tChanges by eDgar: use test_optdepends, remove patch - petsc-git-PKGBUILD - build template for non-complex PETSC with petsc4py
 (HTM) git clone git://
 (DIR) Log
 (DIR) Files
 (DIR) Refs
 (DIR) commit acf8ee6afcc1b738e1337c2901eeb948346c64d6
 (DIR) parent b3de4b154ef9aa84493368218f6a96e13df17ed7
 (HTM) Author: Lucas Heitzmann Gabrielli <>
       Date:   Tue, 12 May 2020 12:13:21 -0300
       Changes by eDgar: use test_optdepends, remove patch
         M .SRCINFO                            |      30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
         M PKGBUILD                            |     134 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
         D patch.diff                          |      13 -------------
         A                  |     139 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       4 files changed, 262 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
       t@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
        pkgbase = petsc-git
       -        pkgdesc = Portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation
       -        pkgver = 20191031
       +        pkgdesc = Portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation with MUMPS, Hypre, FFTW, HDF5, Scalapack, Suitesparse, Metis, Scotch, Superlu, OpenBLAS, Eigen, OpenMP, HWloc, CGNS, PNG, MED and trilinos
       +        pkgver = 20200512
                pkgrel = 1
                url =
                install = petsc.install
       t@@ -10,18 +10,38 @@ pkgbase = petsc-git
                makedepends = gcc
                makedepends = gcc-fortran
                makedepends = cmake
       +        makedepends = sowing
                depends = python2
                depends = openmpi
                depends = boost
                depends = lapack
                depends = fftw
                depends = hdf5
       +        optdepends = hdf5: large files
       +        optdepends = fftw: Fast-Fourier Transform
       +        optdepends = openblas: Linear algebra libraries
       +        optdepends = scalapack: Parallel memory linear algebra
       +        optdepends = mumps: Sparse solver library
       +        optdepends = hypre: Large and sparse linear with massive parallel computing
       +        optdepends = suitesparse: Sparse matrix library
       +        optdepends = metis: Partitioning library (for meshes)
       +        optdepends = scotch: Partitioning with sparse matrices
       +        optdepends = superlu: Subroutines for sparsse linear systems
       +        optdepends = eigen: Lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math
       +        optdepends = openmp: Parallel distributed tasks
       +        optdepends = hwloc: Portable Hardware Locality (abstraction of hierarchical architectures)
       +        optdepends = cgns: Recording and recovering computer data
       +        optdepends = png
       +        optdepends = med>=4.0: Data Modelization and Exchanges (meshes)
       +        optdepends = boost: Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
       +        optdepends = yaml: configuration files
       +        optdepends = opencl: GPU computing
                provides = petsc
                conflicts = petsc
       -        source = petsc::git+
       -        source = patch.diff
       +        source = petsc::git+
       +        source =
                sha256sums = SKIP
       -        sha256sums = fdf016437dd94f33316e734e35858476aeea1ca0f3ab4d0ee36029b016498de7
       +        sha256sums = 2c21313b21b7a76ed4d39d040ef60462f8760ae3d4b76ff6aa717ebc43a2275b
        pkgname = petsc-git
 (DIR) diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
       t@@ -1,25 +1,76 @@
       +# Based on AUR petsc and petsc-git package. Adapted to my
       +# MOOSE requirements
        # Maintainer: Lucas H. Gabrielli <>
       -pkgdesc="Portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation"
       +pkgdesc="Portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation with MUMPS, Hypre, FFTW, HDF5, Scalapack, Suitesparse, Metis, Scotch, Superlu, OpenBLAS, Eigen, OpenMP, HWloc, CGNS, PNG, MED and trilinos"
        arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
        depends=('python2' 'openmpi' 'boost' 'lapack' 'fftw' 'hdf5')
       -makedepends=('gcc' 'gcc-fortran' 'cmake')
       +makedepends=('gcc' 'gcc-fortran' 'cmake' 'sowing')
       +optdepends=("hdf5: large files"
       +            "fftw: Fast-Fourier Transform"
