(DIR) Alpha Micro Users Society (AMUS) Network Library Archive
                       DSK2:100,51     UTILITIES
       ^AAI.M68^         Universal file for Alpha Automation donations
 (TXT) ^ACACHE DO ^ 7    Turns on or off the disk cache system
 (TXT) ^ACRLF  M68^ 6    Adds CRLF to files every N bytes (source for ACRLF.LIT)
 (BIN) ^ACRLF  LIT^ 1    Adds CRLF to files every N bytes
 (BIN) ^ADCRLF LIT^      Adds CRLF to files every 75th character
 (TXT) ^ADDCR  M68^ 5    Adds carriage returns to files that don't have any
 (TXT) ^ADCRLF M68^ 5    Adds CRLF to files that do not have them (every 75th char)
 (TXT) ^ADDLF  M68^ 5    Adds Linefeeds to files that don't have any!
 (TXT) ^ADDMAP M68^ 14   Indicates record size for each record found in AlphaBASIC
 (TXT) ^AMOSFX M68^ 11   Allows a call to AMOS from within FIX
 (BIN) ^ALMTIM LIT^      Set AM-65 (or WYSE60) clock to system time
 (TXT) ^ALMTIM M68^ 28   Set AM-65 (or WYSE60) clock to system time
 (TXT) ^ARCDIR M68^ 3    Display Archival directory created by ^ARCHIV^
 (TXT) ^ARCHIV M68^ 6    Create an archive image file of a wild card file set
 (TXT) ^ARCRES M68^ 6    Restore and archive image file to AMOS files
       ^ARX    ARC^ 39   Updated version of ^ARCHIV^ above - get .MAP file too
       ^ARX    HLP^      Documentation for ARX
 (BIN) ^ARX    MAP^      Required for ARX.ARC
 (TXT) ^ARXHIV M68^ 11   Create an archive image fiel including random files
 (TXT) ^ARXDIR M68^ 6    Display archival directory created by ^ARXHIV^
 (TXT) ^ARXRES M68^ 11   Restore an archive image created by ^ARXHIV^
 (BIN) ^AUTOLG LIT^      Automatic logoff of idel jobs (not TSASS compatible)
 (TXT) ^AUTOLG M68^ 12   Automatic logoff of idle jobs (not TSASS compatible)
 (TXT) ^AUXPRT HLP^      Documentation for AUXPRT
 (TXT) ^AUXPRT M68^ 16   Send a file to your auxillary port for output. See .DOC file
       ^AUXSBR.BAS^      Print seq file from auxillay port printer-from BASIC program
       ^AUXSBR.HLP^      Documentation for AUXSBR
       ^AUXSBR.M68^      Print seq file form auxillary port printer-from BASIC program
       ^AUXSBR.SBR^      SBR for AUXSBR
       ^AWTEST M68^ 24   AlphaWRITE test printer driver
 (TXT) ^BANER2 M68^ 85   Print banner to termial or file
 (TXT) ^BANNER M68^ 17   Scrolls a banner across your screen
 (TXT) ^BASE   M68^ 5    Hex, Decimal, or Octal display...see Sept '85 .LOG
 (TXT) ^BASEFX M68^ 5    AlphaFIX overlay equivalent to monitor-level BASE.LIT command
 (BIN) ^BAUD   LIT^      Modified baud rate setting program
 (TXT) ^BAUD   M68^ 7    Modified baud rate setting program
 (TXT) ^BENCH  M68^ 19   A stopwatch utility used to help benchmark programs
 (TXT) ^BJSIZE M68^ 10   Modify the bootup memory partition of the bootup JOB
       ^BLKACL HLP^      Documentation for BLKACL
 (TXT) ^BLKALC M68^ 44   Returns P,PN and file name for a specified disk block
 (TXT) ^BLKDSP HLP^      Documentation for BLKDSP
 (TXT) ^BLKDSP M68^ 34   Display information in a specified disk block
 (TXT) ^BLKEDT HLP^      Documentation for BLKEDT
 (BIN) ^BLKEDT LIT^      Edit information in a specified disk block
 (TXT) ^BLKEDT M68^ 54   Edit information in a specified disk block
 (TXT) ^BLKPRT HLP^      Documentation for BLKPRT
 (TXT) ^BLKPRT M68^ 22   Makes an ASCII file copy of a specified disk block
 (TXT) ^BOOTUP M68^ 6    Creates a log of system reboots
 (TXT) ^BRDCS2 M68^ 6    BRDCST with re-entrant, re-usable coding
 (TXT) ^BRDCS3 M68^ 6    BRDCST with re-entrant, re-usable coding, plus MORE!
 (TXT) ^BRDCS4 M68^ 12   BRDCST with LINE 25 status for TVI925s/TVI950s
 (TXT) ^BUS    M68^ 5    Lists hardware contents of S-100 bus
       ^BYTE   HLP^      Documentation for BYTE
 (TXT) ^BYTE   M68^ 57   Byte conversion utility - hex to oct to dec and more!
 (TXT) ^C      M68^ 5    Clears your screen of ALL information
 (TXT) ^CB     M68^ 44   CB simulator for the office or Network - need 3 files 4 this
       ^CBCLR  LIT^      Required for CB.M68
 (TXT) ^CBSYS  M68^      Required for CB.M68
 (BIN) ^CBSYS  LIT^      Required for CB.M68
 (TXT) ^CHGMEM M68^ 10   Change size of any module in MEM:
 (TXT) ^CHR    M68^ 10   Displays keyed in letter in all bases and all input modes
 (BIN) ^CLIP   LIT^      "Clip" a screen into a VUEable print file
 (TXT) ^CLIP   M68^ 11   "Clip" a screen into a VUEable print file!
