(TXT) Moderated group posting
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) ASCii/ANSi groups
 (TXT) Request: ASCII bats?
 (TXT) REQUEST: Tropical fish
 (TXT) Line: Marvin the Martian
 (TXT) Line: Wanna see a big snake???
 (TXT) Line: ASCII bats?
 (TXT) Line: Birthday art
 (TXT) REQUEST: Boxing stuff
 (TXT) Line-talk: Japanese building
 (TXT) Repost: Insect ASCii art
 (TXT) Line-talk: Sig
 (TXT) Line: BBS login
 (TXT) Request: < 5 line ascii of the USA
 (TXT) Talk: Ranma
 (TXT) Line: Mosquito
 (TXT) Line: Akina: A Japanese pop star
 (TXT) Line: My sig...
 (TXT) Question: Does anyone have an ASCII "story"?
 (TXT) Line: Big Lizard
 (TXT) Line: Harley Motor Bike
 (TXT) Info: Need a good sig?
 (TXT) Question: Where is a gif to ascii converter?
 (TXT) Line: Piano keys
 (TXT) Talk: Including phone number in sig
 (TXT) Line: "Under Construction" Art
 (TXT) Line: Japanese building
 (TXT) REQUEST: Daffy Duck
 (TXT) Answer: Where to find ASCII illustrated stories
 (TXT) Request: Snoopy
 (TXT) GIF: Tweety and Granny
 (TXT) Line: Harley Motor Bike
 (TXT) Line: Girl
 (TXT) Talk: ASCii groups
 (TXT) INFO: SIGGEN PRO 2 - Revision C - Signature Generator.
 (TXT) Request: I seak line 'Holyday's
 (TXT) Line: Fairy?
 (TXT) Talk: My sig...
 (TXT) Line: Marvin the Martian
 (TXT) Request: urgent need of a knight
 (TXT) LIne: pic
 (TXT) Line: Biohazard
 (TXT) Line: Want to see MY snake?
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) Line: dragon, pheonix, etc. ;)
 (TXT) Line: Fireworks
 (TXT) Line: Not-so-compact Amiga Work Station
 (TXT) Line: Cats
 (TXT) ANNOUNCE: ANSI and ASCII Group...Check it out!!!
 (TXT) Line: Cat
 (TXT) Line: Peanuts gang
 (TXT) REQUEST: salmon ( or fish ) ascii art
 (TXT) Request: Sig; Was: Info: Need a good sig?
 (TXT) Line: Medusa
 (TXT) Line: StarFleet/Trek logo
 (TXT) REQUEST: Mosquito
 (TXT) Request: Opus
 (TXT) Line: A sig
 (TXT) Line: Wanna see a big snake???
 (TXT) Line: Compiled Smileys List -- 7/25/95 Update
 (TXT) Talk: Wanna see a big snake???
 (TXT) Line: Baby dragon
 (TXT) Line: Bird from talker
 (TXT) Info: GoFiglet Utility
 (TXT) Request: for a Yin-Yang
 (TXT) Request: Figlet Help Please!!
 (TXT) Line: It's a Small World
 (TXT) Line: ASCII bat
 (TXT) REQUEST: Steamboats
 (TXT) Request: "That's all, Folks!"
 (TXT) Talk: Wanna see a big snake???
 (TXT) Request: A cool demon
 (TXT) Line: My sig...
 (TXT) Answer: Where alt.ascii-art is
 (TXT) Line-talk: Sig
 (TXT) Line: Wanna see a hugh snake???
 (TXT) Line: Fountain Pen
 (TXT) Info: GIF Converter
 (TXT) Line: a whole slew of new coleslaw ascii's
 (TXT) Line: Wanna see a big snake???
 (TXT) Request!: Gargoyle????
 (TXT) Line: Motorcycles
 (TXT) Line: Snoopy and Garfield!
 (TXT) Question: What's in the sig?
 (TXT) Line: Telephones
 (TXT) Line: Portugal -> my new sig
 (TXT) Line: My new SIG you like
 (TXT) Line: Marvin the Martian
 (TXT) Line: My sig...
 (TXT) Line: Talker pics
 (TXT) Line: U of Washington
 (TXT) REQUEST: Sesame Street
 (TXT) Request: Farside Asciis
 (TXT) Request: Harley Motor Bike
 (TXT) Request: ASCII Viewer
 (TXT) Request: monkeys
 (TXT) request: labrador dog
 (TXT) Line-talk: Sigs
 (TXT) Line: Fairy
 (TXT) Request: signature with ...
 (TXT) Line: My first (weak) attempt..Hot Air Balloons
 (TXT) Line: Tigger
 (TXT) Line: Piano keys
 (TXT) Line: Tigger
 (TXT) Line-Talk: Fairy credits
 (TXT) Request: Under Construction Art
 (TXT) Line: Vacation
 (TXT) Question: Where is the alt.ascii-art newgroup?
