       Port 70 -or- 1436CON
       April 12th, 2018
       sysdharma posted [0], I replied [1], and sysdharma posted [2]
       again about a real gopher convention. Go catch up if you haven't
       read those yet. I'll wait...
 (DIR) [0] sysdharma - Gophercon vs Gophercon
 (DIR) [1] tomasino - re sysdharma: Gophercon
 (DIR) [2] sysdharma - On a Gopher conference
       Here's the thing. I want to do it.
       Obviously it's not going to be in-person, but a virtual conference
       is totally doable. Here's what I'm thinking:
         - A 24 hour conference
         - Everyone can submit a proposal for a session they want to run
           with the following info:
           - Who you are (handle)
           - Title / Subject of talk
           - Duration
           - Preferred time-slot in UTC
           - Medium of talk (video stream, audio stream, etc)
           - Where will you be watching for feedback/discussion (IRC,
             Social Media, raw TCP packets?)
           We will need a place where these can be submitted and stored.
           It would be great if the submissions could be done in Gopher
           itself (anyone want to volunteer to write a cgi for
         - After X number of days/weeks, we close submissions and print
           up a schedule for everyone to review
         - On the day of the event, it's up to the speakers to get
           themselves online in their medium. (Maybe we can get a 24hr
           anonradio takeover?)
         - Folks can tune in and join the relevant chats
         - Archive the shit out of all of it and host it EVERYWHERE
       I also think we should do one or two "special" sessions and close
       off the time blocks so they're not up against anyone else.
       Round-table or panel discussions would be cool for this. I welcome
       Finally, I think a hackathon would be cool to toss in the mix. It
       could be done the day of, or the day before and results shared out
       on the day. I'm not sure what we could gather in prizes, but for
       our retro-con I bet we could get a couple minor sponsors willing
       to toss in some swag. I'd be amazed if smj didn't jump at the
       opportunity to offload some old SDF stickers. ;)
       Like the panel discussion, the focus of the hackathon would be
       something great to debate. My first suggestion: "Gopher meets
       Docker". What sorts of amazingly cool configurations could we bust
       out for the community in easy-to-deploy ways? TLS? TOR? Whatever
       you can dream up. We could vote on the winners on GopherPoll or
       Speaking of GopherPoll (thanks tfurrows for pointing it out),
       I'd like to offer one up right away and get your feedback:
 (DIR) [3] What should we name this gopher convention?