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       Welcome to the Gopher home of FRST Computer.  We are a small batch,
       artisan personal computer company -- designing and crafting beautiful
       and unique computers one batch at a time.
       Each machine is hand-assembled, crafted for computer users looking
       something new, (er, old) to excite the imagination again, while
       offering utility and a vision of minimalist computing zen that is
       refreshingly relevant in 2024.
       And like the days of old, users are encouraged to write their own
       software for their FRST computers.  Through this software creation,
       these bespoke machines put the "personal" back in personal computing.
                        === Introducing Model Three ===
 (IMG) Introduction ad
 (DIR) All about the Model Three
 (DIR) Now reserving for batch #4       <- how to get one
                     === Earlier builds (past batches) ===
 (DIR) Model One (batch #1)
 (DIR) Model Two (batch #2)
 (DIR) batch #3
                                 --- misc ---
 (DIR) Stickers!
 (DIR) Contact
 (DIR) Acknowledgments
 (DIR) Company slogan poller (wip)
 (HTM) Early PCD-68 demo, w/ Model 1