The Boston Diaries
       Please note that the selector for this file should *NOT* start
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 (TXT) /2024/04/05 Matchbox cars seem to have gotten bigger in recent years
 (TXT) /2024/04/04 I love it when abstractions are too abstract to be useful
 (TXT) /2024/04/04 Tracking down a bug
 (TXT) /2024/04/03 “Because this kind of battery is encrypted …”
 (TXT) /2024/04/03 An excessive number of packaging layers
 (TXT) /2024/04/02 Dear LinkedIn, why are you still asking me these questions?
 (TXT) /2024/04/02 It only took 25 years for my idea to catch on
 (TXT) /2024/04/01 Notes on an overheard conversion while eating dinner at The Cracker Barrel
 (TXT) /2024/03/01 The speed of Microsoft's BASIC floating point routines
 (TXT) /2024/02/28 Converting IEEE-754 floating point to Color BASIC floating point
 (TXT) /2024/02/14 Notes from an overheard conversation from a car attempting a right turn
 (TXT) /2024/02/11 An extensible programming language
 (TXT) /2024/02/07 Instead of “write-only memory” assembly support, how about floating point support?
 (TXT) /2024/02/06 Okay!  I'll answer your question, LinkedIn.  Also, Orange Site!  Orange Site!  Orange Site!
 (TXT) /2024/02/06 So you want to amplify my SEO
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