add mail service hack/article - - saait content files
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 (DIR) Log
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 (DIR) commit 1ba78ca4da4fbf1f531e892c9d90289ea10d49eb
 (DIR) parent 93ea4a150da7b2d028f294ab642434d2158d8884
 (HTM) Author: Hiltjo Posthuma <>
       Date:   Wed, 25 Oct 2023 12:27:42 +0200
       add mail service hack/article
         M output/atom.xml                     |      12 ++++++++++++
         M output/atom_content.xml             |     132 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M output/index                        |       1 +
         M output/index.html                   |       1 +
         M output/rss.xml                      |       8 ++++++++
         M output/rss_content.xml              |     127 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M output/sitemap.xml                  |       4 ++++
         M output/twtxt.txt                    |       1 +
         M output/urllist.txt                  |       1 +
         A pages/mailservice.cfg               |       6 ++++++
         A pages/                |     136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       11 files changed, 429 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/output/atom.xml b/output/atom.xml
       @@ -7,6 +7,18 @@
                <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="" />
       +        <title>Setup your own mail paste service</title>
       +        <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
       +        <id></id>
       +        <updated>2023-10-25T00:00:00Z</updated>
       +        <published>2023-10-25T00:00:00Z</published>
       +        <author>
       +                <name>Hiltjo</name>
       +                <uri></uri>
       +        </author>
       +        <summary>Setup your own mail paste service using mblaze</summary>
                <title>A simple TODO application</title>
                <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
 (DIR) diff --git a/output/atom_content.xml b/output/atom_content.xml
       @@ -7,6 +7,138 @@
                <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="" />
       +        <title>Setup your own mail paste service</title>
       +        <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
       +        <id></id>
       +        <updated>2023-10-25T00:00:00Z</updated>
       +        <published>2023-10-25T00:00:00Z</published>
       +        <author>
       +                <name>Hiltjo</name>
       +                <uri></uri>
       +        </author>
       +        <summary>Setup your own mail paste service using mblaze</summary>
       +        <content type="html"><![CDATA[<h1>Setup your own mail paste service</h1>
       +        <p><strong>Last modification on </strong> <time>2023-10-25</time></p>
       +        <h2>How it works</h2>
       +<li>Send a mail with an attachment to a certain mail address.</li>
       +<li>The mail daemon configuration has an mail alias to pipe the raw mail to a
       +<li>This shellscript processes the raw mail contents from stdin.</li>
       +<h2>What it does</h2>
       +<li>Process a mail with an attachment automatically. In this example only one
       +attachment is supported.</li>
       +<li>The script processes the attachment in the mail and stores it.</li>
       +<li>It will mail (back) the URL where the file is stored, for now to one static
       +mail address.</li>
       +<p>This script is tested on OpenBSD using OpenBSD smtpd and OpenBSD httpd and the
       +gopher daemon geomyidae.</p>
       +<h2>Install dependencies</h2>
       +<p>On OpenBSD:</p>
       +<pre><code>pkg_add mblaze
       +<h2>smtpd mail configuration</h2>
       +<p>In your mail aliases (for example /etc/mail/aliases) put:</p>
       +<pre><code>paste: |/usr/local/bin/paste-mail
       +<p>This pipes the mail to the script paste-mail for processing, this script is
       +described below.</p>
       +tmpfile=$(mktemp -p "$d" XXXXXXXXXXXX)
       +# store mail temporarily, on exit remove temporary file.
       +trap "rm -f $tmpmail" EXIT
       +cat &gt; "$tmpmail"
       +# don't store mail sequence.
       +export MAILSEQ
       +# get from address.
       +from=$(maddr -h 'From' /dev/stdin &lt; "$tmpmail")
       +# prevent mail loop.
       +if printf '%s' "$from" | grep -q "paste@"; then
       +        exit 0
       +# extract (first) attachment.
       +mshow -n -O /dev/stdin "*" &lt; "$tmpmail" &gt; "$tmpfile"
       +# determine extension by mimetype.
