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       #Post#: 27291--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: august Date: February 13, 2022, 2:33 am
       I….think….we are close to solving this….it seems Bullrider was
       shown the av as a sample, and kept it and changed it himself.
       There is…some doubt on whether he had help with that or
       not…..but he is insistent it was him and no one else was
       He has deleted it now
       #Post#: 27295--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: sizzle Date: February 13, 2022, 4:12 am
       He should have known better, though - plain and simple. Mystery
       solved - somewhat - but would have liked to know who showed it
       to him...aka gave it to him...And i doubt He is good enough with
       avatar work to have removed sample that flawlessly, and added
       His own name..
       #Post#: 27300--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: Miss Brown Eyes Date: February 13, 2022, 5:20 am
       I hope whomever was part of this situation has learned the
       lesson --- Y/you will be found out, Y/you will be called out,
       and Y/you will be known as a social pariah. A simple request
       from a designer could have avoided a whole lot of ill will and
       mistrustful feelings.
       #Post#: 27301--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: sizzle Date: February 13, 2022, 5:38 am
       [quote author=Absinthe link=topic=1211.msg27275#msg27275
       Not that I would do this. but it is not that difficult to clone
       off a name on an avatar. I have done it on my own stuff I made
       and was no longer with someone but really liked the avatar. all
       it takes really is some time an patience. but I do not condone
       stealing another artists work. I do hope the person is caught.
       For a designer it is not hard, true - but he is not a
       designer....so this whole thing is a bit iffy.
       #Post#: 27306--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: august Date: February 13, 2022, 6:45 am
       I think it was shown to him innocently, as in - if I win this
       would you like it - kind of thing. No one had an idea he would
       keep it and change it / or get it changed.
       #Post#: 27307--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: guest23 Date: February 13, 2022, 6:46 am
       He would not have been able to do that himself.  Has never known
       him to have anything to do with avs or photoshops etc.
       Glad though that he has deleted and sure he wont be doing that
       again. He is not a bad guy and thinks he was caught up in
       #Post#: 27317--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: sassy mischief Date: February 13, 2022, 2:37 pm
       wow this really took off....im just seeing it now after my work
       While i was a bit shocked and a tad pissed off at the time...i'm
       not now.
       Brina you are right...it would have been doctored in the sample
       stage....and i keep saying it was done very well!!
       if i didnt know better i would have said it was taken before i
       put the Sample font on it!!....LOL.
       yep Abs ive removed tags and names before as well....takes time.
       but my thought is why bother?...just make an av using the same
       i also know who Bully said he got the av from... but the person
       says they can't remember it.
       so maybe i will never get to the bottom of it...whats done is
       but also in saying that.....these things get found out..
       thank you all for your wonderful support.....huuuuuuuuuuuugs
       ooh a side note.... incase anyone sees Bully....it hasnt been
       deleted..  yet....LOL
 (HTM) https://postimg.cc/q6xfskCk
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/gjfYPjz6/Bulls-7.jpg
       #Post#: 27322--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: Miss Brown Eyes Date: February 13, 2022, 4:39 pm
       *hugs sweet sassy* You  have every right in the book to be upset
       and still angered by it. Being a wannabe designer (I use that
       term REAL lightly ... lol) I can now truly appreciate the hard
       work designers put into their creations for them to have a
       certain look and have pride in a job well done, if for no one
       else but self-satisfaction.
       I'm glad you sorta have a conclusion to this and got some
       answers. I still stand firm with the knowledge that whomever did
       it and was part of it is a social pariah in my book and should
       only get to wear a scarlet T on their chest --- for Thief!
       #Post#: 27326--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: Brina Date: February 13, 2022, 7:33 pm
       here ya go sassy.. doesn't fix what was done, but hopefully will
       give you a chuckle  *LOL
 (HTM) https://www.chatsuitesgraphics.com/DD/fixed.png
       #Post#: 27373--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: Lithium Doll Date: February 14, 2022, 9:48 am
       Unfortunately, it is sad that a designers work was stolen and
       altered. Some of us, especially Myself, have had this happen in
       the past. While we try to grow, mark our work, learn to trust
       our work won't end up like this.. the very unfortunate part of
       us designing is that it's "free". Free as in we don't take a
       dollar amount currancy for our service. Another unfortunate
       thing is, we as a community of designers, can't really do
       anything about it. We can keep watch and keep an eye and an ear
       out that this won't happen to us or someone we know... but we
       can't exactly prosecute the thieves that stole our work... we
       can't throw them in jail or fine them hundreds of dollars.....
       This happens to the best of us. We're robbed of our time, love
       and talent.... but... we can't cry over spilled milk... and we
       must move on, keep our heads high, stay on alert of our where
       our work goes and keep designing.
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