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       #Post#: 263--------------------------------------------------
       Is your horrid parent inconsistent?
       By: clare low Date: January 10, 2018, 11:28 am
       While some parents are horrid all the time, others are
       inconsistent and change from day to day and moment to moment.
       This means that you can be constantly on edge waiting to see
       what mood they are in and whether or not they are going to be
       unkind and critical to you.
       Even though you get some respite from their horrid comments, you
       are forever on the look out for that change in their expression
       heralding another attack. It is exhausting.
       #Post#: 264--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Is your horrid parent inconsistent?
       By: steved Date: January 11, 2018, 12:06 pm
       Spot on Clare, i used to dread her coming home or myself
       returning home to see the expression on her face, sometimes open
       chatty almost pleasant but equally that fixed stare and one word
       answers to any questions I posed " Whats for tea mum?"  'Food'
       "Whats the matter mum?"  'Nothing' and of course the prolonged
       silence inflicted to leave you wondering what exactly you had
       done wrong.
       #Post#: 279--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Is your horrid parent inconsistent?
       By: Jennifer Date: January 30, 2018, 9:11 am
       Oh yes you never knew her mood that’s what made it difficult you
       would think sometimes oh yes she DOES love me then the next I
       was the devil incarnate , it plays with your mind doesn’t it
       #Post#: 283--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Is your horrid parent inconsistent?
       By: steved Date: February 2, 2018, 10:48 am
       True Jenny true, they appeared to relish in keeping us tense and
       anxious never knowing if we were in the dog house, always just
       waiting for them to turn.
       #Post#: 293--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Is your horrid parent inconsistent?
       By: Janel Date: May 14, 2018, 10:53 pm
       I understand as my mum goes from one extreme to the other, in
       not speaking to me for months on end; or calling me everyday, it
       is exhausting
       #Post#: 294--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Is your horrid parent inconsistent?
       By: Sarah W Date: May 15, 2018, 12:45 am
       Hi guys, reading everyone of your posts reminds me of my
       mentally abusive vile mother.  Exhausting is right - wondering
       whether her horrible face after not seeing her all day is gonna
       be vicious or kind.  Since I was small she let others bully me.
       To others she looks good but behind closed doors pretty much 90%
       of the time is horrible.  I dread seeing her
       #Post#: 295--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Is your horrid parent inconsistent?
       By: Sarah W Date: May 15, 2018, 12:55 am
       we really got bad luck in the mother department.  I’m 34 years
       old and things will never change.  They won’t change for any of
       us.  Ever.  What a horrible fate but we must stay strong
       #Post#: 296--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Is your horrid parent inconsistent?
       By: steved Date: May 15, 2018, 3:18 pm
       Sarah my mum kept on like that until she died aged 87.  she
       could change personas in minutes, of course she was all
       sweetness and light when other people were about like her "
       friends"  (only her friends so long as they pandered to her
       whims) . When I finally decided to introduce my girlfriend to
       her ( the girl I married) the first thing she said to her was "
       Oh hello, nice to meet you, steved use to speak ever so nicely
       til he met you" .
       #Post#: 298--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Is your horrid parent inconsistent?
       By: Saffy565 Date: May 31, 2018, 5:29 pm
       Hi Sarah, I have just come onto this site, so I am not sure how
       to respond, other than to say, your experience is similar to
       mine.  My mother is currently dying aged 89 and I have had to
       deal with her house and propery as well as deal with her and the
       care home which has and is causing me major anxiety.
       #Post#: 301--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Is your horrid parent inconsistent?
       By: Hihi007 Date: June 27, 2018, 9:36 pm
       My mother is bipolar and severely depressed. I knew this when I
       was a child. She would come to me crying about adult situations
       and discussing these things with me. One day completely happy,
       the next few days she stays in her room crying. If there is
       something that she doesn't like to hear, she will completely
       give that person the silent treatment for days. But then all is
       good when she wants to have a fun chit chat again. Her disregard
       for the real world keeps her happy. But then when she needs to
       deal with real normal day-to-day problems she avoids it... I
       live with her. Its terrible. I know there is no solution. I need
       to get out of here before I go nuts. Inconsistent parent, YES.
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