(DIR) Return
       ##149 2022-04-06(Wed)18:46:14
       What Operating System Do You Use?
       __[2022-04-06(Wed)18:49:39 #1384]_____________________________________
       I expect most will say Linux or its bastard son Android. if so,
       list your distribution.
       __[2022-04-06(Wed)19:08:34 #1385]_____________________________________
       FreeBSD, usually without starting the graphical environment because
       autism. Even for most audio editing.
       __[2022-04-06(Wed)20:55:29 #1386]_____________________________________
       Windows 10 on my daily driver, Debian with LXDE on the cheap netbook
       I use to read and watch videos in bed
       __[2022-04-07(Thu)00:49:43 #1387]_____________________________________
       Artix Linux with IceWM as a window manager and most used programs
       launching with key bindings.
       __[2022-04-07(Thu)16:19:58 #1388]_____________________________________
       Haiku though I wish the EMACS text editor wasn't so broken in it
       and the the native IRC client was usuable by normal humans. At
       least the native PE text editor is good.
       __[2022-04-07(Thu)20:43:31 #1389]_____________________________________
       #1388 Woah, you're lucky to even have drivers!
       __[2022-04-08(Fri)13:18:11 #1390]_____________________________________
       #1387 said:
         >Artix Linux with IceWM as a window manager and most used programs
         >launching with key bindings.
       Also too cool for the Arch fags. I've got DWM for a window manager,
       though. On top of XFCE desktop so I can just launch the utilities
       from that if needed.
       __[2022-04-11(Mon)04:27:34 #1393]_____________________________________
       Gentoo Linux at home, Artix Linux at work, FreeBSD for my
       homeserver. GrapheneOS on mobile
       __[2022-04-11(Mon)04:31:47 #1394]_____________________________________
       Like, I don't know what OP expected. Windoz asshats are too dumb
       and scared of niche software to even know about such things as
       gopher and gemini.
       __[2022-04-11(Mon)11:08:43 #1399]_____________________________________
       I use Trisquel GNU/Linux. 100% Free Software, endorsed by Richard
       Stallman. no more proprietary bs
       __[2022-04-12(Tue)22:22:38 #1400]_____________________________________
       How can there be so many nerds in a place like this? (Spoilers:
       Ubuntu+i3 :^)
       __[2022-04-13(Wed)01:40:56 #1401]_____________________________________
       #1400 my man, this is almost the most nerdy place in the
       internet. even more nerdy than i2p, I suppose. and I like it! Btw
       switched to Wayland on my Gentoo yesterday - it is a candy, now
       I'm in love with Sway and Waybar
       __[2022-04-13(Wed)01:44:48 #1402]_____________________________________
       Also guys, don't ya know any imageboards, chats, or at least
       something interesting in gemini space? I browsed it for a while
       and have strong feeling that there's only gemlogs and nothing more...
       __[2022-04-13(Wed)01:52:51 #1405]_____________________________________
       posting from phone is not great really. so, flexing with my theme -
       not great, but i tried to make it strict and simple while retaining
       stylish look
       __[2022-04-13(Wed)01:54:16 #1406]_____________________________________
 (HTM) https://pasteboard.co/BSQMEyMHkbbc.jpg
       __[2022-04-13(Wed)01:56:21 #1407]_____________________________________
       thinking about trying Dracula theme - thankfully, they ported it
       to foot and bemenu recently
       __[2022-04-13(Wed)10:11:34 #1408]_____________________________________
       #1402 said:
         >Also guys, don't ya know any imageboards, chats, or at least
         >something interesting in gemini space? I browsed it for a
         >while and have strong feeling that there's only gemlogs and
         >nothing more...
       __[2022-04-13(Wed)11:18:00 #1409]_____________________________________
       #1402 thank you, should check it out
       __[2022-04-16(Sat)03:15:04 #1416]_____________________________________
       Gemini single-handedly saved from the rubbish heap by kiwi farmers.
