[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-12-23) - Page 1
 (DIR) The Art of Electronics (3rd Edition)
       85 points by teleforce (25 comments)
 (DIR) Xmas.c, winner of the 1988 International Obfuscated C Code Contest
       357 points by evah (52 comments)
 (DIR) How does a B-tree make queries fast?
       30 points by jaycox2931 (3 comments)
 (DIR) Ferret: A Multimodal Large Language Model
       407 points by weirdcat (229 comments)
 (DIR) IP over Spaghetti (2019)
       53 points by elisaado (19 comments)
 (DIR) Quantum computing's reality check
       105 points by mathgenius (67 comments)
 (DIR) BBS: The Documentary (2005)
       86 points by pelagicAustral (27 comments)
 (DIR) Otter, Fastest Go in-memory cache based on S3-FIFO algorithm
       122 points by rickette (40 comments)
 (DIR) Understanding every byte in a WASM module
       143 points by hasheddan (30 comments)
 (DIR) Par: Paragraph reformatter, vaguely similar to fmt, but better
       9 points by ingve (2 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Talk Paper Scissors
       54 points by gregsadetsky (20 comments)
 (DIR) The End of Enlightenment: Empire, Commerce, Crisis
       18 points by benbreen (5 comments)
 (DIR) Termdbms - A TUI for viewing and editing database files
       59 points by sieste (8 comments)
 (DIR) Qsv: Efficient CSV CLI Toolkit
       56 points by s1291 (18 comments)
 (DIR) Bayesians moving from defense to offense
       131 points by Tomte (57 comments)
 (DIR) Memory safety is necessary, not sufficient
       54 points by weinzierl (24 comments)
 (DIR) Bug story: Sorting by timestamp
       19 points by adam-p (12 comments)
 (DIR) Meta censors pro-Palestinian views on a global scale, Human Righ...
       121 points by cratermoon (148 comments)
 (DIR) Telavar's Mysterious Sosaria (2000)
       3 points by luismedel (0 comments)
 (DIR) Endurain: Self-hosted Strava like service
       234 points by thunderbong (104 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2023-12-23 23:00 UTC)