 (TXT) REQUEST: Baby art ASCii
 (TXT) REQUEST: Insect ASCii art
 (TXT) Gif: Marilyn
 (TXT) Line-talk: Veritech
 (TXT) Request: Help with ascii letters.
 (TXT) Line: Owls...
 (TXT) Line: Ranma
 (TXT) Question: Where is the Wall Dictionary
 (TXT) Line: Tigger
 (TXT) Line: Sesame Street (1)
 (TXT) Line: Sesame Street (2)
 (TXT) REQUEST: EROTIC ascii-art NEEDED, (will pay)
 (TXT) TALK: ASCII artists please read
 (TXT) LINE: ET the Extraterrestrial
 (TXT) Request: Looking for Ancii Hawks
 (TXT) Request: horse
 (TXT) Line: Smiley
 (TXT) Line: Sports logo
 (TXT) Line: armadillo
 (TXT) Line: Variation on Castle
 (TXT) Line-talk: Tinkerbell
 (TXT) Info: Gofiglet FIGLET Utility
 (TXT) Info: Figlet Home Page
 (TXT) Line: Harley Motor Bike
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) Question: Where is a gif to ascii converter?
 (TXT) Request: New England states
 (TXT) Talk: Mini line art
 (TXT) Line: Simpsons Child Abuse Picture
 (TXT) Question: How insert hex-values for ascii characters?
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) REQUEST: Owls...
 (TXT) Answer: Where to get Figlet, etc.
 (TXT) Answer: How to make ansi, text on yellow background
 (TXT) Line: New Bikes
 (TXT) REQUEST: ET the Extraterrestrial
 (TXT) Line: Texas
 (TXT) Request: Bear
 (TXT) Talk-line: Gargoyle
 (TXT) Line: Transformers; Request: More of same
 (TXT) Line: Peanuts Gang
 (TXT) Line: Veritech
 (TXT) Line: Eeyore
 (TXT) line: Flamingo
 (TXT) Line: Smilies
 (TXT) GIF: Elephant
 (TXT) Font: Cosmic
 (TXT) Line: Mushroom cloud
 (TXT) REQUEST: Seasme Street and Muppets
 (TXT) Line-talk: Empire diddle
 (TXT) Request: Harley Motor Bike
 (TXT) Line: "Ossie"
 (TXT) Line: FICS login screen; Request: New screen
 (TXT) Line: Horse
 (TXT) Line: Cartoons
 (TXT) Talk: Horse
 (TXT) Line-talk: Tinkerbell
 (TXT) Line: Robotman (original)
 (TXT) Line: Indiana P a c e r s logo
 (TXT) Line-talk: Sigs
 (TXT) Line: Birthday cake
 (TXT) Line: Coleslaw pics
 (TXT) Line: Flowers
 (TXT) Line: Winnie the Pooh collection
 (TXT) Line: Musical staff
 (TXT) Line: Misc
 (TXT) Request: Armadillo
 (TXT) Line: Seasme Street and Muppets
 (TXT) Line: Hog
 (TXT) Request: Musical Staff with notes
 (TXT) 3-D: Tile
 (TXT) Talk: Latest Tile
 (TXT) Line: Map of Denmark
 (TXT) Request: giraffs
 (TXT) Request: Globe Animation?
 (TXT) Line: fruitopia
 (TXT) Request: Paladin, or info.
 (TXT) Line: The Spying at the Wall Dict. - July '95 Edition
 (TXT) Line: tile
 (TXT) Answer: How to make ansi, text on yellow background
 (TXT) Line: Rabbits and Weasels
 (TXT) Line-talk: My first shot...
 (TXT) Line: Band Logos
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Elephants
 (TXT) Talk: Questions for ascii artists
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Frogs and turtles
 (TXT) Line: yet another slaw ascii
 (TXT) Line: Medusa in Ascii
 (TXT) Line: Space Shuttle
 (TXT) Line: Hugs
 (TXT) Info: Figlet
 (TXT) Talk: Questions for ascii artists
 (TXT) Line-Talk: What is this?
 (TXT) Line-talk: Volleyball
 (TXT) Line-Talk: Volleyball
 (TXT) Line-Talk: Volleyball
 (TXT) Request: Dracula
 (TXT) Line: Medusa
 (TXT) Line: Medusa
 (TXT) Line: "Genfab"
 (TXT) College Logos: Auburn
 (TXT) Line: Bart
 (TXT) Request: lizards
 (TXT) Request: soda bottle
 (TXT) Request: Monk needed pronto
 (TXT) Line: scene
 (TXT) Line: Mini line art
 (TXT) Request: Sig
 (TXT) Line: Map of Brazil
 (TXT) Answer: What is this?
