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       Welcome to my gopherhole :o)
       I am penpalpat. Some quick stats about me:
       I am male, aged 40+ and live in central Europe, Germany.
       At first, I wanted to create a miniature online presence about my
       mental disease, so that people could lower their expectations about
       my ethical behaviour, my skills and all these ideas why I suck.
       That would be too boring to read!
       I feel lucky that you spend some of your time to read my text.
       So let's think about topics, that have a substancial value to you
       and me:
 (TXT) Attempt 1 - selflove
 (TXT) Attempt 2 - vulnerability
 (TXT) Attempt 3 - acoustic pleasure
 (DIR) back to envs.net
                        Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Debian/11 x86_64