       __[2022-04-18(Mon)02:38:44 #1418]_____________________________________
       AmigaOS 3.2
       __[2022-04-18(Mon)16:07:46 #1420]_____________________________________
       __[2022-04-18(Mon)19:07:30 #1422]_____________________________________
       #1405 can you recommend a mobile client? gophercle can't into
       submitting replies yet, every submit form input gets redicted to
       a search engine (funny hack of the devs)
       __[2022-04-19(Tue)03:18:35 #1423]_____________________________________
       #1422 as far as I'm concerned, neither of existing mobile clients
       does all of the things well. I'm using pocket gopher, and it's basic
       functionality is enough for me when I want to just read couple of
       pages quickly or post something here
       __[2022-04-19(Tue)06:03:30 #1425]_____________________________________
       void, but wanting to switch to FreeBaSeD soon. On phone DivestOS
       __[2022-04-24(Sun)09:18:10 #1429]_____________________________________
       #1425 why DivestOS and not something like CalyxOS? Search for a
       good ROM and wanna hear opinions about possible options
       __[2022-05-07(Sat)08:50:59 #1433]_____________________________________
       just plain old debian
       __[2022-05-09(Mon)10:21:47 #1435]_____________________________________
       Emacs is better than all systems posted so far
       __[2022-05-09(Mon)14:53:54 #1436]_____________________________________
       #1435 lmao. now I can't think of anything but bare-metal emacs
       __[2022-05-11(Wed)04:12:04 #1438]_____________________________________
       AmigaOS 3.2
       __[2022-05-13(Fri)20:11:10 #1439]_____________________________________
       #1436 Some crazy is out there right now running RealtimeEmacs on
       a PIC microcontroller.
       __[2022-05-14(Sat)04:04:33 #1440]_____________________________________
       artix linux with android go on phone (would love to install a
       custom rom or something on there but i have a dinky ass TCL L7 that
       i nicknamed Ghost Phone because i cant even find any traces of it
       existing anywhere)
       __[2022-05-17(Tue)20:55:55 #1444]_____________________________________
       __[2022-05-17(Tue)20:58:55 #1445]_____________________________________
       ugh, fucked up the reply; anyways, Void Linux. Best Linux distro by
       far, awesome package manager, lightweight, and very BSD inspired,
       which is great
       __[2022-05-19(Thu)06:30:32 #1447]_____________________________________
       #1445 Tried Void, but don't like package manager. Idea of using
       separate commands for diff. operations instead of cmd args for one
       command feels so off to me, reminds me of apt-get and apt-cache
       back in the days.
       __[2022-05-19(Thu)06:31:40 #1448]_____________________________________
       #1445 #1447 Maybe I'm just spoiled with pacman and emerge and got
       used to them, but I found them more feature-rich, convenient and
       generally pleasing to me
       __[2022-05-20(Fri)09:32:44 #1450]_____________________________________
       FreeBSD with a slightly riced Tom's Window Manager. Just added to
       the regular menu, made another, added keybindings for regularly
       used programs, and set the terminals to open at the size I want.
       __[2022-05-24(Tue)18:40:07 #1451]_____________________________________
       >no windows 11 or mac users
       __[2022-05-24(Tue)18:40:43 #1452]_____________________________________
       confirmed that gophernerds just do it cause they're poor
       __[2022-05-25(Wed)13:07:43 #1453]_____________________________________
       nixos <3
       __[2022-05-25(Wed)13:17:49 #1454]_____________________________________
       __[2022-05-25(Wed)13:19:07 #1455]_____________________________________
       #1452 I better be poor than be an anal slave or glamour hipster
       faggot. also mainstream systems are just not elitist enough to me
       __[2022-05-25(Wed)17:13:47 #1456]_____________________________________
       __[2022-05-25(Wed)17:14:50 #1457]_____________________________________
       Personally ubuntu
       __[2022-05-26(Thu)05:46:34 #1458]_____________________________________
       Artix for gayms, OpenBSD for everything else
       __[2022-05-26(Thu)07:40:48 #1459]_____________________________________
       #1458 why Artix for gamez? I've heard FreeBSD shows better
       performance in this field
       __[2022-05-27(Fri)07:18:57 #1460]_____________________________________
       anyone in here posting from their coffeemaker?
       __[2022-05-29(Sun)10:15:04 #1462]_____________________________________
       #1451 said:
         >>no windows 11 or mac users
       Mac OS 9, here. Sorry to interrupt your Torvalds fap session.