 (TXT) REQUEST: Apache or any helo.
 (TXT) REQUEST: Birthday art
 (TXT) Talk-line: Peter pan's Tinkerbell
 (TXT) Request: Cartoon Ascii pictures wanted
 (TXT) Request: Small Einstein
 (TXT) Request: Small Einstein
 (TXT) Line-Talk: Volleyball
 (TXT) REQUEST: Anime art
 (TXT) Line: rep-tile
 (TXT) Answer: How to make ansi, text on yellow background
 (TXT) Request: Babies, Please!
 (TXT) Question: How do you do it?
 (TXT) Question: How to make ansi, text on yellow background
 (TXT) Line: Phoenix
 (TXT) Line: Gryphon/Griffen
 (TXT) Line: Self-portrait
 (TXT) Line: bilderchen (small pictures)
 (TXT) Line: birthday
 (TXT) REQUEST: A magical theme of ASCII art
 (TXT) Talk: A new idea for ascii art; Software: html code
 (TXT) GIF: Pigs
 (TXT) Info: Sheung's html
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) REQUEST: The Simpsons (any one of them)
 (TXT) Talk: How do you do it?
 (TXT) Line: Rose
 (TXT) REQUEST: A magical theme of ASCII art
 (TXT) INFO: VT_100_Animations
 (TXT) GIF: Frank Zappa
 (TXT) GIF: Frank Zappa
 (TXT) GIF: Windows 95
 (TXT) Line: Phoenix
 (TXT) Line: Bear
 (TXT) Request: lizards
 (TXT) Request: rose for signature line
 (TXT) GIF: Tonorto Blue Jays
 (TXT) Question: What is this?
 (TXT) Question: How to turn off the blinkinf cursor
 (TXT) Talk: This Area
 (TXT) Request: Dogs playing poker
 (TXT) Line: Signatures
 (TXT) Talk: This Area
 (TXT) GIF-Line: Just some stuff I stole...JESTER(s), EAGLE HEAD, MK LOGO.
 (TXT) Talk: oops.. Smush Mode again..
 (TXT) Software: Pic2Ansi [pic2ans.arj.uu]
 (TXT) Line: And now, a coyote
 (TXT) Info: Signature Generator
 (TXT) Info: Simpsons animation
 (TXT) Line: Mushroom Cloud
 (TXT) 3D-Talk: stereogram
 (TXT) Line: Faces
 (TXT) Line: Faces
 (TXT) GIF: More Lion King
 (TXT) Answer: What is this?
 (TXT) Answer: What is this?
 (TXT) Request: Peter pan's Tinkerbell
 (TXT) Talk: How I Do ASCII Art
 (TXT) Request: Einstein
 (TXT) Request: "Tin-tin's" dog, "Snowy"
 (TXT) Line: Fun tiles
 (TXT) Request: 8 line circle
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: Beavis & Butthead
 (TXT) REQUEST: Crown plizzz
 (TXT) Talk: Scarecrow's conversions
 (TXT) GIF-talk: Scarecrow's conversions
 (TXT) INFO: Art and Design Competition
 (TXT) Line: Alligator/Crocodile
 (TXT) REQUEST: Sanrio Characters For Sig
 (TXT) Info: Browsable sig collection...
 (TXT) Info: Figlet Servers via the Web
 (TXT) LINE: Sonic the Hedgehog; REQUEST: Polishing up Sonic
 (TXT) Line: Firecrackers
 (TXT) line: ascii by coleslaw
 (TXT) line: another slaw ascii
 (TXT) Line: this 1 is 4 queensryche fans
 (TXT) Line: Person; Request: Tigger
 (TXT) Line: Another .sig to view...
 (TXT) Line: Rose
 (TXT) Line: Targon (Ed Wisniewski) part 1
 (TXT) Line: Targon (Ed Wisniewski) part 2
 (TXT) Line: Phoenix (Roy Sussman) part 2
 (TXT) Line: Susie (Oviatt) part 1
 (TXT) Line: Susie (Oviatt) part 2
 (TXT) Line: Susie (Oviatt) part 3
 (TXT) Line: Susie (Oviatt) part 4
 (TXT) Info: Susie Oviatt collection on FTP, Gopher and Web now
 (TXT) Line: Beavis & Butthead
 (TXT) Line: Targon (Ed Wisniewski) part 3
 (TXT) Line: Targon (Ed Wisniewski) part 4
 (TXT) Line: Targon (Ed Wisniewski) part 5
 (TXT) Line: Targon (Ed Wisniewski) part 6
 (TXT) Line: Phoenix (Roy Sussman) part 1
 (TXT) Line: Alligator/Crocodile