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       #Post#: 2263--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: Metsfan Date: April 27, 2020, 12:27 am
       Even if the ride is still on the table, construction can't even
       begin until the shutdown on non-essential construction ends
       which is looking like at least May 15th or later at this point.
       So even if this ride is still on the table, I wouldn't expect to
       see it built and operational until July at the earliest. It
       might only take a few days to erect the ride structure itself,
       but between pouring the concrete foundation, the electrical
       work, programming, testing, certification, etc., you're looking
       at a long process.
       I don't really feel like speculating on whether or not the ride
       will get built this year, but I do know that the reality of the
       situation is these parks have no idea when they'll actually be
       able to open up, and they also have no clue how many people are
       going to show up.
       #Post#: 2264--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: Mrceagle Date: April 27, 2020, 10:34 am
       The Ride is already purchased so unless it was not built yet by
       the manufacturer it will be shipped this year.  So there is no
       good reason to not install it this year.  Not Installation may
       mean they can't operate steamon demon and condor.
       I can't fell bad for anyone aggravated at the idea of a late
       ride opening sine my home park is notorious for buying an
       addition late and taking their sweet time installing it to the
       point where it operates 1-20 days of a season.
       #Post#: 2265--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: CodyatTGE Date: April 27, 2020, 1:01 pm
       *West Coast Racers says hi.*
       I know Outlaw has been built by Funtime because Great Escape
       posted a picture of AO & Catwoman’s Whip at SFSTL being
       manufactured.  The only thing is, if they do construction for it
       during the season it’s going to be near impossible to operated
       Steamin’ Demon (which in my opinion should get a retheme and new
       paint job along with Outlaw).
       #Post#: 2266--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: Mrceagle Date: April 28, 2020, 8:35 pm
       Repainting it and adding some theming to the station would be a
       good excuse to not have it operating which they do outlaws
       construction. If people see work being done they are less likely
       to be upset over its closure.
       #Post#: 2267--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: CodyatTGE Date: April 29, 2020, 2:49 am
       Not to mention it needs it anyway.  The “Steamin’ Demon” name
       doesn’t fit in with Ghost Town to begin with.
       #Post#: 2268--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: Mrceagle Date: April 29, 2020, 11:57 am
       It does and it doesn't.  It is a ghost town as in abandoned but
       we don't know why.  if people thought that the land next to the
       town was possessed by a demon it would be a reason to move on.
       but that's just the backstory I figured when I first researched
       the park.
       #Post#: 2271--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: CodyatTGE Date: April 29, 2020, 9:03 pm
       That’s a decent theme but I feel like if you’ve gotta think
       about it hard, it’s not good enough of a theme.  They could just
       call it “Twisted Tumbleweed” or “Gunslinger” or something.
       #Post#: 2272--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: Lmm1986phishy Date: April 30, 2020, 8:33 am
       Why would they re-theme an aging almost 50 year old arrow
       looper? Makes no sense to invest any money into it, it will be
       in a scrap yard probably within the next decade. I live right
       down the street from the park, nothing going on right now. I've
       been hoping to see some destruction of the buildings to make way
       for outlaw but nothing going on.
       If Great Escape wants more foot traffic in ghost town, they
       should finally do something with Nightmare. The theming on the
       outside is so awesome and it would work so well as a reboot.
       Even a stupid Wild mouse/spinning coaster would fit in that
       #Post#: 2273--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: Mrceagle Date: April 30, 2020, 3:30 pm
       I agree there is no good reason to rename Steam on Deamon plus
       it's the name the original owner game it.
       But as for themeig they are building a new entrance and exit
       even a wood walkway over that metal and concrete they have now
       would feel more on theme. A new paint job now would last then
       till they take it out.
       #Post#: 2275--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: CodyatTGE Date: April 30, 2020, 6:46 pm
       I think a little Triotech simulator ride would be perfect in the
       Nightmare building.
 (HTM) https://www.trio-tech.com/products/team-battle/
       I’ve seen versions of this with 16 seats, which would be
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