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       #Post#: 1828--------------------------------------------------
       (Abst.) Aubagio in treatment of relapsing forms of MS...
       By: agate Date: September 23, 2017, 8:24 pm
       From Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders, September
       21, 2017:
       [quote]Oral teriflunomide in the treatment of relapsing forms of
       multiple sclerosis: clinical evidence and long-term experience
       Aaron E. Miller (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
       Corinne Goldsmith Dickinson Center for Multiple Sclerosis)
       Key objectives in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS)
       include prevention of relapses, a reduction in the accumulation
       of disability and slowing of the brain volume loss that occurs
       from the earliest stages of the disease.
       Teriflunomide, a once-daily, oral immunomodulatory therapy, has
       demonstrated efficacy across multiple measures of disease
       activity and worsening in patients with relapsing forms of MS
       and in those with a first clinical episode suggestive of MS.
       In this review, the latest evidence relating to the proposed
       mechanism of action of teriflunomide in MS is explored,
       including novel insights provided from the recently completed
       Teri-DYNAMIC study. Key clinical and magnetic resonance imaging
       data from the completed long-term extensions of the phase II and
       III (TEMSO, TOWER and TOPIC) studies are highlighted, and the
       long-term safety profile of teriflunomide, as evidenced by data
       from these extension studies, is presented.
       Although randomized clinical trials represent the highest level
       of evidence to support the use of therapeutic interventions, it
       is also important to understand the performance of a particular
       treatment in the real-world setting. In this regard, the results
       of the recently completed, global, phase IV Teri-PRO study are
       of particular interest and provide further insights into the
       benefits of teriflunomide treatment from the patient
       Collectively, the data presented in this review demonstrate a
       favorable benefit–risk profile for teriflunomide, thereby
       supporting its long-term use for the treatment of patients with
       relapsing forms of MS.[/quote]
       The abstract can be seen here
 (HTM) http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1756285617722500.