       +            "openblas: Linear algebra libraries"
       +            "scalapack: Parallel memory linear algebra"
       +            "mumps: Sparse solver library"
       +            "hypre: Large and sparse linear with massive parallel computing"
       +            "suitesparse: Sparse matrix library"
       +            "metis: Partitioning library (for meshes)"
       +            "scotch: Partitioning with sparse matrices"
       +            "superlu: Subroutines for sparsse linear systems"
       +            "eigen: Lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math"
       +            "openmp: Parallel distributed tasks"
       +            "hwloc: Portable Hardware Locality (abstraction of hierarchical architectures)"
       +            "cgns: Recording and recovering computer data"
       +            "png"
       +            "med>=4.0: Data Modelization and Exchanges (meshes)"
       +            "boost: Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries"
       +            "yaml: configuration files"
       +            "opencl: GPU computing")
       -        patch.diff)
       -            'fdf016437dd94f33316e734e35858476aeea1ca0f3ab4d0ee36029b016498de7')
       +            '2c21313b21b7a76ed4d39d040ef60462f8760ae3d4b76ff6aa717ebc43a2275b')
       +# From UPC: Building And Using Static And Shared "C" Libraries.html #
       +# #+begin_QUOTE                                                     #
       +# we need that all jump calls ("goto", in assembly speak)           #
       +# and subroutine calls will use relative addresses, and not         #
       +# absolute addresses. Thus, we need to use ... ~-fPIC~ or           #
       +# ~-fpic~                                                           #
       +# #+end_QUOTE                                                       #
       +#  From makepkg.conf                                                          #
       +# -march (or -mcpu) builds exclusively for an architecture                    #
       +# -mtune optimizes for an architecture, but builds for whole processor family #
       +# -O3 optimises
       +generic_flags="-fPIC -fopenmp -O3 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic"
       +# generic_flags="-fPIC -fopenmp -O3 -march=amdfam10 -mtune=generic"
       +export   COPTFLAGS=-O3
       +export CXXOPTFLAGS=-O3
       +export   FOPTFLAGS=-O3
       +export    CPPFLAGS="$generic_flags -O2 -D-FORTIFY-SOURCE=2"
       +export      CFLAGS="$generic_flags"
       +export    CXXFLAGS="$generic_flags"
       +export      FFLAGS="$generic_flags"
       +export     FCFLAGS="$generic_flags"
       +export    F90FLAGS="$generic_flags"
       +export    F77FLAGS="$generic_flags"
        pkgver() {
          cd petsc
       t@@ -35,39 +86,67 @@ prepare() {
          done < <( find ${srcdir} -name "*" -type f -exec grep -le "$MATCH" \{\} + )
          cd "${srcdir}/petsc"
       -  patch -p1 < ../patch.diff
       +  # patch -p1 < ../patch.diff
       +  sed -i 's-\(self.publicInstall[^=]*=[[:space:]]\)[^#]*-\10 -g' config/BuildSystem/config/
       +  sed -i "s/\(raise RuntimeError('--download-openblas libraries cannot be used')\)/#\1/" config/BuildSystem/config/packages/
        build() {
          cd petsc
       -  CONFOPTS='--with-shared-libraries=1 --COPTFLAGS=-O3 --CXXOPTFLAGS=-O3 --with-cxx-dialect=C++11 --with-mpi=1 --with-fftw=1 --with-hdf5=1 --with-zlib=1'
       +  declare -a CONFOPTS
       +  # Run python2 ./configure --help for the meaning of this
       +  CONFOPTS=(
       +    --COPTFLAGS="$COPTFLAGS"
       +    --CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS"
       +    --CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
       +    --CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"
       +    --FFLAGS="$FFLAGS"
       +    --FCFLAGS="$FCFLAGS"
       +    --F90FLAGS="$F90FLAGS"
       +    --F77FLAGS="$F77FLAGS"
       +    --with-cxx-dialect=C++11
       +    --with-mpi=1
       +    --with-pic=1
       +    --with-shared-libraries=1
       +    --with-zlib=1
       +    --with-scalar-type=complex
       +    # Add this to
       +    --with-opencl=1
       +    --with-yaml=1
       +  )
          # if --with-debugging=1 is set then PETSC_ARCH is automatically set to
          # "linux-c-debug" for some things, so _config should be changed to "linux-c-debug"
          #CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-debugging=1"