       +mimetype=$(file -b -i "$tmpfile")
       +case "$mimetype" in \
       +        ext="zip";;
       +        ext="pdf";;
       +        ext="png";;
       +        ext="gif";;
       +        ext="txt";;
       +        ext="bin";;
       +mv "$tmpfile" "$file"
       +b=$(basename "$file")
       +chmod 666 "$file"
       +# mail back the user.
       +mail -r -s "Your file: $url" "$from" &lt;&lt;!__EOF__
       +Thank you for using the enterprise paste service.
       +Your file is available at:
       +Text   file: gopher://$b
       +Image  file: gopher://$b
       +Binary file: gopher://$b
       +Your friendly paste_bot
       +rm -f "$tmpmail"
       +<p>The mail daemon processing the mail needs of course be able to have permissions
       +to write to the specified directory. The user who received the mail needs to be
       +able to read it from a location they can access and have permissions for it
       +<h2>Room for improvements</h2>
       +<p>Some ideas for improvements:</p>
       +<li>Handle multiple attachments.</li>
       +<li>Handle mailing back to more users, while using a safe (whitelist?) mechanism
       +to prevent spam bots etc.</li>
       +<li>Handling of more filetypes and file extension in a smarter way.</li>
       +<li>Modify it to any preferences you might have.</li>
       +<li><a href=""></a></li>
       +<li><a href=""></a></li>
       +<li><a href=""></a></li>
       +<li><a href=""></a></li>
       +<h2>Bye bye</h2>
       +<p>I hope this enterprise(tm) mail service is inspirational or something ;)</p>
                <title>A simple TODO application</title>
                <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
 (DIR) diff --git a/output/index b/output/index
       @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ i              70
        i              70
        iPhlog posts              70
        i              70
       +12023-10-25 Setup your own mail paste service        /phlog/mailservice        70
        12022-07-01 A simple TODO application        /phlog/todo        70
        12022-03-23 2FA TOTP without crappy authenticator apps        /phlog/totp        70
        12021-10-23 Setup an OpenBSD RISCV64 VM in QEMU        /phlog/openbsd-riscv64-vm        70
 (DIR) diff --git a/output/index.html b/output/index.html
       @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
                        <div id="main">
       +<tr><td><time>2023-10-25</time></td><td><a href="mailservice.html">Setup your own mail paste service</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><time>2022-07-01</time></td><td><a href="todo-application.html">A simple TODO application</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><time>2022-03-23</time></td><td><a href="totp.html">2FA TOTP without crappy authenticator apps</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><time>2021-10-23</time></td><td><a href="openbsd-riscv64-vm.html">Setup an OpenBSD RISCV64 VM in QEMU</a></td></tr>
 (DIR) diff --git a/output/rss.xml b/output/rss.xml
       @@ -7,6 +7,14 @@
                <description>blog with various projects and articles about computer-related things</description>
       +        <title>Setup your own mail paste service</title>
       +        <link></link>
       +        <guid></guid>
       +        <dc:date>2023-10-25T00:00:00Z</dc:date>
       +        <author>Hiltjo</author>
       +        <description>Setup your own mail paste service using mblaze</description>
                <title>A simple TODO application</title>
 (DIR) diff --git a/output/rss_content.xml b/output/rss_content.xml
       @@ -7,6 +7,133 @@
                <description>blog with various projects and articles about computer-related things</description>
       +        <title>Setup your own mail paste service</title>
       +        <link></link>
       +        <guid></guid>
       +        <dc:date>2023-10-25T00:00:00Z</dc:date>
       +        <author>Hiltjo</author>
       +        <description><![CDATA[<h1>Setup your own mail paste service</h1>
       +        <p><strong>Last modification on </strong> <time>2023-10-25</time></p>
       +        <h2>How it works</h2>
       +<li>Send a mail with an attachment to a certain mail address.</li>
       +<li>The mail daemon configuration has an mail alias to pipe the raw mail to a
       +<li>This shellscript processes the raw mail contents from stdin.</li>
       +<h2>What it does</h2>
       +<li>Process a mail with an attachment automatically. In this example only one
       +attachment is supported.</li>
       +<li>The script processes the attachment in the mail and stores it.</li>
       +<li>It will mail (back) the URL where the file is stored, for now to one static
       +mail address.</li>
       +<p>This script is tested on OpenBSD using OpenBSD smtpd and OpenBSD httpd and the
       +gopher daemon geomyidae.</p>
       +<h2>Install dependencies</h2>
       +<p>On OpenBSD:</p>
       +<pre><code>pkg_add mblaze
       +<h2>smtpd mail configuration</h2>
       +<p>In your mail aliases (for example /etc/mail/aliases) put:</p>
       +<pre><code>paste: |/usr/local/bin/paste-mail
       +<p>This pipes the mail to the script paste-mail for processing, this script is
       +described below.</p>
       +tmpfile=$(mktemp -p "$d" XXXXXXXXXXXX)
       +# store mail temporarily, on exit remove temporary file.
