BIN) Makefile
       -        /bin/sh -c '\
       -        for b in 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.94; do \
       -                out="1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b$${b}_kamb.txt"; \
       -                rm -f "$$out"; \
       -                for t in $$(jot 200 0.01 2.0); do \
       -                        printf "$$t\t" >> "$$out"; \
       -                        ./$(BIN) -f 0.443 -C 1.0e3 -P 1.7e3 --stress-ratio $$t -b $$b | \
       -                        tail -n 1 | cut -f2 >> "$$out"; \
       -        done; done'
       -        gnuplot > $@
       -# shear-strain rate from 10^1 to 10^6 m/a
       -# friction around 0.55
       -1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_iverson.png: $(BIN)
       -        /bin/sh -c '\
       -        for b in $$(printf "0.01\n0.10\n"; jot 8 0.20 0.90) 0.94; do \
       -                out="1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b$${b}_iverson.txt"; \
       -                rm -f "$$out"; \
       -                for t in $$(jot 50 0.0001 1.0); do \
       -                        printf "$$t\t" >> "$$out"; \
       -                        ./$(BIN) -f 0.55 -P 100e3 -L 1.0 --stress-ratio $$t -b $$b | \
       -                        tail -n 1 | cut -f2 >> "$$out"; \
       -        done; done'
       -        gnuplot > $@
       -# shear velocity rate from 0.1 m/h to 100 m/h
       -1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_tulaczyk.png: $(BIN)
       -        /bin/sh -c '\
       -        for b in $$(printf "0.01\n0.10\n"; jot 8 0.20 1.0) 0.94; do \
       -                out="1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b$${b}_tulaczyk.txt"; \
       -                rm -f "$$out"; \
       -                for t in $$(jot 50 0.1000 0.9); do \
       -                        printf "$$t\t" >> "$$out"; \
       -                        ./$(BIN) -f 0.5 -P 10e3 --stress-ratio $$t -b $$b | \
       -                        tail -n 1 | cut -f2 >> "$$out"; \
       -        done; done'
       -        gnuplot > $@
       -        make -C ..
       -        rm -f *.txt
       -        rm -f *.png
       -        rm -f *.gif
       -        rm -f *.mp4
       -        rm -f *.pdf
       -        rm -f *.o
       -        rm -f 1d_fd_simple_shear.png
       -        rm -f 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology*.png
       -.PHONY: plots clean
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
       t@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
       -#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
       -#set terminal pdfcairo color size 10.0 cm, 5.0 cm
       -set terminal pdfcairo color size 10.0 cm, 8.0 cm
       -# set xrange [0.0:0.7]
       -# set yrange [0.0:0.01]
       -# set key top left #samplen 0.9
       -set multiplot layout 2,1
       -unset xlabel
       -unset xtics
       -set yrange [0:210]
       -set ylabel "Stress [kPa]" offset 2
       -plot \
       -"diurnal.timeseries.txt" u ($0/1008*7):($2/1000) w l lw 2 lc "black" t "effective normal stress", \
       -"" u ($0/1008*7):($3/1000) w l lw 2 lc "blue" dt "-" t "water pressure"
       -set xtics
       -unset yrange
       -set xlabel "Time, t [d]"
       -set ylabel "Shear velocity, v [km/d]" offset 2
       -plot "" u ($0/1008*7):($1*60*60*24/1000) w l lw 2 lc "red" t ""
       -unset multiplot