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                       Welcome to gopher.beastieboy.net!
        This gopherhole is about programming languages that I like,
        operating systems that I find interesting and any other topic
        I might fancy writing about! At the moment, this means Lisp,
        emacs, FreeBSD, go, Rust (probably), gopher, gemini, the
        craft of programming...
        It is also a place to talk about photography, creative writing,
        languages and linguistics... well, just about anything that
        piques my interest.
 (TXT) Contact me
 (TXT) About
 (TXT) ncgopher, poudriere-devel and codeberg.org
 (TXT) Stuff I use, 2022 edition
 (TXT) Dynamic marmotte
 (TXT) Copy and paste programming
 (TXT) marmotte
 (TXT) Renaissance
 (TXT) Launching gopher.beastieboy.net
 (TXT) Pump up the volume
 (TXT) Apple open sources Lisa OS and applications
 (TXT) I don't run my own mail server any more
 (TXT) My first port for FreeBSD is now available!
 (TXT) When shall I use MongoDB?
 (TXT) Fun for the weekend
 (TXT) Linux Journal is no more
 (TXT) Fixing tramp error: "Couldn't find local shell prompt for..."
 (TXT) Eventually, every bug is a feature
 (TXT) How this site is made
 (TXT) freebsd-update and corrupt metadata
 (TXT) Fun for the weekend
 (TXT) PostgreSQL 10 has been released!
 (TXT) Sci-Fi User Interfaces
 (TXT) No more CD releases for OpenBSD, no more FTP for Debian
 (TXT) File formats posters
 (TXT) xmake, an alternative to cmake
 (TXT) Languages popularity
 (TXT) Why Lisp?
 (TXT) UNIX source code legally available, DragonFly BSD 4.8 released
 (TXT) curl turned 19 last week
 (TXT) Review: Vortex Pok3r keyboard
 (TXT) Stuff I use, 2017 edition
 (TXT) Using your iPhone's hotspot WiFi with wpa_supplicant
 (TXT) 1 person reports 10% of 18500 bugs for emacs
 (TXT) George Neville-Neil and Bryan Lunduke discuss BSD, Linux
 (TXT) Never get lost again in C++ lands!
 (TXT) How to install StumpWM on FreeBSD
                               Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on FreeBSD/amd64 13.1