-===-{ Today I Learned }-===-
       A collection of  concise write-ups on small things I  learn day to day
       across a variety of languages  and technologies. These are things that
       don't really warrant a full phlog post.
          -===-{ Bash }-===-
 (TXT) Changing the default shell
 (TXT) Repeating a command with sudo
 (TXT) Resetting the backspace key
 (TXT) Expose directory on local webserver with Python 3
          -===-{ Emacs }-===-
 (TXT) Displaying total logged time of a tree in org-mode
          -===-{ Javascript }-===-
 (TXT) Node module dependency tree
 (TXT) Upgrading installed npm packages
          -===-{ Nginx }-===-
 (TXT) Custon content type
          -===-{ Linux/Unix }-===-
 (TXT) Changing user database information
 (TXT) Composing keys in X11
 (TXT) Create a self-signed certificate with OpenSSL
 (TXT) Ejecting a CD on FreeBSD
 (TXT) Exiting SSH when frozen
 (TXT) Generating Ed25519 Keys
 (TXT) Creating a group and becoming a member without logout/login
 (TXT) Using p12-certificates for VPN in Gnome Network Manager
          -===-{ Python }-===-
 (TXT) Upgrading installed packages
          -===-{ Rust }-===-
 (TXT) Cargo dependency tree
 (TXT) Upgrading packages in Cargo.toml
          -===-{ About }-===-
       I shamelessly stole this idea from 
 (HTM) jbranchaud/til
       who stole it from
 (HTM) thoughtbot/til
          -===-{ Other TIL Collections }-===-
 (HTM) jbranchaud/til
 (HTM) Today I Learned by Hashrocket
 (HTM) jwworth/til
 (HTM) thoughtbot/til
       (c) 2018-2020 Jan Schreiber
                                 Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on FreeBSD/amd64 12.3