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       #Post#: 27158--------------------------------------------------
       stolen work
       By: sassy mischief Date: February 10, 2022, 1:08 pm
       So unfortunately...and rather shockingly....i visited Naughty &
       Nice in Magna yesterday
       and was quite surprised to see this:
 (HTM) https://images15.sexpal.eu/v1674/photos/3/3657653/16421616/Bulls7-vi.jpg
       the original....designed by me  looks like this:
 (HTM) https://images14.sexpal.eu/v1676/photos/3/3657653/16421616/sassyHandsome2-vi.png
       I can't remember which board i had this sample on....either here
       or at Delightful designs. Its a bit disappointing tho.
       It was also doctored rather well.....but if someone can doctor
       something like this that well...why not make their own.
       Tho i have heard of this happening in the past....ive never
       actually seen one....so yeah....i was a tad surprised!
       #Post#: 27160--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: august Date: February 10, 2022, 1:13 pm
       Oh that is horrible sassy...we need to try and track down who is
       I cant see any images showing
       #Post#: 27162--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: isabellabebe Date: February 10, 2022, 1:18 pm
       cant you ask Bullrider where he got it from? or was that someone
       imping Bully?
       #Post#: 27183--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: Miss Brown Eyes Date: February 10, 2022, 1:47 pm
       That is just a disgusting thing to do! There's just no reason to
       go to that level of cover-up to alter an AV, for whatever
       reason. I'm so sorry it's happened to you sassy.
       #Post#: 27184--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: sizzle Date: February 10, 2022, 1:57 pm
       Not a board we ever wanted to make - but it is what it is.
       And true - why not ask us - we never say no to create something
       pretty for people...s... :pinkheart:
       #Post#: 27185--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: sassy mischief Date: February 10, 2022, 2:21 pm
       i did ask Bully where he got it from but its all been kinda
       and thank ya....for your kind words and support... slobbers ya
       #Post#: 27193--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: tamlyn Date: February 10, 2022, 7:13 pm
       It's downright disgusting how low some people will go to pretend
       they or someone they know created the Av. Sadly, it happens on
       the internet...
       I remember that set...it was on DD and posted on the CD Auction
       sometime last year. I'm so sorry this happened to you my sexy
       aussie mate....huggs and smooches
       #Post#: 27198--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: isabellabebe Date: February 10, 2022, 9:51 pm
       [center]truly messed up~  they went to alot of damn trouble to
       remove all that..just batshit crazy! people kill me and im sure
       you felt abit violated by it all~ hope he doesnt wear it anymore
       knowing its not his to wear...Bully seems like a sweet aussie
       and i imagine he had no idea..he should be pissed and
       embarrassed and wanna give em up for putting him in an awkward
       sitch..i would be pissed~ *hugs ya up* sorry bebe[/center]
       #Post#: 27209--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: guest23 Date: February 11, 2022, 5:30 am
       I would know in a second that was not the work of you from the
       wording and the name that way.  It is pathetic that someone is
       so dishonest as to do that to an artist's work and whoever did
       it should be ashamed! If it was someone on DD they need to be
       found out and kicked the hell off as that is not someone that is
       part of the DD family we know and love!
       #Post#: 27210--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: tamlyn Date: February 11, 2022, 7:47 am
       I don't believe it would have been anyone on DD who would have
       sunk so low. I know for a fact jenn won the set from sassy. i
       would say it's someone on Magna or where ever jenn goes that
       snagged the set and made all the adjustments and tagged
       Bullrider on it...
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