~~[[ T H E  G O P H E R  L A W N ]]~~
       _____[[ T_E_L_N_E_T ]]
       telnet services
 (TEL) Dura-Europa BBS
       The Dura-Europa BBS system.
 (TEL) DEC VAX/VMS @ FreakNet MediaLab - glorghnorth
       (emulated) VAX 3900 with OpenVMS 7.2 housing games and programming
 (TEL) DEC VAX/VMS @ FreakNet MediaLab - snorrvijoier
       (emulated) VAX 3900 with OpenVMS 7.2 housing games and programming
 (TEL) Freechess
       Play Freechess over telnet.
 (TEL) Guncho Cybersphere RPG
       Play the cybersphere RPG.
 (TEL) Multiplayer Zork 1
       Play multiplayer Zork 1 against your friends.
 (TEL) DJ's place BBS (impakt.net)
       Dj's BBS at impakt.net.
       An OpenStreetMap world map viewer.
 (DIR) Moo Canada's Gopher Server
       The gopherhole provides access to all public code in the Moo Canada
 (DIR) Nemesis Gopher Server
       The gopherhole of the Nemesis MUD let you access the list of active
       users, world maps and help files.
 (TEL) Netsville Cybersphere RPG
       Play the cybersphere RPG.
 (TEL) Synchronet BBS (bbs.kd3.us)
       Synchronet BBS node at k3d.us, hosting historical utilities, games,
       documentation and more.
 (TEL) Synchronet BBS (synchro.net)
       Synchronet BBS node at synchro.net, hosting historical utilities,
       games, documentation and more.
 (DIR) Telnet Games
       A collection of telnet games you can fight against eachother.
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