 (TXT) ^CLOCK  M68^ 5    Displays the time in a digital clock on the screen
 (BIN) ^CLR25  LIT^      Clear the 25th line of a Televideo terminal
 (TXT) ^CLR25  M68^      Clear the 25th line of a Televideo terminal
 (TXT) ^CLRAND DOC^ 5    Documentation for CLRAND.M68
 (TXT) ^CLRAND M68^ 5    Clears a random file to all zeros (be careful!)
 (TXT) ^CLRBRK M68^ 6    Same as above but clears to ]'s
 (TXT) ^CLRBUF M68^ 3    Clear yours, anothers, or all terminal input buffers
 (BIN) ^CLRPRG LIT^      Clears out the program name that STAT displays
 (TXT) ^CLRPRG M68^ 4    Clears out the program name that STAT displays
 (TXT) ^CONCAT M68^      Concatenate files-asmbly requires SBRSYM.M68
 (BIN) ^CONCAT SBR^      Concatenate files (XCALL)
 (TXT) ^CONTIG M68^ 6    Show largest contiguous space on a disk
 (TXT) ^CONTI2 M68^ 6    Updated version of CONTIG above - works on 400mb drives
 (TXT) ^CONTRL M68^ 3    Allows you to type on someone else's terminal-even while they are typeing
 (TXT) ^CONTXT M68^ 13   Display the contents of a disk block
 (TXT) ^CPU    M68^ 9    Benchmark program for your Alpha
 (TXT) ^CPU1   M68^ 10   Fix to CPU for silent mode cmd processing (:S)
 (TXT) ^CRT    M68^ 3    Terminal Function Calls
 (TXT) ^CRT611 M68^      Modified VCR tape certification (see AMOS.LOG 5/89)
 (BIN) ^CRT611 LIT^      Modified VCR tape certification (see AMOS.LOG 5/89)
 (TXT) ^CRTXEB M68^ 54   Certify XYBEC 1410 and 1410A drives
 (TXT) ^CSTAT  M68^ 17   Dynamic CACHE STATUS program - neat!
 (BIN) ^CTRLC  LIT^      Set CTRLC for any job
 (TXT) ^CTRLC  M68^      Set CTRLC for any job
 (TXT) ^CTRLC2 M68^  6   Enable CtrlC bit for another job-get NCTRC2.M68
 (TXT) ^CTSOFF M68^  8   Turn off CTS (pin 5) line for specified terminal
 (TXT) ^CTSON  M68^  8   Turn on CTS (pin 5) line for specified terminal
       ^CVT    LIT^      Convert Hex-Decimal-Octal-ASCII-Rad50
 (TXT) ^CVT    M68^ 23   Convert  Hex-Decimal-Octal-ASCII-Rad50
       ^CVT2   M68^      Updated CVT
 (TXT) ^CVTSYM M68^      Required for CVTX
 (TXT) ^CVTX   HLP^      Documentation for CVTX
 (BIN) ^CVTX   LIT^      Assembler ver of CVT.BAS; full function calculator
 (TXT) ^CVTX   M68^      Assembler ver of CVT.BAS; full function calculator
 (TXT) ^CVTX0  M68^      Required for CVTX
 (BIN) ^D      LIT^      Directory program using WLDSCN
 (TXT) ^D      M68^ 14   Directory program using ^WLDSCN^
 (TXT) ^DATA   HLP^      Documentation for DATA
 (BIN) ^DATA   LIT^      Set data mode on trmdef device
 (TXT) ^DATA   M68^ 6    Set data mode on trmdef device
 (TXT) ^DEF    M68^ 2    Does something to define command lines (?)
 (TXT) ^DELCR  M68^ 5    Deletes carriage returns from ascii files
 (TXT) ^DELLF  M68^ 5    Deletes linefeeds from ascii files
 (TXT) ^DELMEM M68^ 3    Deletes any memory module in MEM:
       ^DELPPN LIT^      Deletes PPN (even ones with files!)-be careful
 (BIN) ^DETACH LIT^      Detaches a terminal from a specified JOB
 (TXT) ^DETACH M68^ 4    Detaches a terminal from a specified JOB
 (TXT) ^DEVCHE M68^      Locks UFD's into CACHE.
 (TXT) ^DIARY  HLP^ 30   Documentation for DIARY
 (TXT) ^DIARY  INI^ 1    Sample INI file for DIARY
 (BIN) ^DIARY  LIT^ 6    Keep log file of activity for a specified job(s)
 (TXT) ^DIARY  M68^ 27   Keep log file of activity for specified jobs-get STSLST.*
       ^DIARY  NOP^ 6    Associate file for DIARY.M68
 (TXT) ^DIRSER M68^ 14   Directory Service Utility
 (BIN) ^DOCSIZ LIT^ 2    Returns document size in characters,lines, & pages
 (TXT) ^DOCSIZ M68^ 15   Returns document size in characters,lines, & pages
 (TXT) ^DJOB   HLP^      Documentation for DJOB
       ^DJOB*  M68^ 34   Dynamic JOB display (T)
 (TXT) ^DSKEDT M68^ 6    Edit the contents of a disk block
 (TXT) ^DSKLBL M68^ 6    Label a disk in STYLE
 (TXT) ^DSKTIM M68^ 54   Disk Timing program
       ^DSKUSE M68^ 17   Show blocks in use, blocks free, and use of system disks
 (TXT) ^DSPVER M68^      Display file version information
 (TXT) ^DU     M68^ 18   Report disk usage by PPN - slick!
