[HN Gopher] Archive (2021-08-21) - Page 2
 (DIR) Beware state surveillance of your lives - governments can change...
       139 points by pseudolus (17 comments)
 (DIR) Snap: A microkernel approach to host networking (2019)
       68 points by teleforce (8 comments)
 (DIR) New phone can make calls and send texts, but it cannot access so...
       24 points by prostoalex (55 comments)
 (DIR) Janet Programming Language
       212 points by rcarmo (105 comments)
 (DIR) Facebook suppressed report that made it look bad
       214 points by underscore_ku (30 comments)
 (DIR) Parser generators vs. handwritten parsers: surveying major langu...
       91 points by eatonphil (73 comments)
 (DIR) DeepfakeHTTP - Your 100% static dynamic back end
       4 points by tommybox (0 comments)
 (DIR) Thoughts of work invaded my life until I learned how to unplug
       214 points by Pikkie (89 comments)
 (DIR) Why Do the Children (Pretend) Play? [pdf]
       22 points by lofties (7 comments)
 (DIR) TLA+ is hard to learn (2018)
       83 points by azhenley (36 comments)
 (DIR) A Simple Interpreter in Python
       17 points by dunefox (2 comments)
 (DIR) Job-hopping heats up: 65% of U.S. workers are looking for a new job
       140 points by hiddencache (101 comments)
 (DIR) Patterns in Confusing Explanations
       474 points by pabs3 (141 comments)
 (DIR) The big-load anti-pattern
       56 points by r4um (22 comments)
 (DIR) Google's Secret Initiative - "Project Hug"
       606 points by radmuzom (178 comments)
 (DIR) A Big Study About Honesty Turns Out to Be Based on Fake Data
       149 points by danso (75 comments)
 (DIR) I Don't Want to Be Like a Family with My Co-Workers
       339 points by kakakiki (214 comments)
 (DIR) Those "Pesky" Pull Requests Are Worth It
       9 points by seattleiteite (1 comments)
 (DIR) The World's Largest Computer Chip
       97 points by doe88 (33 comments)
 (DIR) Facebook hacker beat my 2FA, bricked my Oculus, and hit the comp...
       922 points by tosh (342 comments)
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       (page generated 2021-08-21 23:01 UTC)