Adding args unlib patch. - smu - smu - simple markup (Markdown) processor (fork, fixes + features)
 (HTM) git clone git://
 (DIR) Log
 (DIR) Files
 (DIR) Refs
 (DIR) commit 3584331433b743f4c0f9b6ca82180e0e55bf00d1
 (DIR) parent b2712c1480271f92a7c2667b6be398c33973edf7
 (HTM) Author: Enno Boland (Gottox) <>
       Date:   Sat, 28 Jun 2008 21:06:02 +0200
       Adding args unlib patch.
         M Makefile                            |      13 +++----------
         M                           |       1 -
         M smu.c                               |     579 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
       3 files changed, 567 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
       @@ -4,11 +4,9 @@
        SRC    = smu.c
       -LIBSRC = libsmu.c
        OBJ    = ${SRC:.c=.o}
       -LIBOBJ = ${LIBSRC:.c=.o}
       -all: options libsmu.a smu
       +all: options smu
                @echo smu build options:
       @@ -22,13 +20,9 @@ options:
       -libsmu.a: ${LIBOBJ}
       -        @echo AR $@
       -        @${AR} $@ ${LIBOBJ}
        smu: ${OBJ}
                @echo LD $@
       -        @${CC} -o $@ ${OBJ} ${LDFLAGS} -L. -lsmu
       +        @${CC} -o $@ ${OBJ} ${LDFLAGS}
                @echo cleaning
       @@ -37,8 +31,7 @@ clean:
        dist: clean
                @echo creating dist tarball
                @mkdir -p smu-${VERSION}
       -        @cp -R LICENSE Makefile \
       -                smu.1 ${SRC} ${LIBSRC} smu.h smu-${VERSION}
       +        @cp -R LICENSE Makefile smu.1 ${SRC} smu-${VERSION}
                @tar -cf smu-${VERSION}.tar smu-${VERSION}
                @gzip smu-${VERSION}.tar
                @rm -rf smu-${VERSION}
 (DIR) diff --git a/ b/
       @@ -18,4 +18,3 @@ LDFLAGS = ${LIBS}
        # compiler
        CC = cc
       -AR = ar crsv
 (DIR) diff --git a/smu.c b/smu.c
       @@ -1,29 +1,578 @@
       -/* libsmu - simple markup library
       +/* smu - simple markup
         * Copyright (C) <2007, 2008> Enno Boland <g s01 de>
         * See LICENSE for further informations
       +#include <stdarg.h>
       +#include <stdio.h>
        #include <stdlib.h>
        #include <string.h>
       -#include "smu.h"
       +#define BUFFERSIZE 512
       +#define LENGTH(x)  sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])
       +#define ADDC(b,i)  if(i % BUFFERSIZE == 0) { b = realloc(b, (i + BUFFERSIZE) * sizeof(b)); if(!b) eprint("Malloc failed."); } b[i]
       +typedef int (*Parser)(const char *, const char *, int);
       +typedef struct {
       +        char *search;
       +        int process;
       +        char *before, *after;
       +} Tag;
       +static int doamp(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock);       /* Parser for & */
       +static int dogtlt(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock);      /* Parser for < and > */
       +static int dohtml(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock);      /* Parser for html */
       +static int dolineprefix(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock);/* Parser for line prefix tags */
       +static int dolink(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock);      /* Parser for links and images */
       +static int dolist(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock);      /* Parser for lists */
       +static int doparagraph(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock); /* Parser for paragraphs */
       +static int doreplace(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock);   /* Parser for simple replaces */
       +static int doshortlink(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock); /* Parser for links and images */
       +static int dosurround(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock);  /* Parser for surrounding tags */
       +static int dounderline(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock); /* Parser for underline tags */
       +static void hprint(const char *begin, const char *end);                   /* escapes HTML and prints it to output */
       +static void process(const char *begin, const char *end, int isblock);     /* Processes range between begin and end. */
       +static int convert(FILE *out, FILE *in, int suppresshtml);
       +/* list of parsers */
       +static Parser parsers[] = { dounderline, dohtml, dolineprefix, dolist,
       +                            doparagraph, dogtlt, dosurround, dolink,
       +                            doshortlink, doamp, doreplace };
       +static FILE *output;
       +static int nohtml = 1;
       +static Tag lineprefix[] = {
       +        { "   ",        0,        "<pre><code>", "</code></pre>" },
       +        { "\t",                0,        "<pre><code>", "</code></pre>" },
       +        { "> ",                2,        "<blockquote>",        "</blockquote>" },
       +        { "###### ",        1,        "<h6>",                "</h6>" },
       +        { "##### ",        1,        "<h5>",                "</h5>" },
       +        { "#### ",        1,        "<h4>",                "</h4>" },
       +        { "### ",        1,        "<h3>",                "</h3>" },
       +        { "## ",        1,        "<h2>",                "</h2>" },