 (TXT) ^E      DO ^      ER.M68 associate file
 (TXT) ^ECHO   M68^ 5    Enter any key and see all number base equivalents
 (BIN) ^ECHOIN LIT^      Echo another job's INput to your screen
 (TXT) ^ECHOIN M68^ 5    Echo another job's INput to your screen
 (TXT) ^EDIR   M68^ 19   Extended DIRectory - lists comments to screen (slick)
 (TXT) ^EDITLI HLP^      Documentation for EDITLI
 (TXT) ^EDITLI M68^ 25   VUE-like edit commands at AMOS level. See EDITLI.DOC
 (TXT) ^ER     DOC^      Documentation for ER.M68
 (TXT) ^ER     HLP^      Help file for ER.M68
 (BIN) ^ER     LIT^      Self extracting archive of all ER.M68 related files
 (TXT) ^ER     M68^ 30   Manipulate ersatz definitions without rebooting-get ERSET.M68
 (TXT) ^ERSET  M68^      Set up free space upon boot for use with ER.M68
 (TXT) ^ERZ    M68^ 13   Display ERSATZ name on a device
 (BIN) ^EXT    LIT^      Utility to display file extensions only in a PPN
 (TXT) ^EXT    M68^ 7    Utility to display file extensions only in a PPN - get WLDSCN.LIB
 (TXT) ^FDUMP  M68^ 24   Dumps a file NOT to the screen but to a file!
 (BIN) ^FILANA LIT^      File analysis-returns # 7-bit,8-bit char;#linefeeds,#formfeeds
 (TXT) ^FILANA M68^      File analysis-returns # 7-bit,8-bit char;#linefeeds,#formfeeds
 (TXT) ^FIND   M68^ 30   A very good string search routine for files (LOOK b-4 get)
 (TXT) ^FETCH  M68^ 1    Load a program from disk only if it is not in memory
 (TXT) ^FILER  M68^ 20   Macros used in several system technology programs
 (TXT) ^FILMAP M68^ 17   Neat example using ^WLDSCN^ by showing directories etc.
 (TXT) ^FINDIR HLP^      Documentation for FINDIR
 (BIN) ^FINDIR LIT^      Find directory blocks
 (TXT) ^FINDIR M68^ 16   Find directory blocks
 (BIN) ^FIXDEL LIT^      UnERASE a file fast and easy
 (TXT) ^FIXDEL M68^      UnERASE a file fast and easy
 (TXT) ^FLDDIR HLP^      Documentation for FLDDIR
 (BIN) ^FLDDIR LIT^      Directory listing for Soft Machines FOLDERS
 (TXT) ^FLDDIR M68^ 78   Directory listing for Soft Machines FOLDERS
 (TXT) ^FNDSPD M68^ 6    Match either 300 or 1200 baud from terminal
 (TXT) ^FNDUFD M68^      Look for UFD block-requires AMOS 2.x (extended file system)
 (TXT) ^FNDUF2 DOC^ 5    Documentation for FNDUF2.M68
 (TXT) ^FNDUF2 M68^ 22   Enhanced FNDUFD - may require AMOS 2.x
 (TXT) ^FNDUSR M68^ 4    Find AlphaBase user
 (TXT) ^FORMS  HLP^      Documentation for FORMS
 (TXT) ^FORMS  M68^ 6    Show the forms set on all system printer jobs
 (TXT) ^FORMS2 M68^ 11   "Newer" version of the original FORMS
 (BIN) ^FREE   LIT^      Displays disk usage statistics
 (TXT) ^FREE   M68^ 28   Displays disk usage statistics-update 12/91
 (TXT) ^FREESP M68^ 14   Provides freespace at top of MEM:
 (BIN) ^FUNKEY LIT^      Allows modification of function key translation files
 (TXT) ^FUNKEY M68^ 18   Allows modification of function key translation files
 (TXT) ^GENMAC M68^      Collection of general miscellaneous macros
 (TXT) ^GETMEM M68^ 5    Change size of any MEM: module
 (BIN) ^GETRID LIT^      Permits user to delete files only in their logon account
 (TXT) ^GETRID M68^      Permits user to delete files only in their logon account
 (TXT) ^HANGUP M68^ 10   Flips RTS on AM300 board to hang up remote phone JOB
 (TXT) ^HASH   M68^ 4    Hash any number of files
 (TXT) ^HEXCVT M68^ 9    Convert a binary file to a Intel hex file
 (TXT) ^HEXDMP M68^ 9    DUMP-like utility redirects output to a file 'filename.dmp'
 (TXT) ^HEXLOD M68^ 7    Convert a Intel hex file to a binary file
 (TXT) ^IDXCHE M68^      Locks first block of random files into CACHE.
