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       #Post#: 45976--------------------------------------------------
       Went For Chemo Today
       By: Linda Date: June 11, 2024, 3:42 pm
       Pam picked me up and we left for chemo, I had to be there at
       8:45.  I had blood work as usual and then we were called in for
       me to see the doctor.  We talked about my recent scan and she
       asked me how I feel I'm doing with the chemo.  I told her that
       it has gotten harder to take over all these months.  She said
       she's been thinking of taking me off of it and switching to
       immunotherapy, one called Keytruda.  She said normally the side
       effects are much less and it works well.  She says if it doesn't
       work I can always go back to chemo.  So, I had no chemo today
       and in 4 weeks I will start Keytruda so I am getting a month's
       break where I won't have any treatment.
       Did I tell you girls I've been coughing?  OH MY BRAIN, I can't
       remember what I say and don't say.  Well, I've been coughing for
       about a week, a deep dry cough.  She said that the scan shows I
       have pneumonitis and it can be caused by chemo.  She said she
       can give me steroid pills to stop it or I can just wait it out
       and see if it leaves on it's own.  I told her I hate taking
       steroids and she said I didn't have to take the pills now, but
       just wait and see if the cough goes away with no chemo.
       We felt like it was a good appointment.
       #Post#: 45990--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Went For Chemo Today
       By: DarienJ Date: June 11, 2024, 4:34 pm
       You must feel like you are going on a holiday for a month
       This is such good news for you [emoji172]
       You did mention you were coughing, but you said it wasn't much.
       It must have developed a bit more. I hope you don't need to take
       the prednisone and that as you won't be having chemo, the cough
       will ease on its own. I didn't know chemo could cause
       pneumonitis. I know that dreadful cough as that is what I just
       had, my specialist referred to it as inflamed lungs, same horse
       different jockey.
       Did Pam find out anything you thought she didn't know?
       #Post#: 46002--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Went For Chemo Today
       By: Linda Date: June 11, 2024, 8:58 pm
       Did you tell us you had pneumonitis??  If you did, I didn't
       remember it though I know you were having problems.  My doctor
       said something about it being lung inflammation.  It's a very
       harsh and dry cough.
       I'm hoping to feel a lot better over the next month.  [emoji7]
       No, Pam didn't find out anything she didn't know.  We didn't
       talk about my prognosis and she didn't ask.
       #Post#: 46016--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Went For Chemo Today
       By: Moira Date: June 12, 2024, 4:18 am
       I had Pneumonia towards the end of last year NOT Pneumonitis..
       is that the same ????????????   I was coughing and went to see
       my GP I ended up in Whanganui hospital and on Steroids (
       Prednisone says John ) when in Hospital for a week .....remember
       "Pneumonitis" is a general term for lung inflammation. It may be
       caused by exposure to environmental substances (allergens),
       certain medicines, chest radiation therapy, or inhaling acidic
       stomach contents (aspiration).
       "Pneumonia" is an infectious condition caused by a germ invading
       the lung tissue and causing injury. Like pneumonitis, pneumonia
       has different causes—for example, viral, bacterial, or fungal
       pneumonia or aspiration pneumonia (a bacterial lung infection
       that occurs after inhaling stomach contents).
       #Post#: 46017--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Went For Chemo Today
       By: Moira Date: June 12, 2024, 4:25 am
       I got carried away and posted too soon :)
       I do hope Keytruda works better for you Linda and yes I will
       have to look that up too although I Have heard of it :)
       SO Happy chemo holiday anyway
       I Suppose Pam had heard enough just listening to your Doctor and
       you talking ???????????
       #Post#: 46029--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Went For Chemo Today
       By: Linda Date: June 12, 2024, 11:48 am
       Pam talked to the doctor too, we all talked but Pam didn't ask
       much as the doctor pretty much covered it all.
       #Post#: 46041--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Went For Chemo Today
       By: DarienJ Date: June 12, 2024, 4:20 pm
       I didn't mention pneumonitis as it's usually referred to as lung
       inflammation, that is why I had to increase my prednisone and be
       on long term antibiotics, which I am still taking. It started in
       the UK with a cold, on my birthday actually, and the cough just
       wouldn't go away. My lung specialist rang me and told me to get
       a CTScan done and that's how they found it. I see him again on
       the 4th July and I have to have another scan done before I see
       him. The cough is gone now, but I still get quite breathless
       #Post#: 46052--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Went For Chemo Today
       By: Moira Date: June 13, 2024, 4:48 am
       I  hope it is all gone by now and I Do remember you coming back
       from UK with the infection ! SO do you
       take ABs every day ?  Are you allowed to do that ?
       I was sent for a CT scan too and that is how they found out I
       had Pneumonia. I had a follow up scan after the week in hospital
       and so far no more coughing .... not much anyway ......... !
       #Post#: 46064--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Went For Chemo Today
       By: Linda Date: June 13, 2024, 3:49 pm
       I had never heard of pneumonitis until I found I have it.  It
       seems like I'm coughing somewhat less today so maybe it's on the
       way out.
       Sure hope your July scan will look good!  [emoji170]
       #Post#: 46076--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Went For Chemo Today
       By: DarienJ Date: June 14, 2024, 2:04 am
       I will have been on the antibiotics for nearly 2 months by the
       time I see Steven again. There are some you can take
       permanently, the ones I have are called doxycycline.
 (HTM) https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/doxycycline
       Let’s see if this works.
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