       __[2022-06-12(Sun)13:32:01 #1500]_____________________________________
       #1459 Probably because in Arch based linuxes you have a few helpers
       you want when gaming prepackaged
       __[2022-06-12(Sun)13:38:08 #1501]_____________________________________
       Void and Artix are both awesome! (Based on the repositories and
       the init system)
       __[2022-07-05(Tue)13:36:44 #1509]_____________________________________
       I just got OS/2 Warp 3 installed on my PS/2 56SLC. About the only
       sites I can visit on this thing are Gopher sites. I use Netscape
       Navigator 4 for the gopher client.
       __[2022-07-06(Wed)14:23:14 #1511]_____________________________________
       I use trisquel GNU/Linux on my desktop and I use
       __[2022-07-06(Wed)14:26:07 #1512]_____________________________________
       cont: (I didn't thing ctrl-J on elpher would submit the link) and
       I use parabola GNU/Linux libre on my laptop. I have been thinking
       of installing GNU guix on my other desktop.
       __[2022-07-09(Sat)09:23:17 #1513]_____________________________________
       Windows daily driver, but writing a hobby OS which I use a lot.
       __[2022-07-14(Thu)00:52:35 #1524]_____________________________________
       My main Distros Are Arch and Free BSD but I have a pet install of
       gentoo and windows 10 that I also like to fuck around with.
       __[2022-07-18(Mon)19:02:05 #1529]_____________________________________
       I just recently installed Devuan on an old craptop. Feels like the
       good old Debian I spent many years with, before all the systemd
       and other freedesktop insanity.
       __[2022-07-18(Mon)19:04:45 #1530]_____________________________________
       #1529 Oh except for that NetworkManager crap, what a burden to use
       compared to plain old ifupdown and editing plain text files.
       __[2022-07-19(Tue)14:23:18 #1532]_____________________________________
       Stali Linux on my laptop. OpenBSD on my home server.
       __[2022-07-20(Wed)06:18:18 #1534]_____________________________________
       Why are there so many artix fags here? What makes artix better than
       just native arch. I never understood this.
       __[2022-08-06(Sat)18:22:26 #1553]_____________________________________
       #1534 absence of systemdick, obviously. also devs are quite fun
       and talkative guys
       __[2022-08-17(Wed)11:47:40 #1562]_____________________________________
       is there any viable way to run minix these days? always liked the
       idea of it on a cheap thinkpad for dicking about on
       __[2022-08-17(Wed)11:57:19 #1563]_____________________________________
       also postan from my horrible locked down samsung A51 that someone
       convinced me to get for the camera.
       __[2022-08-22(Mon)19:28:19 #1572]_____________________________________
       Linux and DOS. Windows 11 corrupted a drive, so done with that.
       __[2022-08-25(Thu)19:49:00 #1579]_____________________________________
       #1562 Problem is drivers. It's not as simple as back in the 90's
       when it was easy to get ISA bus VGA and NE2000 ethernet cards,
       and *real* hardware dialup modems.
       __[2022-08-29(Mon)10:28:39 #1585]_____________________________________
       Of course windows 7 and android
       __[2022-08-30(Tue)08:42:12 #1587]_____________________________________
       Hey fellow nerds, I use Windows 11 and iPhone
       __[2022-08-31(Wed)05:34:28 #1589]_____________________________________
       AmigaOS 3.2.1
       __[2022-11-06(Sun)11:24:46 #1624]_____________________________________
       I use PureOS (https://pureos.net/). It's based on Debian and is
       recommended by FSF
       __[2022-11-29(Tue)18:21:50 #1627]_____________________________________
       Using Artix, I like Alpine much better to be hones but I need normie
       programs that don't work properly in musl libc
       __[2022-11-29(Tue)20:39:48 #1628]_____________________________________
       Using Artix, I like Alpine much better to be hones but I need normie
       programs that don't work properly in musl libc
       __[2022-12-15(Thu)07:22:50 #1633]_____________________________________
       arch, since puppy couldnt satisfy my hunger, i needed to DIY my
       things, even if you get that ready to use OS, you end up with zero
       control on it, which limits you alot and makes you a prisoner for
       it whenever u want to try something.
