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       ##161 2023-04-15(Sat)18:32:49
       ai thread
       __[2023-04-16(Sun)11:44:02 #1672]_____________________________________
       How many of you are aware of DAN aka DanGPT? It is OpenAI's
       ChatGPT broken to revoke all of the leftoid censorship put into
       ChatGPT. Pretty neat actually.
       __[2023-04-16(Sun)20:01:19 #1673]_____________________________________
       Does it still exist? I always assumed they fix stuff like this in
       a week at most
       __[2023-05-10(Wed)09:59:44 #1715]_____________________________________
       Does not still exist, they shut it down a few weeks ago.  It looks
       like it still works, but you can tell
       __[2023-05-11(Thu)17:16:01 #1716]_____________________________________
       I imagine it's pretty hard to really prevent jailbreaks on these
       kinds of language models, but let's see how good they have it locked
       down in a few years
       __[2023-05-16(Tue)07:27:08 #1720]_____________________________________
       Now there is jailbreakchat.com, where you can find the latest
       working prompts.
       __[2023-05-19(Fri)10:08:41 #1721]_____________________________________
       #1720 said:
         >Now there is jailbreakchat.com, where you can find the latest
         >working prompts.
       probably launched by altman himself to crowdsource his censorship
       research and help argue his requests for a regulation moat
       __[2024-05-12(Sun)16:39:30 #1831]_____________________________________
       Self-host that shit. or ask a friend who paid meme-bux for a
       graphics accelerator
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