 (TXT) ^IF     M68^ 8    Conditional IF statement for .CMD files
 (TXT) ^IPL    M68^ 3    Execute a command string after a .CMD file finishes execution
 (BIN) ^JMAP   LIT^      Display a map of any job's memory partition (with options)
 (TXT) ^JMAP   M68^ 27   Display a map of any job's memory partition (with options)
 (TXT) ^JOBLST M68^ 5    Prints all JOBs to the terminal (See DEC '85 .LOG)
 (BIN) ^JOBMAP LIT^      Similar ot MEMDMP but no as nice
 (TXT) ^JOBMAP M68^ 10   Similar to MEMDMP but not as nice
 (TXT) ^JOBMAX M68^ 9    Check to see if job # is >specified max(CMD and DO files)
 (TXT) ^JOBMON M68^ 15   Allows FORCEd program after a given number of minutes
 (TXT) ^JOBRUN M68^ 9    quick-down-and-dirty job program report for modem systat
 (TXT) ^JOBTIM M68^ 9    lists JOBs and Cum. CPU time
 (TXT) ^KBDTST M68^ 20   Keyboard test routine
 (TXT) ^LEDOFF M68^ 2    Returns a "00" on your status display (i.e., clears it out)
 (BIN) ^LCS    LIT^      Converts text to lower case-excludes text in quotes
 (TXT) ^LCS    M68^      Converts text to lower case-excludes text in quotes
 (TXT) ^LFCRLF M68^  7   Convert LFs in input file to CRLFs in output file
 (TXT) ^LIST   M68^ 27   Wildcard TYPE display program
 (TXT) ^LITHDR M68^      Set up assembler for a .LIT file-use copy lithdir in .M68
 (BIN) ^LOCATE LIT^      Search the disk block by block for a text pattern
 (TXT) ^LOCATE M68^ 3    Search the disk block by block for a text pattern
 (TXT) ^LOCKUP M68^ 6    Locks CPU into single user mode
 (BIN) ^LOGMSG LIT^ 1    Allows user to submit message to system LOGGER
 (TXT) ^LOGMSG M68^ 17   Allows user to submit message to system LOGGER
 (TXT) ^LOGOPR M68^ 1    Force a .CMD file to only run from OPR:
 (TXT) ^LOGS   M68^ 2    Show the PPN's each job is logged into
 (TXT) ^LOKMEM M68^ 4    Locks a memory module
 (TXT) ^LSTUSR M68^ 5    List all AlphaBase users
 (TXT) ^MACLIB M68^ 4    Macro library
 (TXT) ^MAKEAA M68^      Creates A.A files in every PPn specified.
 (TXT) ^MAKFIL M68^ 4    Create a text file
 (TXT) ^MAKGO  M68^ 3    forces a CTRL Q to a terminal with no keyboard
 (BIN) ^MEMDMP LIT^      Dump another job's memory partition
 (TXT) ^MEMDMP M68^ 7    Dump another job's memory partition
 (TXT) ^MEMEDT M68^ 5    Edit memory modules
 (BIN) ^MEMPLT LIT^      Graphic display of all system memory allocations
 (TXT) ^MEMPLT M68^ 3    Graphic display of all system memory allocations
 (BIN) ^MEMTST LIT^      Test teh memory of a user's partition
 (TXT) ^MEMTST M68^ 16   Test the memory of a user's partition
 (BIN) ^MEMUSE LIT^      Displays memory usage
 (TXT) ^MEMUSE M68^ 13   Displays memory usage
 (TXT) ^MFDPRT HLP^      Documentation for MFDPRT
 (TXT) ^MFDPRT M68^ 20   Make an ASCII file copy of the MFD
 (TXT) ^MONMAP M68^ 6    Display the modules in the system monitor
 (BIN) ^MOVE   LIT^ 10   Archived version of MOVE.M68
 (TXT) ^MOVE   M68^ 31   Moves a file to a different user file directory (UFD)
 (TXT) ^MSTAT  M68^ 10   Graphic Memory STATus display utility
 (TXT) ^NCTRC2 M68^  6   Turns off ^C bit of another job - get CTRLC2.M68
 (TXT) ^NETSPY M68^ 16   System monitor for auto logoff. Exempt prg and var. JOBs
 (TXT) ^NEWTDV M68^ 3    Change terminal drivers-AMOS/L version
 (BIN) ^NEWTRM LIT^      Change terminal drivers
 (TXT) ^NEWTRM M68^ 13   Change terminal drivers
 (BIN) ^NOTIFY LIT^      Send message to any terminal - great, tells if mssg not delivered
 (TXT) ^NSTAMP HLP^      Documentation for NSTAMP
 (TXT) ^NSTAMP M68^ 52   "Stamps" a message to end of text file
 (TXT) ^NUMBER M68^ 9    Nunmber,reunmber or strip numbers from a basic file
 (TXT) ^OFF    M68^ 1    Turn of the CRT screen
 (TXT) ^OPEN   M68^ 5    Lists files that have been used as of lately for each JOB
 (TXT) ^OPRJMR M68^ 38   Redirect OPERATOR JOB messgs. to a specified terminal.
 (BIN) ^P      LIT^ 1    Works like PRINT/PRNT; automatically figures which spooler running
 (TXT) ^P      M68^ 6    Works like PRINT/PRNT; automatically figures which spooler running
 (TXT) ^PAGE   M68^ 6    Prints a file page by page
 (TXT) ^PARSE  M68^ 6    Parse valid options from a command line
 (TXT) ^PATCH  DO ^      Patch routine for AMOS 4.6 and 5.0
 (TXT) ^PATH   M68^ 5    Displays AMOS search pattern for a command.
 (BIN) ^PFK    LIT^      Determines appropriate function key transl. file for terminal
 (TXT) ^PFK    M68^      Determines appropriate function key transl. file for terminal
 (TXT) ^POP    M68^ 26   Pop off log locations which were PUSHed - see PUSH.M68
 (BIN) ^PPN    LIT^      Display PPN for a device
 (TXT) ^PPN    M68^      Display PPN for a device
 (BIN) ^PPNS   LIT^      Fancy version of AMOS PPN command
 (TXT) ^PPNS   M68^ 12   Fancy version of AMOS ppn command
 (TXT) ^PPNSIZ M68^ 10   Display # of files,blocks and bytes for PPN specified
 (BIN) ^PRINTQ LIT^      Dynamic PRINT QUEUE STAT program sililar to STAT
 (TXT) ^PRINTQ M68^ 23   Dynamic PRINT QUEUE STAT program similar to STAT.
