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       ##169 2023-12-20(Wed)00:58:59
       Posting takes 3 minutes now
       __[2023-12-20(Wed)01:02:51 #1796]_____________________________________
       How the fuck do you manage to make a DB insert be in o(n^2)
       __[2023-12-20(Wed)01:07:05 #1797]_____________________________________
       lmao it took 4. I hate incompetent pyshitters. Hackers probably
       intstalled cryptominer and botnet on his server too to slow it down
       even further
       __[2023-12-27(Wed)21:33:49 #1798]_____________________________________
       Is the source code on Github? I feel like this could be improved
       pretty easily lol
       __[2024-01-10(Wed)06:05:36 #1800]_____________________________________
       No pyniggertry going on here, it's all shell. The sauce is in one
       of the [sticky] dirs, or on shithub.
       __[2024-01-16(Tue)19:11:19 #1804]_____________________________________
       #1798 said:
         >Is the source code on Github? I feel like this could be improved
         >pretty easily lol
       I feel like you could just scape this board to seed a replacement in
       case moot isn't around anymore to accept PRs, it's not like anyone
       would care
       __[2024-02-01(Thu)11:16:12 #1805]_____________________________________
       moot? No it's hot wheels
       __[2024-03-15(Fri)23:58:11 #1818]_____________________________________
       Grow up
       __[2024-03-17(Sun)17:41:05 #1819]_____________________________________
       #1818 said:
         >Grow up
       pynigger niggerhubber bunkernigger rustnigger detected
       __[2024-04-18(Thu)18:09:30 #1827]_____________________________________
       Yo posting times are fixed! Shell never lets you down!
       __[2024-04-28(Sun)10:36:40 #1830]_____________________________________
       #1827 said:
         >Yo posting times are fixed! Shell never lets you down!
       big if true
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