opus5: add the interview about geomidae - tgtimes - The Gopher Times
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 (HTM) Author: Josuah Demangeon <me@josuah.net>
       Date:   Fri, 13 May 2022 19:16:34 +0200
       opus5: add the interview about geomidae
         M opus5/article-20h-geomyidae.mw      |     150 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
       1 file changed, 149 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/opus5/article-20h-geomyidae.mw b/opus5/article-20h-geomyidae.mw
       @@ -1,4 +1,152 @@
        .SH 20h
       -New geomyidae release
       +20h Presents: Geomyidae
       +This project existed since a while, and kept improving.
       +In this interview with 20h, he shows us what Geomyidae's got under the hood.
       +What is Geomyidae?
       +Geomyidae is a Unix/Linux daemon/service serving the gopher protocol.
       +So what is gopher?
       +Gopher here is an internet protocol, which was first developed at the University of Minnesota.
       +After its short success, it declined, but is now striving again to be used for its simplicity and hierarchy.
       +For better visual display of your gopher experience, use something like links, lynx or sacc.
       +Those are gopher clients.
       +How does Geomyidae help with getting started with gopher?
       +The installation of Geomyidae is very simple.
       +You can setup your Geomyidae right away:
       +git clone git://bitreich.org/geomyidae
       +cd geomyidae
       +./geomyidae -b $(pwd) -p 7070 &
       +curl -s gopher://localhost:7070
       +Yes, curl supports gopher!
       +And it supports gopher and TLS too!
       +Are there many alternatives among gopher daemons?
       +Yes, there are many.
       +Some are there due to historical reasons, others have gone out of shape over time.
       +One of the most popular alternatives is pygopherd.
       +How does Geomyidae compares to other implementations?
       +Geomyidae offers a unique simple way of expressing gopher content.
       +See the manpage or the examples in the source for how .gph files are formatted.
       +And it does just what you want it to do.
       +No strange abstraction files like in the original gopher daemons are the default way.
       +In the newest release of Geomyidae compatibility scripts were added.
       +But those are to preserve the unique history of gopher.
       +Did Geomyidae have significant evolutions since the beginning?
       +Originally Geomyidae was named gopherd for Plan 9.
       +It then was ported over to Linux.
       +On Linux it was renamed to Geomyidae.
       +During that development much has happened: There were significant speedups (due to the patches and work of other people!), features were added especially in new dynamic content handling.
       +You can easily see all features in the documentation and especially the simple manpage.
       +Does Geomyidae work with all gopher clients?
       +Geomyidae supports the original protocol from the beginning, up to modern gopher with TLS.
       +For the intermediary gopher+ protocol there is a compatibility layer.
       +Has NSA inserted a backdoor onto Geomyidae?
       +I am not allowed to tell you.
       +How does gopher help with privacy?
       +The gopher protocol has the unique property that all data you send over the line can be easily controlled and seen.
       +This is different to HTTP, where headers, HTML and Javascript got so complex, it is uncontrollable.
       +See the gopher onion project (gopher://bitreich.org/1/onion) for how to combine this with tor for total privacy and anonymity.
       +Are there TLS support on some gopher clients already?
       +There is support in curl, mpv/ffmpeg, sacc and more.
       +It is very easy to add TLS support to any client.
       +You simply connect via TLS and if it works, keep that connection open.
       +s,via TLS,& on the gopher TCP port (default: 70),
       +Are there been any evolution of the gopher protocol itself since the beginning of Geomyidae?
       +The technology used is simple.
       +Gopher does not allow requests, which begin with the first bytes of a TLS request.
       +So any proper and old gopher daemon will simply refuse the connection.
       +Then the client is free to reconnect without TLS based on its security configuration.
       +Any ISDN line will handle such probing requests for TLS easily.
       +Did Geomyidae have to adapt itself to the gopher protocol? Did it make gopher change?
       +Geomyidae changed the part of gophespace it was able to reach.
       +Many servers run on Geomyidae.
       +There is software written just for Geomyidae and its gph format.
       +The TLS extension of the protocol came from Bitreich / Geomyidae.
       +We also set the standard to simply use UTF-8 as default representation in gopher menus and so bring it into the 21st century.
       +I can conclude: Yes, Geomyidae changed and will change gopher.
       +Have you seen Geomyidae ever used outside a hobby project?
       +Well, Bitreich is serious in changing the software world.
       +Most of gopherspace is »hobby projects«.
       +But then, most of gopherspace is made from heart blood and love, which makes it part of the life of the authors.
       +Is Geomyidae ready for non-hobby uses?
       +Geomyidae is ready for any use.
       +It is stable and optimized to scale better than the cloud.
       +Geomyidae uses ".gph" files.
       +Does it replace the gophermap standard?
       +Yes, in Geomyidae it does.
       +Gph is simpler and easier to adapt to, especially when you come from some markup world.
       +Does Geomyidae support dynamic pages?
       +Geomyidae supports two forms of dynamic pages: One which uses the gph markup and one, where the script/application outputs raw gopher output.
       +Additionally it supports in the latest release a form of REST, where paths are transformed into arguments to scripts.
       +There is also support for index.dcgi/index.cgi scripts to have better looking paths and URIs.
       +Is Geomyidae already packaged in some Linux/BSD distributions?
       +As far as I know it is packaged in gentoo, Archlinux (and more), all BSDs.
       +18:32 <@__20h__> Since it is so simple to package: Just extract the tarball, run make and make install, the packages are easily made for any package manager.
       +What is planned for the next releases of Geomyidae?
       +As of now I have worked through my whole long-standing TODO list for Geomyidae.
       +New ideas will evolve from people sending in patches or through practical need.
       +Geomyidae follows the Bitreich manifesto (gopher://bitreich.org/0/documents/bitreich-manifesto.md), where a software can be done.
       +How to get involved? Getting help, discussing, bug hunting, code contribution, documentation...
       +If anyone wants to get involved, first download Geomyidae, run it, have fun using it, creating gopher content.
       +If you run into problems, have patches or suggestions, come on ircs://irc.bitreich.org/#bitreich-en and discuss with us your problem.
       +For e-mail, send such requests to 20h@r-36.net.
       +All contact is in the manpage too.
       +Can I have an ice cream?
       +Yes, you will get one, once we meet again.