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       #Post#: 2321--------------------------------------------------
       Gastro issues as a side effect of Aubagio. 
       By: ewizabeth Date: December 26, 2018, 3:46 pm
       One of the most reported side effects for Aubagio is diarrhea,
       stomach upset and related symptoms, especially early in
       treatment. I had what I would describe as near-diarrhea for the
       three-plus years of taking Aubagio. It was getting worse in the
       fourth year and I was tired of spending 3-4 hours a day in the
       bathroom. We were going through a lot of toilet paper too. I
       stopped the drug on October 26th and I haven't notified the
       doctor yet but I'll see him early in January to see what the
       next options will be.
       He has mentioned in the past that I might not need medication
       now because my MRIs have been clear for at least six years. I'm
       sixty years old now and sometimes MS inflammation ends later on
       in life. If I do need to take something, I'll go back on the 3x
       weekly dose of Copaxone in the generic form.
       #Post#: 2323--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Gastro issues as a side effect of Aubagio. 
       By: agate Date: December 26, 2018, 8:32 pm
       That's what I would do too though so far I can't say I've been
       tempted to go that route. It's hard to tell which of my problems
       are due to aging and which to MS at this point. I like to think
       that most of them are due to aging. If I felt they were new MS
       problems, I might be more inclined to think about Copaxone or
       even the new one that is supposed to be for SPMS, siponimod,
       when it becomes available.
       The overactive bowel or near-diarrhea while on Aubagio must have
       been dreary. I'm not on Aubagio but I  have that problem. For me
       it's brought on by stress.  The toilet paper use can be extreme,
       and after so much bathroom activity my skin was raw, and so
       nothing but the very best (= priciest) toilet paper would do.