       +        { "# ",                1,        "<h1>",                "</h1>" },
       +        { "- - -\n",        1,        "<hr />",        ""},
       +static Tag underline[] = {
       +        { "=",                1,        "<h1>",                "</h1>\n" },
       +        { "-",                1,        "<h2>",                "</h2>\n" },
       +static Tag surround[] = {
       +        { "``",                0,        "<code>",        "</code>" },
       +        { "`",                0,        "<code>",        "</code>" },
       +        { "___",        1,        "<strong><em>",        "</em></strong>" },
       +        { "***",        1,        "<strong><em>",        "</em></strong>" },
       +        { "__",                1,        "<strong>",        "</strong>" },
       +        { "**",                1,        "<strong>",        "</strong>" },
       +        { "_",                1,        "<em>",                "</em>" },
       +        { "*",                1,        "<em>",                "</em>" },
       +static const char *replace[][2] = {
       +        { "\\\\",        "\\" },
       +        { "\\`",        "`" },
       +        { "\\*",        "*" },
       +        { "\\_",        "_" },
       +        { "\\{",        "{" },
       +        { "\\}",        "}" },
       +        { "\\[",        "[" },
       +        { "\\]",        "]" },
       +        { "\\(",        "(" },
       +        { "\\)",        ")" },
       +        { "\\#",        "#" },
       +        { "\\+",        "+" },
       +        { "\\-",        "-" },
       +        { "\\.",        "." },
       +        { "\\!",        "!" },
       +static const char *insert[][2] = {
       +        { "  \n",        "<br />" },
       +eprint(const char *format, ...) {
       +        va_list ap;
       +        va_start(ap, format);
       +        vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);
       +        va_end(ap);
       +        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
       +doamp(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        const char *p;
       +        if(*begin != '&')
       +                return 0;
       +        if(!nohtml) {
       +                for(p = begin + 1; p != end && !strchr("; \\\n\t", *p); p++);
       +                if(p == end || *p == ';')
       +                        return 0;
       +        }
       +        fputs("&amp;", output);
       +        return 1;
       +dogtlt(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        int brpos;
       +        char c;
       +        if(nohtml || begin + 1 >= end)
       +                return 0;
       +        brpos = begin[1] == '>';
       +        if(!brpos && *begin != '<')
       +                return 0;
       +        c = begin[brpos ? 0 : 1];
       +        if(!brpos && (c < 'a' || c > 'z') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z')) {
       +                fputs("&lt;", output);
       +                return 1;
       +        }
       +        else if(brpos && (c < 'a' || c > 'z') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && !strchr("/\"'",c)) {
       +                fprintf(output, "%c&gt;",c);
       +                return 2;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +dohtml(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        const char *p, *tag, *tagend;
       +        if(nohtml || !newblock || *begin == '\n' || begin + 2 >= end)
       +                return 0;
       +        p = begin;
       +        if(p[1] == '\n')
       +                p++;
       +        if(p[1] != '<' || strchr(" /\n\t\\", p[2]))
       +                return 0;
       +        tag = p + 2;
       +        p += 2;
       +        for(; !strchr(" >", *p); p++);
       +        tagend = p;
       +        while((p = strstr(p, "\n</")) && p < end) {
       +                p += 3;
       +                if(strncmp(p, tag, tagend - tag) == 0 && p[tagend - tag] == '>') {
       +                        p++;
       +                        fwrite(begin, sizeof(char), p - begin + tagend - tag, output);
       +                        puts("\n");
       +                        return -(p - begin + tagend - tag);
       +                }
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +dolineprefix(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        unsigned int i, j, l;
       +        char *buffer;
       +        const char *p;
       +        if(newblock)
       +                p = begin;
       +        else if(*begin == '\n')
       +                p = begin + 1;
       +        else
       +                return 0;
       +        for(i = 0; i < LENGTH(lineprefix); i++) {
       +                l = strlen(lineprefix[i].search);
       +                if(end - p < l)
       +                        continue;
       +                if(strncmp(lineprefix[i].search, p, l))
       +                        continue;
       +                if(*begin == '\n')
       +                        fputc('\n', output);
       +                fputs(lineprefix[i].before, output);
       +                if(lineprefix[i].search[l-1] == '\n') {