 (TXT) ^PRIO   M68^ 6    Set priority level of all jobs except your own.
 (TXT) ^PUSH   M68^ 24   Push log locations onto stack - see POP.M68
       ^QTYPE  HLP^      Documentation for QTYPE
 (TXT) ^QTYPE  M68^      "Quick Type" dim/bright display helper for M68 folks
       ^QTYPE  MAC^      QTYPE macros
 (TXT) ^RESREN M68^ 7    RENAME a RES: module
 (TXT) ^RESUPD M68^ 13   Update a RES: module from a disk file (no reboot needed)
 (TXT) ^RDONLY M68^ 6    Allows VUEing without modification - get RDOVUX.M68 too.
 (TXT) ^RDOVUX M68^ 6    See RDONLY.M68 directly above
 (BIN) ^RECALL LIT^      Recalls listing of commands saved with AMOS (line) EDITOR
 (TXT) ^RECALL M68^      Recalls listing of commands saved with AMOS (line) EDITOR
 (BIN) ^RECOVR LIT^      Recovers erased files
 (TXT) ^RECOVR M68^ 6    YEA!!!!   Recovers erased files !!!!!
 (TXT) ^REN    M68^ 1    Rename memory modules
 (BIN) ^RENSYS LIT^      Rename a system memory module
 (TXT) ^RENSYS M68^ 4    Rename a system memory module
 (TXT) ^RENUM  M68^ 26   Renumber a text file
 (BIN) ^RESET  LIT^ 3    "ZAPs" a blown-out job back to the dot
 (TXT) ^RESET  M68^ 21   "ZAPs" a blown-out job back to the dot (thanks D. Pallmann!)
 (TXT) ^REVUE  HLP^ 18   Documentation for REVUE
 (BIN) ^REVUE  LIT^ 57   AlphaVUE journaling utility
 (TXT) ^REVUE  M68^ 26   AlphaVUE journaling utility
 (BIN) ^REVUE  RV ^ 20   Associate file for REVUE
 (BIN) ^REVUE  SYS^      Required for REVUE
 (BIN) ^RSERCH LIT^      Search a random file for a string
 (TXT) ^RSERCH M68^ 8    Search a random file for a string
 (BIN) ^RV     LIT^      Associate file for REVUE
 (TXT) ^RV     M68^ 24   Associate file for REVUE
 (BIN) ^RVINI  LIT^      Required for REVUE
 (TXT) ^RVINI  M68^      Required for REVUE
 (TXT) ^SAVBBS M68^ 2    Save your BADBLK.SYS with this little utility
 (TXT) ^SAVERS CMD^      ER.M68 related file
 (TXT) ^SBAUD  M68^ 13   Change job baud rates without needing a terminal on the job
 (TXT) ^SEARCH HLP^      Documentation for SEARCH
 (BIN) ^SEARCH LIT^      Search files for text patterns
 (TXT) ^SEARCH M68^ 61   Search files for text patterns - see SEARCH.HLP
 (TXT) ^SEEU   M68^      Display current U.LIT settings
 (TXT) ^SELSCN M68^ 9    Select sequenital records from file & display to screen
 (TXT) ^SENDAM M68^ 8    Just like "SEND25" but works on AM62? and AM60's
 (TXT) ^SEND25 M68^ 7    Send a string to the 25th line of a TeleVideo
 (TXT) ^SENSE  M68^ 2    Match bauds
 (TXT) ^SETJMP M68^ 28   Display a dip switch or jumper settings
 (TXT) ^SETTRM M68^ 7    Display or change baud rate for any terminal
 (TXT) ^SETX   HLP^      Documentation for SETX
 (TXT) ^SETX   M68^ 14   SET JOB name and COMMAND line
 (TXT) ^SHORT  M68^ 6    Shortens ASCII files to 80 lines.
 (TXT) ^SHOW   M68^ 14   Displays contents of .LOG file from the Task Manager
       ^SHOW2  LIT^ 25   Show contents of a file (.M68 by default)
       ^SHOW2  LAB^      Label for SHOW2.LIT
 (TXT) ^SHRINK M68^ 9    Shrinks random files quick and dirty
 (TXT) ^SOFAR  M68^ 6    Keeps track of daily LOG time with a file called DAY.LOG
 (TXT) ^SPSTAT M68^ 40   A 'Super stat' that is very similar to WATCH
 (BIN) ^SSDCHK LIT^      Continuously checks SSD chips
 (TXT) ^SSDCHK M68^      Continuously checks SSD chips
 (TXT) ^STRUCT M68^ 2    Structured programing definitions
 (TXT) ^STSLST CTL^ 1    Converts DIARY output to ASCII
 (BIN) ^STSLST LIT^ 6    Converts DIARY output to ASCII
 (TXT) ^SURFAC M68^ 1    Tells the boot surface being used (fixed/cart)
 (BIN) ^SYSLOD LIT^      Like AMOS SYSTEM command, supports wildcarding
 (TXT) ^SYSLOD M68^ 11   Like AMOS SYSTEM command, supports wildcarding
 (BIN) ^SYSMSG LIT^      Creates listing of system error messages to screen or file
 (TXT) ^SYSMSG M68^      Creates listing of system error messages to screen or file
 (TXT) ^S25LOG M68^ 8    Similar to SEND25 but allows message file
 (TXT) ^TALKAT M68^ 46   Utility front end for TALKTO telecommunications program
 (BIN) ^TEETO  LIT^      Send output to a file as well as the screen
 (TXT) ^TEETO  M68^ 21   Send output to a file as well as the screen
 (BIN) ^TEXT   LIT^      Sends any text to any JOB, regardless of mode
 (TXT) ^TEXT   M68^ 10   Sends any text to any JOB, regardless of mode
 (TXT) ^TDV    M68^ 5    Change terminal driver
 (TXT) ^TIMEON M68^      Displays date, time, and connect time
 (TXT) ^TRACK  M68^ 16   Track activities for daily logs or time sheets
 (TXT) ^TRACK1 M68^ 24   Updated version of ^TRACK^
 (TXT) ^TRMNAM M68^ 2    Allows a change of a terminal name from the OPR: account
 (TXT) ^TRMOFF M68^ 16   Save those terminal screens that don't auto turn off!
