[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-02-12) - Page 2
 (DIR) GhOSt: Fast and Flexible User-Space Delegation of Linux Scheduling
       17 points by mlerner (0 comments)
 (DIR) A disquisition into the sadly slovenly takeup of 10GBASE-T (2012)
       15 points by mastax (11 comments)
 (DIR) Running C unit tests with Pytest
       112 points by p403n1x87 (26 comments)
 (DIR) A SHIFT in Perspective
       27 points by cunidev (0 comments)
 (DIR) Delphi Timewarp - 1995 and Delphi's Mythical Origins
       57 points by zxspectrum1982 (40 comments)
 (DIR) Why federated protocols don't work (2016)
       83 points by pcr910303 (75 comments)
 (DIR) Webapp for comparing weather forcast providers
       22 points by ducktective (3 comments)
 (DIR) Real-Cugan: Real Cascade U-Nets for Anime Image Super Resolution
       16 points by ksec (0 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Opta, a high level abstraction for Infrastructure-as-Code
       16 points by serverlessmom (0 comments)
 (DIR) What Fortran does better than C-like languages
       59 points by Bostonian (64 comments)
 (DIR) Discord is a black hole for information
       483 points by Prestoon (308 comments)
 (DIR) State of Rhombus (programming language)
       33 points by Decabytes (9 comments)
 (DIR) Should You Kill the Fat Man?
       3 points by baxtr (0 comments)
 (DIR) NanoVNA: Low-cost handheld 4GHz vector network analyzer
       99 points by trishmapow2 (57 comments)
 (DIR) On Folk Theorems (1980)
       7 points by cosheaf (2 comments)
 (DIR) Benefits and costs of writing a Posix kernel in a high-level lan...
       26 points by Decabytes (3 comments)
 (DIR) The Roaring Game - Curling
       27 points by frumpish (18 comments)
 (DIR) Prefix Sum with SIMD
       104 points by gbrown_ (35 comments)
 (DIR) A (joke) cryptocurrency where you get paid to scalp
       15 points by anchpop (2 comments)
 (DIR) Can GPT-3 AI write comedy?
       79 points by rossvor (65 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2022-02-12 23:01 UTC)