       +                        fputc('\n', output);
       +                        return l;
       +                }
       +                if(!(buffer = malloc(BUFFERSIZE)))
       +                        eprint("Malloc failed.");
       +                buffer[0] = '\0';
       +                for(j = 0, p += l; p < end; p++, j++) {
       +                        ADDC(buffer, j) = *p;
       +                        if(*p == '\n' && p + l < end) {
       +                                if(strncmp(lineprefix[i].search, p + 1, l) != 0)
       +                                        break;
       +                                p += l;
       +                        }
       +                }
       +                ADDC(buffer, j) = '\0';
       +                if(lineprefix[i].process)
       +                        process(buffer, buffer + strlen(buffer), lineprefix[i].process >= 2);
       +                else
       +                        hprint(buffer, buffer + strlen(buffer));
       +                puts(lineprefix[i].after);
       +                free(buffer);
       +                return -(p - begin);
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +dolink(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        int img;
       +        const char *desc, *link, *p, *q, *descend, *linkend;
       +        if(*begin == '[')
       +                img = 0;
       +        else if(strncmp(begin, "![", 2) == 0)
       +                img = 1;
       +        else
       +                return 0;
       +        p = desc = begin + 1 + img;
       +        if(!(p = strstr(desc, "](")) || p > end)
       +                return 0;
       +        for(q = strstr(desc, "!["); q && q < end && q < p; q = strstr(q + 1, "!["))
       +                if(!(p = strstr(p + 1, "](")) || p > end)
       +                        return 0;
       +        descend = p;
       +        link = p + 2;
       +        if(!(p = strstr(link, ")")) || p > end)
       +                return 0;
       +        linkend = p;
       +        if(img) {
       +                fputs("<img src=\"", output);
       +                hprint(link, linkend);
       +                fputs("\" alt=\"", output);
       +                hprint(desc, descend);
       +                fputs("\" />", output);
       +        }
       +        else {
       +                fputs("<a href=\"", output);
       +                hprint(link, linkend);
       +                fputs("\">", output);
       +                process(desc, descend, 0);
       +                fputs("</a>", output);
       +        }
       +        return p + 1 - begin;
       +dolist(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        unsigned int i, j, indent, run, ul, isblock;
       +        const char *p, *q;
       +        char *buffer;
       +        isblock = 0;
       +        if(newblock)
       +                p = begin;
       +        else if(*begin == '\n')
       +                p = begin + 1;
       +        else
       +                return 0;
       +        q = p;
       +        if(*p == '-' || *p == '*' || *p == '+')
       +                ul = 1;
       +        else {
       +                ul = 0;
       +                for(; p < end && *p >= '0' && *p <= '9'; p++);
       +                if(p >= end || *p != '.')
       +                        return 0;
       +        }
       +        p++;
       +        if(p >= end || !(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'))
       +                return 0;
       +        for(p++; p != end && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'); p++);
       +        indent = p - q;
       +        if(!(buffer = malloc(BUFFERSIZE)))
       +                eprint("Malloc failed.");
       +        if(!newblock)
       +                fputc('\n', output);
       +        fputs(ul ? "<ul>\n" : "<ol>\n", output);
       +        run = 1;
       +        for(; p < end && run; p++) {
       +                for(i = 0; p < end && run; p++, i++) {
       +                        if(*p == '\n') {
       +                                if(p + 1 == end)
       +                                        break;
       +                                else if(p[1] == '\n') {
       +                                        p++;
       +                                        ADDC(buffer, i) = '\n';
       +                                        i++;
       +                                        run = 0;
       +                                        isblock++;
       +                                }
       +                                q = p + 1;
       +                                j = 0;
       +                                if(ul && (*q == '-' || *q == '*' || *q == '+'))
       +                                        j = 1;
       +                                else if(!ul) {
       +                                        for(; q + j != end && q[j] >= '0' && q[j] <= '9' && j < indent; j++);
       +                                        if(q + j == end)
       +                                                break;
       +                                        if(j > 0 && q[j] == '.')