 (TXT) ^TYPEB  M68^ 11   Types files backwards for that "end of file" data U need.
 (BIN) ^TYPRAN LIT^      Type out RANDOM files to your terminal
 (TXT) ^TYPRAN M68^ 43   Type out RANDOM files to your terminal
 (BIN) ^UCS    LIT^      Converts text to upper case-except text in quotes
 (TXT) ^UCS    M68^      Converts text to upper case-except text in quotes
 (TXT) ^UFDFND HLP^      Documentation for UFDFND
 (BIN) ^UFDFND LIT^      Find UFD blocks
 (TXT) ^UFDFND M68^ 17   Find UFD blocks
 (TXT) ^ULKMEM M68^ 4    Unlocks memory module (from ^LOKMEM^)
 (TXT) ^USRNAM M68^      Display, clear, or set job user name
 (TXT) ^USRSYM M68^ 1    A David Pallman must for many other files
       ^USTAT? M68^ XXX  Source code for ^USTAT^ - get all USTAT*.* files
 (TXT) ^USYM   M68^      USTAT 3.x symbolic definition file
 (BIN) ^UUENCO LIT^      File archive utility
 (TXT) ^UUENCO M68^      File archive utility
 (BIN) ^UUDECO LIT^      File un-archive utility
 (TXT) ^UUDECO M68^      File un-archive utility
 (TXT) ^VERSIO M68^ 1    Returns version of AMOSL being run
 (BIN) ^VUECOM LIT^      VUE-like file compare
 (TXT) ^VUECOM M68^ 7    VUE-like file compare
 (TXT) ^WAKE   M68^ 3    Wakes another JOB that is in the sleep state
       ^WATCH  M68^ 24   Like SYSTAT but much better
 (BIN) ^WHERIZ LIT^      Display all job and terminals user attached to
 (TXT) ^WHERIZ M68^      Display all job and terminals user attached to
 (TXT) ^WILD   M68^ 6    General purpose wild card utility
 (TXT) ^WLDSCN M68^ 33   David Pallmann's wildcard scanning routine
 (BIN) ^WLDSCN LIB^ 30   Associate file for EXT.M68
       ^WILSYM M68^      Symbol library for WLDSCN
 (TXT) ^WRAP   M68^  8   Wrap an input file at a specified column to an output file
       All files:
 (BIN) a.a
 (TXT) aai.m68
 (TXT) acache.do
 (BIN) acrlf.lit
 (TXT) acrlf.m68
 (BIN) adcrlf.lit
 (TXT) adcrlf.m68
 (TXT) addcr.m68
 (TXT) addlf.m68
 (TXT) addmap.m68
 (BIN) almtim.lit
 (TXT) almtim.m68
 (TXT) amosfx.m68
 (TXT) arcdir.m68
 (TXT) archiv.m68
 (TXT) arcres.m68
 (BIN) arx.map
 (TXT) arxdir.m68
 (TXT) arxdoc.hlp
 (TXT) arxhiv.m68
 (TXT) arxres.m68
 (TXT) ascii.tbl
 (BIN) autolg.lit
 (TXT) autolg.m68
 (TXT) auxprt.hlp
 (TXT) auxprt.m68
 (TXT) auxsbr.bas
 (TXT) auxsbr.doc
 (TXT) auxsbr.m68
 (BIN) auxsbr.run
 (BIN) auxsbr.sbr
 (TXT) baner2.m68
 (TXT) banner.m68
 (TXT) base.m68
 (TXT) basefx.m68
 (BIN) baud.lit
 (TXT) baud.m68
 (TXT) bench.m68
 (TXT) bjsize.m68
 (TXT) blkalc.hlp
 (TXT) blkalc.m68
 (TXT) blkdsp.hlp
 (TXT) blkdsp.m68
 (TXT) blkedt.hlp
 (BIN) blkedt.lit
 (TXT) blkedt.m68
 (TXT) blkprt.hlp
 (TXT) blkprt.m68
 (TXT) bootup.m68
 (TXT) brdcs2.m68
 (TXT) brdcs3.m68
 (TXT) brdcs4.m68
 (TXT) bus.m68
 (BIN) byte.lit
 (TXT) byte.m68
 (TXT) c.m68
 (TXT) cb.m68
 (TXT) cbclr.m68
 (BIN) cbsys.lit
 (TXT) cbsys.m68
 (BIN) cd.lit
 (TXT) cd.m68
 (TXT) chgmem.m68
 (TXT) chr.m68
 (BIN) chunks.lit
 (TXT) chunks.m68
 (BIN) clip.lit
 (TXT) clip.m68
 (BIN) clip2.lit
 (TXT) clip2.m68
 (TXT) clock.m68
 (BIN) clr25.lit
