Log - xmlparser - XML parser
 (HTM) git clone git://git.codemadness.org/xmlparser
 (DIR) Log
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 (DIR) Refs
       Date              Commit message                            Author
 (DIR) 2024-06-30 08:20  bump LICENSE year                         Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2024-06-30 08:01  improve parsing whitespace after end ta…  Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2023-08-15 17:12  improve wording and fix small typos       Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2023-05-14 21:59  xml.h: _XML_H_: macro name with an unde…  Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2023-04-28 10:26  bump LICENSE year                         Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2022-08-26 19:57  improve comment: uppercase cdata -> CDA…  Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2022-07-20 18:37  pedantic typo                             Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2022-06-21 09:05  README: fix some typos                    Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2022-03-29 08:57  do not depend on the C locale and ctype…  Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2022-03-29 08:57  bump LICENSE year                         Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2021-07-01 21:21  bump LICENSE year, remove newline befor…  Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2021-01-28 18:41  fix small typo                            Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2021-01-22 21:51  xml.c: fix typo in checking surrogate r…  Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2021-01-22 12:37  xml.c: do not convert UTF-16 surrogate …  Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2020-10-16 09:23  README: some small changes                Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2020-10-06 17:00  xml.h: add underscore for #ifdef guard    Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2020-06-01 10:16  fix typo                                  Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2020-02-04 21:50  skeleton: add stub for translating enti…  Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2020-01-28 20:56  cleanup some includes                     Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2020-01-19 15:18  improve XML entity conversion             Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2020-01-03 23:36  bump LICENSE year                         Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2020-01-03 16:06  README: document white-space handling     Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2019-11-23 12:24  xml.c: upper-case named-entities are in…  Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2019-09-12 17:51  skeleton.c: remove #ifndef GETNEXT here   Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2019-08-23 10:13  update README, bump LICENSE year          Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2019-06-21 11:57  README: add comment about parser limita…  Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2019-06-16 20:19  sync XML improvements (from sfeed)        Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2018-12-12 18:14  style fix                                 Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2018-12-07 18:50  whitespace fixes                          Hiltjo Posthuma
 (DIR) 2018-11-02 16:48  make separate repo for shared XML code …  Hiltjo Posthuma
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