       +                                                j++;
       +                                        else
       +                                                j = 0;
       +                                }
       +                                if(q + indent < end)
       +                                        for(; (q[j] == ' ' || q[j] == '\t') && j < indent; j++);
       +                                if(j == indent) {
       +                                        ADDC(buffer, i) = '\n';
       +                                        i++;
       +                                        p += indent;
       +                                        run = 1;
       +                                        if(*q == ' ' || *q == '\t')
       +                                                p++;
       +                                        else
       +                                                break;
       +                                }
       +                        }
       +                        ADDC(buffer, i) = *p;
       +                }
       +                ADDC(buffer, i) = '\0';
       +                fputs("<li>", output);
       +                process(buffer, buffer + i, isblock > 1 || (isblock == 1 && run));
       +                fputs("</li>\n", output);
       +        }
       +        fputs(ul ? "</ul>\n" : "</ol>\n", output);
       +        free(buffer);
       +        p--;
       +        while(*(--p) == '\n');
       +        return -(p - begin + 1);
       +doparagraph(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        const char *p;
       +        if(!newblock)
       +                return 0;
       +        p = strstr(begin, "\n\n");
       +        if(!p || p > end)
       +                p = end;
       +        if(p - begin <= 1)
       +                return 0;
       +        fputs("<p>\n", output);
       +        process(begin, p, 0);
       +        fputs("</p>\n", output);
       +        return -(p - begin);
       +doreplace(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        unsigned int i, l;
       +        for(i = 0; i < LENGTH(insert); i++)
       +                if(strncmp(insert[i][0], begin, strlen(insert[i][0])) == 0)
       +                        fputs(insert[i][1], output);
       +        for(i = 0; i < LENGTH(replace); i++) {
       +                l = strlen(replace[i][0]);
       +                if(end - begin < l)
       +                        continue;
       +                if(strncmp(replace[i][0], begin, l) == 0) {
       +                        fputs(replace[i][1], output);
       +                        return l;
       +                }
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +doshortlink(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        const char *p, *c;
       +        int ismail = 0;
       +        if(*begin != '<')
       +                return 0;
       +        for(p = begin + 1; p != end; p++) {
       +                switch(*p) {
       +                case ' ':
       +                case '\t':
       +                case '\n':
       +                        return 0;
       +                case '#':
       +                case ':':
       +                        ismail = -1;
       +                        break;
       +                case '@':
       +                        if(ismail == 0)
       +                                ismail = 1;
       +                        break;
       +                case '>':
       +                        if(ismail == 0)
       +                                return 0;
       +                        fputs("<a href=\"", output);
       +                        if(ismail == 1) {
       +                                /* mailto: */
       +                                fputs("&#x6D;&#x61;i&#x6C;&#x74;&#x6F;:", output);
       +                                for(c = begin + 1; *c != '>'; c++)
       +                                        fprintf(output, "&#%u;", *c);
       +                                fputs("\">", output);
       +                                for(c = begin + 1; *c != '>'; c++)
       +                                        fprintf(output, "&#%u;", *c);
       +                        }
       +                        else {
       +                                hprint(begin + 1, p);
       +                                fputs("\">", output);
       +                                hprint(begin + 1, p);
       +                        }
       +                        fputs("</a>", output);
       +                        return p - begin + 1;
       +                }
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +dosurround(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        unsigned int i, l;
       +        const char *p, *start, *stop;
       +        for(i = 0; i < LENGTH(surround); i++) {
       +                l = strlen(surround[i].search);
       +                if(end - begin < 2*l || strncmp(begin, surround[i].search, l) != 0)
       +                        continue;
       +                start = begin + l;
       +                p = start - 1;
       +                do {
       +                        p = strstr(p + 1, surround[i].search);
       +                } while(p && p[-1] == '\\');
       +                if(!p || p >= end ||
       +                                !(stop = strstr(start, surround[i].search)) || stop >= end)
       +                        continue;
       +                fputs(surround[i].before, output);
       +                if(surround[i].process)
       +                        process(start, stop, 0);
       +                else
       +                        hprint(start, stop);
       +                fputs(surround[i].after, output);
