       Squid service on gopher.zcrayfish.soy discontinued
       December 13th, 2023
       The precompiled version of Squid which comes with my distro,
       Alpine Linux, seems to have stopped supporting gopher recently.
       Consequently the gopherproxy.sh cgi script on the web server, which some
       folks were using to access other gopher servers, has ceased to function.
       I don't feel like going through the maintenance burden of compiling my
       own version of squid, despite the fact that it is an /extremely/ easy
       piece of software to compile...
       I do think I will try to rework the gopherproxy.sh script to use lynx;
       but I expect lynx will prove more troublesome than squid in accessing
       the rest of gopherspace... This could be a good thing though: lynx' fork
       of libwww which enables it to access gopher is well maintained, people
       do report bugs, and the author does a decent job fixing most of them...
       Squid's fork of libwww gets far less bug reports and fixes, not knocking
       them at all, it's just that nobody is interested sadly!
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       253 people didn't even know about gopherproxy.sh.
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