       Geektools has shutdown
       June 04th, 2023
       I just noticed that whois.geektools.com and geektools.com both return
       NXDOMAIN now... Checking the internet archive, they had posted a notice
       on their site back in May stating that they had ended the service:
       geektools.com has shut down.
       We started this service in 1998 as the first smart whois that would
       automatically query the correct server(s) to get the data you need. A
       lot has changed since then and it's time to move on. Most modern
       command line clients on *nix-like systems will select the appropriate
       whois server. Check your system's man page ("man whois" for those of you
       who don't know what a man page is). If you prefer to use a browser
       interface there are many sites that perform the same function and
       they're easy to find with your favorite search engine.
       It's been a good run, and thanks for using this service over the years.
       - the geektools team
       This is kind of devastating to me since I seem to ALWAYS be on a machine
       that has a shitty whois client that doesn't automatically pick the
       correct server all the time... I had been in the habit of always doing
       my whois queries like `whois -h whois.geektools.com whatever'
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