(DIR) Return
       ##160 2023-03-31(Fri)12:45:36
       Feeling furry
       __[2023-06-17(Sat)12:48:59 #1736]_____________________________________
       yiff yiff mfer ;3
       __[2023-06-27(Tue)06:27:10 #1738]_____________________________________
       __[2023-06-27(Tue)14:24:46 #1739]_____________________________________
       Furries should be drowned in a river like a bag of feral kittens.
       __[2023-06-29(Thu)19:00:46 #1740]_____________________________________
       Do it like the romans and drown them WITH feral animals. For
       flavour, add snakes and rats to the bag. They'll do interesting
       things when panicking
       __[2023-06-29(Thu)22:39:36 #1741]_____________________________________
       What did furries do to you?
       Most furries are probably better at e.g. programming than you are.
       __[2023-07-08(Sat)16:05:49 #1743]_____________________________________
       __[2023-07-13(Thu)16:56:20 #1745]_____________________________________
       Furries are almost as bad as jews
       __[2023-07-21(Fri)15:29:54 #1748]_____________________________________
       There are only two kinds of people in the world.  Furries who admit
       it, and furries who deny that they are furries.  Unless there's
       someone out there who really does hate Snoopy, Garfield, Coyote
       and Road Runner, and Smokey Bear.
       __[2023-07-22(Sat)09:56:04 #1749]_____________________________________
       #1745 wiered wording but agreed, both groups have a higher density
       of awesome people than the average population
       __[2023-07-22(Sat)17:05:21 #1751]_____________________________________
       Super tech stuff
       __[2023-11-23(Thu)02:23:47 #1784]_____________________________________
 (DIR) #160 said:
 (BIN)   >Latest version of Bucktooth
       you are mom is furry under her armpits
       __[2023-11-28(Tue)16:07:45 #1787]_____________________________________
       #1784 said:
 (DIR)   >#160 said:
 (BIN)   >  >Latest version of Bucktooth
         >you are mom is furry under her armpits
       Damn that's hot.
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