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       ##162 2023-04-16(Sun)11:40:57
       What is a your favorite RSS feed reader?
       __[2023-04-16(Sun)22:48:33 #1675]_____________________________________
       Newsboat with a command in the configuration to launch videos
       with VLC or whatever and move on with life because it's just an
       RSS client.
       __[2023-04-17(Mon)02:48:12 #1676]_____________________________________
       __[2023-04-17(Mon)11:35:46 #1677]_____________________________________
       seconding newsboat. The config system to open with other programs
       in a bit retarded but once you have it set up it just works
       __[2023-04-23(Sun)05:49:50 #1688]_____________________________________
       __[2023-05-26(Fri)01:26:29 #1725]_____________________________________
       __[2023-05-30(Tue)16:24:29 #1727]_____________________________________
       seconding sfeed
       __[2023-05-30(Tue)22:00:53 #1728]_____________________________________
       rss2email to dump them into maildir and then read them via notmuch
       in Emacs. I use labels to keep them separate from regular emails. One
       less UI to worry about.
       __[2023-05-31(Wed)16:19:43 #1729]_____________________________________
       If you guys use newsboat, there is newsraft too. It is a more
       lightweight version of newsboat.
       __[2023-06-02(Fri)18:01:22 #1731]_____________________________________
       #1729 said:
         >If you guys use newsboat, there is newsraft too. It is a more
         >lightweight version of newsboat.
       How low-powered does a system have to be for newsboat to be too
       __[2023-06-04(Sun)08:41:12 #1733]_____________________________________
       #1731 said:
         >#1729 said:
         >  >If you guys use newsboat, there is newsraft too. It is a more
         >  >lightweight version of newsboat.
         >How low-powered does a system have to be for newsboat to be
         >too bloated?
       It doesn't use much power, but it has some dependencies. Newsraft
       does not have those dependencies.
       __[2024-05-12(Sun)16:41:29 #1832]_____________________________________
       #1729 said:
         >If you guys use newsboat, there is newsraft too. It is a more
         >lightweight version of newsboat.
       Wow, chinking that out. Have been using newsboat a lot, these progs
       profit huge by being in the reps
       __[2024-05-20(Mon)03:02:56 #1835]_____________________________________
       __[2024-06-15(Sat)04:23:34 #1842]_____________________________________
       recently started using liferea rss reader, i'm happy with it
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