       November 22nd, 2017
       I recently wrote [0] about a desire to focus my time and energy on
       one thing at a time in an effort to see something to completion.
       I'm addicted to hobbies--that's the nice way of saying I get
       distracted by new things easily.
       I'll put that focus to the test over the next two weeks while we
       take a vacation to see family. Rather than bringing a hodgepodge
       of things I settled on two books on Haskell. Learn You a Haskell
       for Great Good, by Miran Lipovaca, and the O'Reilly book, Real
       World Haskell, are sitting next to me and have already been
       getting a good deal of attention. I'll pop on SDF here and there
       to check IRC, phlog, email, etc, but otherwise I'm going to try my
       best to keep focus.
       I'll miss my slide rule, and my spinning wheel, and my Shakuhachi,
       and all the other things I love to play with. They'll be waiting
       at home for their turn next.
 (DIR) [0] Do the Hard Thing