 (TXT) clr25.m68
 (TXT) clrand.doc
 (TXT) clrand.m68
 (TXT) clrbrk.m68
 (TXT) clrbuf.m68
 (BIN) clrprg.lit
 (TXT) clrprg.m68
 (BIN) compil.lit
 (TXT) concat.m68
 (BIN) concat.sbr
 (TXT) conti2.m68
 (TXT) contig.m68
 (TXT) contrl.m68
 (TXT) contxt.m68
 (TXT) cpu.m68
 (BIN) cpu.obj
 (TXT) cpu1.m68
 (TXT) crt.m68
 (BIN) crt611.lit
 (TXT) crt611.m68
 (BIN) crt611.obj
 (TXT) crtxeb.m68
 (TXT) cstat.m68
 (BIN) ctrlc.lit
 (TXT) ctrlc.m68
 (TXT) ctrlc2.m68
 (TXT) ctsoff.m68
 (TXT) ctson.m68
 (TXT) cvt.m68
 (TXT) cvtsym.m68
 (TXT) cvtx.hlp
 (BIN) cvtx.lit
 (TXT) cvtx.m68
 (TXT) cvtx0.m68
 (BIN) d.lit
 (TXT) d.m68
 (TXT) data.hlp
 (BIN) data.lit
 (TXT) data.m68
 (TXT) def.m68
 (TXT) delcr.m68
 (TXT) dellf.m68
 (TXT) delmem.m68
 (BIN) detach.lit
 (TXT) detach.m68
 (TXT) devche.m68
 (TXT) diary.hlp
 (TXT) diary.ini
 (BIN) diary.lit
 (TXT) diary.m68
 (TXT) direct.hlp
 (TXT) dirser.m68
 (TXT) djob.hlp
 (TXT) djob.m68
 (TXT) djob1.m68
 (TXT) djob13.m68
 (TXT) djob2.m68
 (TXT) djob3.m68
 (BIN) docsiz.lit
 (TXT) docsiz.m68
 (TXT) dskedt.m68
 (TXT) dskinf.cpy
 (TXT) dsklbl.m68
 (TXT) dsktim.m68
 (BIN) dspflk.lit
 (TXT) dspflk.m68
 (BIN) dspmsg.lit
 (TXT) dspmsg.m68
 (TXT) dspver.m68
 (TXT) du.m68
 (TXT) e.do
 (TXT) echo.m68
 (BIN) echoin.lit
 (TXT) echoin.m68
 (TXT) edir.m68
 (TXT) editli.hlp
 (TXT) editli.m68
 (BIN) er.arc
 (TXT) er.doc
 (TXT) er.hlp
 (BIN) er.lit
 (TXT) er.m68
 (TXT) erset.m68
 (TXT) erz.m68
 (BIN) ext.lit
 (TXT) ext.m68
 (TXT) fdump.m68
 (TXT) fetch.m68
 (BIN) filana.lit
 (TXT) filana.m68
 (TXT) filer.m68
 (BIN) filer.unv
 (TXT) filmap.m68
 (TXT) find.m68
 (TXT) findir.hlp
 (BIN) findir.lit
 (TXT) findir.m68
 (BIN) fixdel.lit
 (TXT) fixdel.m68
 (TXT) flddir.hlp
 (BIN) flddir.lit
 (TXT) flddir.m68
 (TXT) fndspd.m68
 (TXT) fnduf2.doc
 (TXT) fnduf2.m68
 (TXT) fndufd.m68
 (TXT) fndusr.m68
 (TXT) forms.hlp
 (TXT) forms.m68
 (TXT) forms2.m68
 (BIN) free.lit
 (TXT) free.m68
 (TXT) freesp.m68
 (BIN) funkey.lit
 (TXT) funkey.m68
 (TXT) g.cmd
 (TXT) genmac.m68
 (TXT) getmem.m68
 (BIN) getrid.lit
 (TXT) getrid.m68
 (TXT) gg.cmd
 (TXT) ggg.cmd
 (TXT) hangup.m68
 (TXT) hash.m68
 (TXT) hexcvt.m68
 (TXT) hexdmp.m68
 (TXT) hexlod.m68
 (BIN) ic.lit
 (TXT) ic.m68
 (BIN) idle.lit
 (TXT) idle.m68
 (TXT) idxche.m68
 (TXT) if.m68
 (TXT) ipl.m68
 (BIN) jmap.lit
 (TXT) jmap.m68
 (TXT) joblst.m68
 (BIN) jobmap.lit
 (TXT) jobmap.m68
 (TXT) jobmax.m68
 (TXT) jobmon.m68
 (TXT) jobrun.m68
 (TXT) jobtim.m68
 (TXT) jobtsk.m68
 (BIN) jobtsk.sbr
 (BIN) join.lit
 (TXT) kbdtst.m68
 (BIN) lcs.lit
 (TXT) lcs.m68
 (TXT) ledoff.m68
 (TXT) lfcrlf.m68
 (BIN) lib.unv
 (TXT) list.m68
 (TXT) lithdr.m68
 (BIN) locate.lit
 (TXT) locate.m68
 (TXT) lockup.m68
 (BIN) logmsg.lit
 (TXT) logmsg.m68
 (TXT) logopr.m68
 (TXT) logs.m68
 (TXT) lokmem.m68
 (TXT) lstusr.m68
 (TXT) m68.dir
 (TXT) maclib.m68
 (BIN) maclib.unv
 (TXT) makeaa.m68
 (TXT) makfil.m68
 (TXT) makgo.m68
 (BIN) memdmp.lit
 (TXT) memdmp.m68
 (TXT) memedt.m68
 (BIN) memplt.lit
 (TXT) memplt.m68
 (BIN) memtst.lit
