(DIR) 1436chan
         || TECHNOL || 
         || OGY_    || Tech-related discussion
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 (QRY) New thread (enter title for thread)
 (DIR) [thread] Healthier computing (1 post)
       __[2024-07-02(Tue)15:24:52 #1847]_____________________________________
       Using computers too much turns you into a goblin; and smart phones
       are too clumsy for authoring. Can the human-computer interface be
       re-designed to not promote physica deformity?
 (DIR) [thread] lynx as gohper client (3 posts)
       __[2024-06-21(Fri)18:52:23 #1844]_____________________________________
       __[2024-06-28(Fri)01:25:45 #1845]_____________________________________
       Nice, good idea
       __[2024-06-28(Fri)10:06:19 #1846]_____________________________________
       Nice, good idea
 (DIR) [thread] how did you find this place ? (17 posts)
       __[2024-06-03(Mon)09:54:54 #1840]_____________________________________
       Through SDF's gopherhole
       __[2024-06-15(Sat)04:21:07 #1841]_____________________________________
       found it via wiby search engine
       __[2024-06-21(Fri)07:16:38 #1843]_____________________________________
 (DIR) [thread] What is a your favorite RSS feed reader? (13 posts)
       __[2024-05-12(Sun)16:41:29 #1832]_____________________________________
       #1729 said:
         >If you guys use newsboat, there is newsraft too. It is a more
         >lightweight version of newsboat.
       Wow, chinking that out. Have been using newsboat a lot, these progs
       profit huge by being in the reps
       __[2024-05-20(Mon)03:02:56 #1835]_____________________________________
       __[2024-06-15(Sat)04:23:34 #1842]_____________________________________
       recently started using liferea rss reader, i'm happy with it
 (DIR) [thread] Is this alive (0 posts)
 (DIR) [thread] Are there any Bitcoin holders here? (84 posts)
       __[2024-04-24(Wed)22:06:29 #1829]_____________________________________
       Bitcoin about to explode. Trust me bro. Buy it NOW, you Fuck!! BUY
       IT!!! Spoken at $64K.
       __[2024-05-12(Sun)21:49:00 #1834]_____________________________________
       I'm mostly holding ICP, which I bought around $3. It's going to
       melt faces in this run.
       __[2024-05-24(Fri)21:00:14 #1838]_____________________________________
       ETH etf is approved. But only Bitcoin is eternal.  $80K Bitcorn
       coming very soon. trust me bro.
 (DIR) [thread] Vidya thread (1 post)
       __[2024-05-12(Sun)16:45:47 #1833]_____________________________________
       If you haven't played Deus Ex or NetHack then don't post here. Any
       pubnix gamerz?
 (DIR) [thread] ai thread (7 posts)
       __[2023-05-16(Tue)07:27:08 #1720]_____________________________________
       Now there is jailbreakchat.com, where you can find the latest
       working prompts.
       __[2023-05-19(Fri)10:08:41 #1721]_____________________________________
       #1720 said:
         >Now there is jailbreakchat.com, where you can find the latest
         >working prompts.
       probably launched by altman himself to crowdsource his censorship
       research and help argue his requests for a regulation moat
       __[2024-05-12(Sun)16:39:30 #1831]_____________________________________
       Self-host that shit. or ask a friend who paid meme-bux for a
       graphics accelerator
 (DIR) [thread] Posting takes 3 minutes now (10 posts)
       __[2024-03-17(Sun)17:41:05 #1819]_____________________________________
       #1818 said:
         >Grow up
       pynigger niggerhubber bunkernigger rustnigger detected
       __[2024-04-18(Thu)18:09:30 #1827]_____________________________________
       Yo posting times are fixed! Shell never lets you down!
       __[2024-04-28(Sun)10:36:40 #1830]_____________________________________
       #1827 said:
         >Yo posting times are fixed! Shell never lets you down!
       big if true
 (DIR) [thread] Does anyone else use the TTY? (40 posts)
       __[2023-12-04(Mon)21:22:55 #1790]_____________________________________
       #1786 said:
         >Sure! in xterm; but it's 2023, and most of the software we need
         >to do the jobs that pay the bills depend on some graphical form
       we didn't gatekeep computers enough, bros
       __[2024-04-12(Fri)16:25:00 #1825]_____________________________________
       It couldn't be gatekept; hardware was rigged from the start
       __[2024-04-24(Wed)15:34:54 #1828]_____________________________________
       there's one thinkpad i own running alpine linux with no x, i just
       use dvtm and text mode stuff. Mostly just set that up for fun
 (DIR) [thread] blocklist (4 posts)
       __[2024-04-04(Thu)21:10:55 #1823]_____________________________________
       @1820 lmao really? You're gonna block Wikipedia? You can't even
       handle Wikipedia? Christians are the biggest snowflakes
       __[2024-04-06(Sat)07:56:31 #1824]_____________________________________
       #1823 said:
         >@1820 lmao really? You're gonna block Wikipedia? You can't even
         >handle Wikipedia? Christians are the biggest snowflakes
       That honor is held by Wikipedia editors, who helped make big
       snowflake an institution.
       __[2024-04-18(Thu)03:49:43 #1826]_____________________________________
       this is gayer than actually having sex with another man.
 (DIR) [thread] What Operating System Do You Use? (97 posts)
       __[2023-11-11(Sat)00:59:30 #1780]_____________________________________
       i use the GNU operating system
       __[2023-12-20(Wed)00:53:28 #1795]_____________________________________
       #1780 said:
         >i use the GNU operating system
       Are the gnu approved operating systems any good or are they a
       meme? Dagora or trisquel for example
       __[2024-01-15(Mon)03:50:38 #1803]_____________________________________
       #1795 said:
         >#1780 said:
         >  >i use the GNU operating system
         >Are the gnu approved operating systems any good or are they a
         >meme? Dagora or trisquel for example
       You can try a FSF-approved distro if you have a fully supported
       thinkpad with specific hardware(for example atheros wifi card). Else
       you may find lots of enjoyment searching for free-software to not
       leave proprietary stains on the system
 (DIR) [thread] I2P CP (11 posts)
       __[2023-10-14(Sat)15:18:15 #1775]_____________________________________
       #1769 said:
         >Are there any Gopher holes on i2p?
       There are, you just need to look around
       __[2023-11-15(Wed)20:57:46 #1783]_____________________________________
       How does one "look around" i2p?
       __[2023-12-13(Wed)12:20:42 #1793]_____________________________________
       #1639 said:
         >Does anyone know any zoo eepsites?
       For zoo you can always trade on imageboards. If you have expectations
       at all it's your fault
 (DIR) [thread] 12 (0 posts)
 (DIR) [thread] Feeling furry (12 posts)
       __[2023-07-22(Sat)17:05:21 #1751]_____________________________________
       Super tech stuff
       __[2023-11-23(Thu)02:23:47 #1784]_____________________________________
 (DIR) #160 said:
 (BIN)   >Latest version of Bucktooth
       you are mom is furry under her armpits
       __[2023-11-28(Tue)16:07:45 #1787]_____________________________________
       #1784 said:
 (DIR)   >#160 said:
 (BIN)   >  >Latest version of Bucktooth
         >you are mom is furry under her armpits
       Damn that's hot.
 (DIR) Archive