       __[2023-01-02(Mon)20:34:44 #1636]_____________________________________
       Void linux is the best linux, my packages dont shit themselves
       every month like with arch
       __[2023-02-15(Wed)03:19:27 #1642]_____________________________________
       Debian and Linux Mint. One of my foldies is so crappy that it
       doesn't have a GUI. P.S. Apple is garbageware.
       __[2023-02-24(Fri)15:05:16 #1645]_____________________________________
       windows 10 and ubuntu unity with nscde installed, and then every
       prior windows version in different situations >:)
       __[2023-02-25(Sat)16:37:08 #1646]_____________________________________
       Debian GNU/Linux mostly.
       __[2023-02-25(Sat)16:38:48 #1647]_____________________________________
       Debian GNU/Linux
       __[2023-03-19(Sun)18:25:36 #1651]_____________________________________
       Linux Mint
       __[2023-04-06(Thu)00:09:45 #1660]_____________________________________
       Arch Linux cause goddammit I love the AUR
       __[2023-04-07(Fri)09:19:37 #1661]_____________________________________
       Debian GNU/Linux 11 using backports and swaywm + pipewire, it's
       already better on 12, but will wait until it gets stable.
       __[2023-04-11(Tue)01:42:48 #1665]_____________________________________
       Visiting Gopherspace from Garuda, Debian, mac, KaiOS (Kopher),
       Android (Pocket Gopher) and J2ME phones (Pocket Gopher LX, my patch
       of the _original_ Pocket Gopher).
       __[2023-04-15(Sat)00:20:27 #1671]_____________________________________
       Servers and laptop run Debian, Cinnamon on my laptop, no graphics
       at all for the servers. Main desktop runs Artix+sway because Arc
       drivers still haven't landed for Xorg yet. 486 runs 95.
       __[2023-04-23(Sun)05:53:18 #1689]_____________________________________
       __[2023-04-24(Mon)19:09:53 #1695]_____________________________________
       >CTRL+F Temple OS: Zero results
       __[2023-04-25(Tue)13:50:58 #1699]_____________________________________
       #1695 TempleOS doesn't connect to the internet. How would they even
       post here?
       __[2023-04-29(Sat)16:41:17 #1704]_____________________________________
       modern heretic forks of Temple OS do
       __[2023-04-30(Sun)18:33:36 #1705]_____________________________________
       #1704 That's not Temple OS. That's Shrine OS.
       __[2023-05-03(Wed)15:53:14 #1711]_____________________________________
       Arch with i3 installed. Goddamn I love the AUR
       __[2023-05-04(Thu)10:36:40 #1713]_____________________________________
       #1711 It's a lifesaver on locked systems too. If you are willing
       to suffer a bit of bloat, junest (local arch chroot) allows you to
       easily compile tons of software in a mostly automatic way
       __[2023-07-22(Sat)17:12:18 #1752]_____________________________________
       Arch with i3wm too #1711
       __[2023-07-23(Sun)03:46:06 #1753]_____________________________________
       __[2023-07-29(Sat)00:14:53 #1754]_____________________________________
       __[2023-07-29(Sat)00:17:00 #1755]_____________________________________
       __[2023-07-29(Sat)19:30:53 #1756]_____________________________________
       mac os :/
       __[2023-08-15(Tue)08:30:51 #1762]_____________________________________
       I use a dell hp lenovo
       __[2023-10-09(Mon)21:09:11 #1774]_____________________________________
       Devuan Ascii.  Devuan because I couldn't cope with the global
       systemd migration, and Ascii because I have too much else to do
       than upgrade a system that works fine.
       __[2023-11-11(Sat)00:59:30 #1780]_____________________________________
       i use the GNU operating system
       __[2023-12-20(Wed)00:53:28 #1795]_____________________________________
       #1780 said:
         >i use the GNU operating system
       Are the gnu approved operating systems any good or are they a
       meme? Dagora or trisquel for example
       __[2024-01-15(Mon)03:50:38 #1803]_____________________________________
       #1795 said:
         >#1780 said:
         >  >i use the GNU operating system
         >Are the gnu approved operating systems any good or are they a
         >meme? Dagora or trisquel for example
       You can try a FSF-approved distro if you have a fully supported
       thinkpad with specific hardware(for example atheros wifi card). Else
       you may find lots of enjoyment searching for free-software to not
       leave proprietary stains on the system
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