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 (DIR) MS Speaks
 (DIR) (Abst.) Teriflunomide and time to clinical MS in patients w/ra...
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 (DIR) (Abst.) Teriflunomide in relapsing MS: Outcomes by age, pre-tr...
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 (DIR) (Abst.) Teriflunomide treatment linked to optic nerve recovery...
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 (DIR) (Abst.) Teriflunomide safety and efficacy in advanced progress...
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 (DIR) Teriflunomide and liver injury research information (PubMed)
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 (DIR) Gastro issues as a side effect of Aubagio. 
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 (DIR) (Abst.) Teeth loss after teriflunomide treatment...
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 (DIR) (Abst.) Severe hypertriglyceridemia in patient w/MS on teriflu...
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 (DIR) (Abst.) Aubagio in treatment of relapsing forms of MS...
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 (DIR) (AAN abst.) Long-term outcomes in patients w/PPMS w/relapses...
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