       +                return stop - begin + l;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +dounderline(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        unsigned int i, j, l;
       +        const char *p;
       +        if(!newblock)
       +                return 0;
       +        p = begin;
       +        for(l = 0; p + l != end && p[l] != '\n'; l++);
       +        p += l + 1;
       +        if(l == 0)
       +                return 0;
       +        for(i = 0; i < LENGTH(underline); i++) {
       +                for(j = 0; p + j != end && p[j] != '\n' && p[j] == underline[i].search[0]; j++);
       +                if(j >= l) {
       +                        fputs(underline[i].before, output);
       +                        if(underline[i].process)
       +                                process(begin, begin + l, 0);
       +                        else
       +                                hprint(begin, begin + l);
       +                        fputs(underline[i].after, output);
       +                        return -(j + p - begin);
       +                }
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +hprint(const char *begin, const char *end) {
       +        const char *p;
       +        for(p = begin; p != end; p++) {
       +                if(*p == '&')
       +                        fputs("&amp;", output);
       +                else if(*p == '"')
       +                        fputs("&quot;", output);
       +                else if(*p == '>')
       +                        fputs("&gt;", output);
       +                else if(*p == '<')
       +                        fputs("&lt;", output);
       +                else
       +                        fputc(*p, output);
       +        }
       +process(const char *begin, const char *end, int newblock) {
       +        const char *p, *q;
       +        int affected;
       +        unsigned int i;
       +        for(p = begin; p != end;) {
       +                if(newblock)
       +                        while(*p == '\n')
       +                                if(++p == end)
       +                                        return;
       +                affected = 0;
       +                for(i = 0; i < LENGTH(parsers) && affected == 0; i++)
       +                        affected = parsers[i](p, end, newblock);
       +                p += abs(affected);
       +                if(!affected) {
       +                        if(nohtml)
       +                                hprint(p, p + 1);
       +                        else
       +                                fputc(*p, output);
       +                        p++;
       +                }
       +                for(q = p; q != end && *q == '\n'; q++);
       +                if(q == end)
       +                        return;
       +                else if(p[0] == '\n' && p + 1 != end && p[1] == '\n')
       +                        newblock = 1;
       +                else
       +                        newblock = affected < 0;
       +        }
       +convert(FILE *out, FILE *in, int suppresshtml) {
       +        char *buffer;
       +        int s;
       +        unsigned long len, bsize;
       +        nohtml = suppresshtml;
       +        output = out;
       +        bsize = 2 * BUFFERSIZE;
       +        if(!(buffer = malloc(bsize)))
       +                eprint("Malloc failed.");
       +        len = 0;
       +        while((s = fread(buffer + len, 1, BUFFERSIZE, in))) {
       +                len += s;
       +                if(BUFFERSIZE + len + 1 > bsize) {    
       +                        bsize += BUFFERSIZE;
       +                        if(!(buffer = realloc(buffer, bsize)))
       +                                eprint("Malloc failed.");
       +                }
       +        }
       +        buffer[len] = '\0';
       +        process(buffer, buffer + len, 1);
       +        free(buffer);
       +        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
        main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
       -        int no = 0;
       +        int i, no = 0;
                FILE *in = stdin;
       -        if(argc > 1 && strcmp("-v", argv[1]) == 0)
       -                eprint("simple markup %s (C) Enno Boland\n",VERSION);
       -        else if(argc > 1 && strcmp("-h", argv[1]) == 0)
       -                eprint("Usage %s [-n] [file]\n -n escape html strictly\n",argv[0]);
       -        if(argc > 1 && strcmp("-n", argv[1]) == 0)
       -                no = 1;
       -        if(argc > 1 + no
       -           && strcmp("-", argv[1 + no]) != 0
       -           && !(in = fopen(argv[1 + no],"r")))
       -                eprint("Cannot open file `%s`\n",argv[1 + no]);
       -        smu_convert(stdout, in, no);
       -        fclose(in);
       +        /* command line args */
       +        for(i = 1; i < argc; i++)
       +                if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-v"))
       +                        eprint("simple markup %s (C) Enno Boland\n",VERSION);
       +                else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-n"))
       +                        no = !no;
       +                else if(argv[i][0] == '-')
       +                        eprint("Usage %s [-n] [file ...]\n -n toggle escape html strictly\n", argv[0]);
       +                else {
       +                        if(!(in = fopen(argv[i], "r")))
       +                                eprint("Cannot open file `%s`\n",argv[i]);
       +                        convert(stdout, in, no);
       +                        fclose(in);
       +                }
       +        if(in == stdin)
       +                convert(stdout, in, no);
                return EXIT_SUCCESS;