       +trap "rm -f $tmpmail" EXIT
       +cat &gt; "$tmpmail"
       +# don't store mail sequence.
       +export MAILSEQ
       +# get from address.
       +from=$(maddr -h 'From' /dev/stdin &lt; "$tmpmail")
       +# prevent mail loop.
       +if printf '%s' "$from" | grep -q "paste@"; then
       +        exit 0
       +# extract (first) attachment.
       +mshow -n -O /dev/stdin "*" &lt; "$tmpmail" &gt; "$tmpfile"
       +# determine extension by mimetype.
       +mimetype=$(file -b -i "$tmpfile")
       +case "$mimetype" in \
       +        ext="zip";;
       +        ext="pdf";;
       +        ext="png";;
       +        ext="gif";;
       +        ext="txt";;
       +        ext="bin";;
       +mv "$tmpfile" "$file"
       +b=$(basename "$file")
       +chmod 666 "$file"
       +# mail back the user.
       +mail -r -s "Your file: $url" "$from" &lt;&lt;!__EOF__
       +Thank you for using the enterprise paste service.
       +Your file is available at:
       +Text   file: gopher://$b
       +Image  file: gopher://$b
       +Binary file: gopher://$b
       +Your friendly paste_bot
       +rm -f "$tmpmail"
       +<p>The mail daemon processing the mail needs of course be able to have permissions
       +to write to the specified directory. The user who received the mail needs to be
       +able to read it from a location they can access and have permissions for it
       +<h2>Room for improvements</h2>
       +<p>Some ideas for improvements:</p>
       +<li>Handle multiple attachments.</li>
       +<li>Handle mailing back to more users, while using a safe (whitelist?) mechanism
       +to prevent spam bots etc.</li>
       +<li>Handling of more filetypes and file extension in a smarter way.</li>
       +<li>Modify it to any preferences you might have.</li>
       +<li><a href=""></a></li>
       +<li><a href=""></a></li>
       +<li><a href=""></a></li>
       +<li><a href=""></a></li>
       +<h2>Bye bye</h2>
       +<p>I hope this enterprise(tm) mail service is inspirational or something ;)</p>
                <title>A simple TODO application</title>
 (DIR) diff --git a/output/sitemap.xml b/output/sitemap.xml
       @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <urlset xmlns="">
       +        <loc></loc>
       +        <lastmod>2023-10-25</lastmod>
 (DIR) diff --git a/output/twtxt.txt b/output/twtxt.txt
       @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
       +2023-10-25T00:00:00Z        Setup your own mail paste service:
        2022-07-01T00:00:00Z        A simple TODO application:
        2022-03-23T00:00:00Z        2FA TOTP without crappy authenticator apps:
        2021-10-23T00:00:00Z        Setup an OpenBSD RISCV64 VM in QEMU:
 (DIR) diff --git a/output/urllist.txt b/output/urllist.txt
       @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 (DIR) diff --git a/pages/mailservice.cfg b/pages/mailservice.cfg
       @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
       +title = Setup your own mail paste service
       +id = mailservice
       +description = Setup your own mail paste service using mblaze
       +keywords = mail, paste, service
       +created = 2023-10-25
       +updated = 2023-10-25
 (DIR) diff --git a/pages/ b/pages/
       @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
       +## How it works
       +* Send a mail with an attachment to a certain mail address.
