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       #Post#: 27602--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: sirrobfromoz Date: February 17, 2022, 9:25 pm
       ~jenn~ I know would not be the one to steal or alter anyone
       else's work as jenn is a designer in her own right and a very
       good one at that.
       #Post#: 27604--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: sassy mischief Date: February 17, 2022, 9:57 pm
       Sir Rob no one is accusing or think that it was jenn, or saying
       that she stole it... the only reason jenn is mentioned is
       because the original work which is mine and was tagged by
       me...was a set that jenn won for her Daniel in an auction.
       It is pictured at the start of the thread.. :)
       #Post#: 27701--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: sirrobfromoz Date: February 20, 2022, 1:20 am
       Oh I had no thoughts about jenn being accused, not in the
       slightest. :) Was just putting it out  there.
       #Post#: 29306--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: sirrobfromoz Date: March 26, 2022, 7:49 am
       Seems a similar situation has happened at The New Retreat (TNR)
       and another forum to carissa and some of her work had been
       resized and not by her nor was she asked. :)
       #Post#: 31552--------------------------------------------------
       Re: stolen work
       By: maia Date: April 10, 2022, 3:40 pm
       as someone who has been in around avatar making forums since
       2004/5 from AbD to the multiple of roleplaying forums, i'm not
       surprised but there are lots of things one can do as a
       1. Put the Sample/watermark on where it isn't easy to take off
       2. Educate chatters and designers about the right and wrong way
       to do things - I always point out when someone or a room resizes
       automatically how it distorts the original work. Most see the
       difference and don't do it again (especially when just asking me
       to resize is a simple thing)
       3. Clearly put restrictions on your work if won. I know it
       sounds sometimes harsh but it stops people when you say, you
       will be banned from my work if if found doing such and such.
       4. Go to forums and look at what others do when things are done
       like this. The Art Garden, Revo, Digital Circus, they have some
       really tight rules for these reasons.
       But if you are going to have these rules then you have to follow
       all the resource rules as well. I see many designers use already
       modified model images, backgrounds, or resources that were made
       by other resources - if you want to be careful then be honest
       with your own work and not calling anyone out specifically here
       just a general observation I've noticed over the years.
       it sucks when it happens, i always looked at it as flattery too
       - winks-
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