       -  # Removed pastix due to incompatibility with current MPI (2019-10-31)
       -  for external_pkg in amd eigen hypre metis mumps parmetis party ptscotch scalapack suitesparse sundials superlu superlu_dist
       -  do
       -    CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --download-${external_pkg}=1"
       -  done
       +  CONFOPTS=( "${CONFOPTS[@]}" $(sh "${srcdir}"/ )
       +  dirpkg=${srcdir}/petsc/${_petsc_arch}/externalpackages/
          export PETSC_DIR="${srcdir}/petsc"
          export PETSC_ARCH="${_petsc_arch}"
       -  python2 ./configure LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" --prefix=/opt/petsc/${_config} ${CONFOPTS}
       +  python2 ./configure LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" \
       +          --prefix=/usr/petsc/${_config} \
       +          --MAKEFLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS" \
       +          $(for (( i=1; i<=${#CONFOPTS[@]}; i++)); do
       +              echo "${CONFOPTS[$i]}";
       +            done)
       +  make clean
          make all
        package() {
          cd petsc
       -  _install_dir=/opt/petsc/${_config}
       +  _install_dir=/usr/petsc/${_config}
          export PETSC_DIR=${_build_dir}
          export PETSC_ARCH="${_petsc_arch}"
       t@@ -88,7 +167,7 @@ package() {
          #mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/petsc/include
          #cp -r ${_build_dir}/include/*.html ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/petsc/include/
       -  # install licence (even though there is no such word as licenses)
       +  # install license (even though there is no such word as licenses)
          install -Dm 644 ${_build_dir}/LICENSE ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE
          mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/etc/profile.d"
       t@@ -99,22 +178,5 @@ package() {
          install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/etc/"
          echo "${_install_dir}/lib" > "${pkgdir}/etc/"
       -        sed -i "s#-L${_build_dir}/${_petsc_arch}/lib ##" "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/lib/pkgconfig/PETSc.pc"
       -  sed -i \
       -    -e "s#prefix=.*#prefix=${_install_dir}#" \
       -    -e "s#libdir=.*#libdir=\${prefix}/lib#" \
       -    -e "s#includedir=.*#includedir=\${prefix}/include#" \
       -    "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/lib/pkgconfig/superlu.pc"
       -  sed -i \
       -    -e "s#prefix=.*#prefix=${_install_dir}#" \
       -    -e "s#libdir=.*#libdir=\${prefix}/lib#" \
       -    -e "s#includedir=.*#includedir=\${prefix}/include#" \
       -    "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/lib/pkgconfig/superlu_dist.pc"
       -  sed -i \
       -    -e "s#prefix=.*#prefix=${_install_dir};#" \
       -    -e "s#libdir=.*#libdir=\${prefix}/lib;#" \
       -    "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/lib/petsc/bin/sundials-config"
       -  # install pkgconfig settings
       -  #install -Dm 644 "${_build_dir}/${_petsc_arch}/lib/pkgconfig/PETSc.pc" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pkgconfig/PETSc.pc"
       +  sed -i "s#-L${_build_dir}/${_petsc_arch}/lib ##" "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/lib/pkgconfig/PETSc.pc"
 (DIR) diff --git a/patch.diff b/patch.diff
       t@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
       -diff --git a/config/BuildSystem/config/ b/config/BuildSystem/config/
       -index d7777d623b..9dfcf66cee 100644
       ---- a/config/BuildSystem/config/
       -+++ b/config/BuildSystem/config/
       -@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Package(config.base.Configure):
       -     self.excludedDirs           = []   # list of directory names that could be false positives, SuperLU_DIST when looking for SuperLU
       -     self.downloadonWindows      = 0  # 1 means the --download-package works on Microsoft Windows
       -     self.requirescxx11          = 0
       --    self.publicInstall          = 1  # Installs the package in the --prefix directory if it was given. Packages that are only used
       -+    self.publicInstall          = 0  # Installs the package in the --prefix directory if it was given. Packages that are only used
       -                                      # during the configuration/installation process such as sowing, make etc should be marked as 0
       -     self.parallelMake           = 1  # 1 indicates the package supports make -j np option