       +* The mail daemon configuration has an mail alias to pipe the raw mail to a
       +  shellscript.
       +* This shellscript processes the raw mail contents from stdin.
       +## What it does
       +* Process a mail with an attachment automatically. In this example only one
       +  attachment is supported.
       +* The script processes the attachment in the mail and stores it.
       +* It will mail (back) the URL where the file is stored, for now to one static
       +  mail address.
       +This script is tested on OpenBSD using OpenBSD smtpd and OpenBSD httpd and the
       +gopher daemon geomyidae.
       +## Install dependencies
       +On OpenBSD:
       +        pkg_add mblaze
       +## smtpd mail configuration
       +In your mail aliases (for example /etc/mail/aliases) put:
       +        paste: |/usr/local/bin/paste-mail
       +This pipes the mail to the script paste-mail for processing, this script is
       +described below.
       +        #!/bin/sh
       +        d="/home/www/domains/"
       +        tmpfile=$(mktemp -p "$d" XXXXXXXXXXXX)
       +        tmpmail=$(mktemp)
       +        # store mail temporarily, on exit remove temporary file.
       +        trap "rm -f $tmpmail" EXIT
       +        cat > "$tmpmail"
       +        # don't store mail sequence.
       +        MAILSEQ=/dev/null
       +        export MAILSEQ
       +        # get from address.
       +        from=$(maddr -h 'From' /dev/stdin < "$tmpmail")
       +        # prevent mail loop.
       +        if printf '%s' "$from" | grep -q "paste@"; then
       +                exit 0
       +        fi
       +        # extract (first) attachment.
       +        mshow -n -O /dev/stdin "*" < "$tmpmail" > "$tmpfile"
       +        # determine extension by mimetype.
       +        mimetype=$(file -b -i "$tmpfile")
       +        case "$mimetype" in \
       +        "application/zip")
       +                ext="zip";;
       +        "application/pdf")
       +                ext="pdf";;
       +        "*/png")
       +                ext="png";;
       +        "*/gif")
       +                ext="gif";;
       +        "text/*")
       +                ext="txt";;
       +        *)
       +                ext="bin";;
       +        esac
       +        file="$tmpfile.$ext"
       +        mv "$tmpfile" "$file"
       +        b=$(basename "$file")
       +        chmod 666 "$file"
       +        # mail back the user.
       +        url="gopher://$b"
       +        mail -r -s "Your file: $url" "$from" <<!__EOF__
       +        Thank you for using the enterprise paste service.
       +        Your file is available at:
       +        Text   file: gopher://$b
       +        Image  file: gopher://$b
       +        Binary file: gopher://$b
       +        Sincerely,
       +        Your friendly paste_bot
       +        !__EOF__
       +        rm -f "$tmpmail"
       +The mail daemon processing the mail needs of course be able to have permissions
       +to write to the specified directory. The user who received the mail needs to be
       +able to read it from a location they can access and have permissions for it
       +## Room for improvements
       +Some ideas for improvements:
       +* Handle multiple attachments.
       +* Handle mailing back to more users, while using a safe (whitelist?) mechanism
       +  to prevent spam bots etc.
       +* Handling of more filetypes and file extension in a smarter way.
       +* Modify it to any preferences you might have.
       +## References
       +* <>
       +* <>
       +* <>
       +* <>
       +## Bye bye
       +I hope this enterprise(tm) mail service is inspirational or something ;)