 (TXT) memtst.m68
 (BIN) memuse.lit
 (TXT) memuse.m68
 (TXT) mfdprt.hlp
 (TXT) mfdprt.m68
 (TXT) monmap.m68
 (BIN) move.lit
 (TXT) move.m68
 (TXT) mstat.m68
 (TXT) nctrc2.m68
 (TXT) netspy.m68
 (TXT) newtdv.m68
 (BIN) newtrm.lit
 (TXT) newtrm.m68
 (TXT) notify.hlp
 (BIN) notify.lit
 (BIN) notify.sbr
 (TXT) nstamp.hlp
 (TXT) nstamp.m68
 (TXT) number.m68
 (TXT) off.m68
 (TXT) open.m68
 (TXT) oprjmr.m68
 (BIN) p.lit
 (TXT) p.m68
 (TXT) page.m68
 (TXT) parse.m68
 (TXT) patch.do
 (TXT) path.m68
 (BIN) pfk.lit
 (TXT) pfk.m68
 (TXT) pop.m68
 (BIN) ppn.lit
 (TXT) ppn.m68
 (BIN) ppns.lit
 (TXT) ppns.m68
 (TXT) ppnsiz.m68
 (BIN) ppnuse.lit
 (TXT) ppnuse.m68
 (BIN) printq.lit
 (TXT) printq.m68
 (TXT) prio.m68
 (TXT) push.m68
 (TXT) qtyp.do
 (BIN) qtype.lit
 (TXT) qtype.m68
 (TXT) qtypem.hlp
 (TXT) qtypem.m68
 (TXT) qtypem.mac
 (TXT) rdonly.m68
 (TXT) rdovux.m68
 (BIN) recall.lit
 (TXT) recall.m68
 (BIN) recovr.lit
 (TXT) recovr.m68
 (TXT) ren.m68
 (BIN) rensys.lit
 (TXT) rensys.m68
 (BIN) renum.lit
 (TXT) renum.m68
 (BIN) reset.lit
 (TXT) reset.m68
 (TXT) resren.m68
 (TXT) resupd.m68
 (TXT) revue.hlp
 (BIN) revue.lit
 (TXT) revue.m68
 (BIN) revue.rv
 (BIN) revue.sys
 (BIN) rserch.lit
 (TXT) rserch.m68
 (BIN) rv.lit
 (TXT) rv.m68
 (BIN) rvini.lit
 (TXT) rvini.m68
 (TXT) s25log.m68
 (TXT) savbbs.m68
 (TXT) savers.cmd
 (TXT) sbaud.m68
 (TXT) search.hlp
 (BIN) search.lit
 (TXT) search.m68
 (TXT) seeu.m68
 (TXT) selscn.m68
 (TXT) send25.m68
 (TXT) sendam.m68
 (TXT) sense.m68
 (TXT) setjmp.m68
 (TXT) settrm.m68
 (TXT) setx.hlp
 (TXT) setx.m68
 (TXT) short.m68
 (TXT) show.m68
 (TXT) shrink.m68
 (BIN) shwbit.lit
 (TXT) snitch.hlp
 (BIN) snitch.lit
 (TXT) snitch.m68
 (TXT) snitch.on
 (TXT) sofar.m68
 (BIN) split.lit
 (TXT) spstat.m68
 (BIN) ssdchk.lit
 (TXT) ssdchk.m68
 (TXT) struct.m68
 (TXT) stslst.ctl
 (BIN) stslst.lit
 (TXT) surfac.m68
 (BIN) syslod.lit
 (TXT) syslod.m68
 (BIN) sysmsg.lit
 (TXT) sysmsg.m68
 (TXT) t.spl
 (TXT) talkat.m68
 (TXT) tdv.m68
 (BIN) teeto.lit
 (TXT) teeto.m68
 (BIN) text.lit
 (TXT) text.m68
 (TXT) timeon.m68
 (BIN) tptotp.lit
 (TXT) tptotp.m68
 (TXT) track.m68
 (TXT) track1.m68
 (TXT) trmnam.m68
 (TXT) trmoff.m68
 (TXT) typeb.m68
 (BIN) typran.lit
 (TXT) typran.m68
 (BIN) ucs.lit
 (TXT) ucs.m68
 (TXT) ufdfnd.hlp
 (BIN) ufdfnd.lit
 (TXT) ufdfnd.m68
 (TXT) ulkmem.m68
 (TXT) usrnam.m68
 (TXT) usrsym.m68
 (TXT) ustat0.m68
 (TXT) ustat1.m68
 (TXT) ustat2.m68
 (TXT) ustat3.m68
 (TXT) ustat4.m68
 (TXT) ustat5.m68
 (TXT) ustat6.cmd
 (TXT) ustat6.hlp
 (TXT) ustat6.lab
 (BIN) ustat6.lit
 (TXT) ustat6.m86
 (TXT) usym.m68
 (BIN) uudeco.lit
 (TXT) uudeco.m68
 (BIN) uuenco.lit
 (TXT) uuenco.m68
 (TXT) versio.m68
 (BIN) vuecom.lit
 (TXT) vuecom.m68
 (TXT) wake.m68
 (BIN) wheriz.lit
 (TXT) wheriz.m68
 (BIN) wild.lit
 (TXT) wild.m68
 (BIN) wild.obj
 (BIN) wild.sym
 (BIN) wldscn.arc
 (BIN) wldscn.lib
 (BIN) wldscn.lit
 (TXT) wldscn.m68
 (BIN) wldscn.obj
 (BIN) wldscn.unv
 (TXT) wldsym.m68
 (BIN) wldsym.unv
 (TXT) wrap.m68
 (TXT) xdir.lbl
 (BIN) xdir.lit