 (DIR) diff --git a/ b/
       t@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
       +# Test if external packages for PETSC are installed
       +# CONFOPTS=""
       +# # External downloads
       +# for external_pkg in hypre fblaslapack metis parmetis superlu_dist mumps scalapack; do
       +#         CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --download-${external_pkg}=1"
       +# done
       +# Add hypre support
       +if [ -f "/usr/lib/" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-hypre=1"
       +# Add mumps support
       +if [ -f "/usr/lib/" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-mumps=1"
       +# Add fftw support
       +if [ -f "/usr/lib/" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-fftw=1"
       +# Add hdf5 support
       +if [[ "$(h5stat -V)" ]]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-hdf5=1"
       +# Add scalapack support
       +if [ -f "/usr/lib/pkgconfig/scalapack.pc" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-scalapack=1"
       +# Add suitesparse support
       +if [ -f "/usr/include/SuiteSparse_config.h" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-suitesparse=1"
       +# Add metis support
       +if [ -f "/usr/include/metis.h" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-metis=1"
       +        # Add parmetis support
       +        if [ -f "/usr/include/parmetis.h" ]; then
       +                CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-parmetis=1"
       +        fi
       +# Add scotch support
       +if [ -d "${SCOTCH_DIR}" ]; then
       +        SCOTCH_LIBS=",,,,"
       +        # Include bzip2 if scotch was build with bzip2 support
       +        if [ -f /usr/include/bzlib.h ];then
       +                SCOTCH_LIBS="${SCOTCH_LIBS},"
       +        fi
       +        SCOTCH_LIBS="[${SCOTCH_LIBS}]"
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-ptscotch=1 --with-ptscotch-lib=${SCOTCH_LIBS} --with-ptscotch-include=${SCOTCH_DIR}"
       +# Add superlu support
       +if [ -d "${SUPERLU_DIR}" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-superlu=1 --with-superlu-lib=-lsuperlu --with-superlu-include=${SUPERLU_DIR}"
       +# Incompatible with complex
       +# # Add sundials support
       +# SUNDIALS_DIR="/usr/include/sundials/"
       +# if [ -d "${SUNDIALS_DIR}" ]; then
       +#         CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-sundials=1 --with-sundials-include=${SUNDIALS_DIR}"
       +# fi
       +# Add openblas support
       +if [ -f "/usr/lib/" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-openblas=1"
       +# Add OpenCL support
       +if [ -f "${OPENCL_DIR}/cl.h" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-opencl=1"
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-opencl=0"
       +# Add eigen support
       +if [ -d "${EIGEN_DIR}" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-eigen=1 --with-eigen-include=${EIGEN_DIR}"
       +# Add OpenMP support
       +if [ -f "/usr/lib/" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-openmp=1"
       +# Add hwloc support
       +if [ -f "/usr/lib/" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-hwloc=1 --with-hwloc-pkg-config=/usr/lib/pkgconfig/"
       +# Add CGNS support
       +if [ -f "/usr/lib/" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-cgns=1"
       +# Add PNG support
       +if [ -f "/usr/lib/" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-png=1 --with-png-pkg-config=/usr/lib/pkgconfig/"
       +# Add MED support
       +if [ -f "/usr/lib/" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-med=1"
       +# # Add pastix support
       +# PASTIX_CONF=$(which pastix-conf)
       +# if [ -f "${PASTIX_CONF}" ]; then
       +#         PASTIX_DIR="$($PASTIX_CONF --incs | sed 's/-I//')"
       +#         if [ ! -d ${PASTIX_DIR} ]; then
       +#                 PASTIX_DIR="[]"
       +#         fi
       +#         #PASTIX_LIBS="$($PASTIX_CONF --libs)"
       +#         PASTIX_LIBS="[libpastix.a,,,libpthread.a]"
       +#         CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-pastix=1 --with-pastix-lib=${PASTIX_LIBS} --with-pastix-include=${PASTIX_DIR}"
       +# fi
       +# Add trilinos support
       +if [ "${TRILINOS_DIR}" ]; then
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-ml-dir=${TRILINOS_DIR}"
       +        # Add boost support (may be useful for trilinos)
       +        CONFOPTS="${CONFOPTS} --with-boost=1"
       +echo "${CONFOPTS}"