       More updates
       May 22nd, 2018
       That's a little depressing. After 11 days away I just wrote a long
       update that is substantively the same thing I wrote 11 days ago.
       I feel the need to amend this with some additional updates:
       FBI File [0] - I received my FBI results. There are no records of
       me in their files. I could follow up and request further research
       looking for me in cross-references, but I think I'm good enough
       with what I got. I'm still waiting for replies from the other
       intel orgs.
 (DIR) [0] FBI Files
       Poison Sumac [1] - It's finally gone. Holy shit that took a long
 (DIR) [1] Poison Sumac
       The Hobbit [2] - The boy is loving it. We haven't gotten to read
       it every night, but he's so excited about what's coming (I gave
       hints). He talks about Smaug all the time despite having not met
       him yet. He's excited for the giant spiders because I have
       horrible arachnophobia and he thinks that's funny. We're just
       leaving Rivendell and the Last Homely House. I can't wait for
 (DIR) [2] The Hobbit
       Finally, I've been brainstorming some ideas and getting some good
       feedback from mastodon folks about a talk I want to present at
       Barcamp Philly this year. I'll get it all ready to go and
       hopefully it'll be something people want to attend. If not, I'll
       record it and keep it ready for 1436CON/Port 70 [3].
 (DIR) [3] Port 70 -or- 1436CON