[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-04-15) - Page 1
 (DIR) Lofi air traffic control - LAX
       285 points by hot_gril (74 comments)
 (DIR) Microsoft execs on Apple's music store (2003)
       103 points by mfiguiere (68 comments)
 (DIR) Algebraic graph calculus (2021)
       54 points by 082349872349872 (5 comments)
 (DIR) Web LLM - WebGPU Powered Inference of Large Language Models
       101 points by summarity (35 comments)
 (DIR) DOJ charges 10 with fraud in global air freight kickback scheme
       79 points by ilamont (27 comments)
 (DIR) Why does a plastic-wrapped turkey sandwich cost $15 at the NYC a...
       249 points by raybb (288 comments)
 (DIR) OpenAssistant Conversations - Democratizing Large Language Model...
       130 points by pps (27 comments)
 (DIR) Hexagony: A two-dimensional, hexagonal programming language
       166 points by zdw (26 comments)
 (DIR) Digital clutter: Learning to let go and stop hoarding terabytes
       11 points by PStamatiou (0 comments)
 (DIR) Easily accessing all your stuff with a zero-trust mesh VPN
       18 points by JNRowe (5 comments)
 (DIR) WebGPU Fundamentals
       328 points by itsuka (155 comments)
 (DIR) Less Than 7 Percent of US Active Equity Funds Have Beat the Mark...
       102 points by belter (60 comments)
 (DIR) A Portrait of Leonard Cohen as a Young Artist
       19 points by apollinaire (2 comments)
 (DIR) Roland Griffiths' research ushered in the psychedelic Renaissance
       11 points by benbreen (1 comments)
 (DIR) MacStealer allows for WiFi client isolation bypasses (CVE-2022-4...
       45 points by oger (9 comments)
 (DIR) The FFmpeg/Libav situation (2012)
       10 points by dosshell (8 comments)
 (DIR) Generalizations of Fourier Analysis
       65 points by mscharrer (9 comments)
 (DIR) Exercism - learn 67 programming languages for free
       55 points by alexzeitler (5 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: IPython-GPT, a Jupyter/IPython Interface to Chat GPT
       108 points by santiagobasulto (19 comments)
 (DIR) Intel won't back down on chip ID feature (1999)
       60 points by 1970-01-01 (48 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2023-04-15 23:00 UTC)