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       ##163 2023-04-18(Tue)22:55:41
       Do you use a password manager?
       __[2023-04-19(Wed)10:41:02 #1680]_____________________________________
       yeah, use keepassx. it's free and open source
       __[2023-04-20(Thu)21:07:11 #1681]_____________________________________
       keepassx is dead. Long live keepassxc
       __[2023-04-21(Fri)02:30:28 #1682]_____________________________________
       I have a csv in an encrypted sd card I keep on me at all times. It's
       way better than an offline password manager if you use a lot of
       devices and more secure than an online password manager.
       __[2023-04-21(Fri)02:34:55 #1683]_____________________________________
       I have a csv in an encrypted sd card I keep on me at all times. It's
       way better than an offline password manager if you use a lot of
       devices and more secure than an online password manager.
       __[2023-04-21(Fri)10:15:18 #1684]_____________________________________
       Why wouldn't you just put your keepass DB onto the SD card? Then
       you get secure password autofill that bypasses the insecure clipboard
       __[2023-04-23(Sun)05:36:32 #1687]_____________________________________
       No. I just use passphrases and have written them down on paper.
       __[2023-04-23(Sun)10:10:42 #1690]_____________________________________
       #1687 why?
       __[2023-04-23(Sun)16:08:37 #1691]_____________________________________
       #1690 Analog is infinitely more secure than any digital if attackers
       don't have physical access. And passphrases are easy to type and
       secure enough.
       __[2023-04-24(Mon)18:30:16 #1692]_____________________________________
       I guess it makes sense depending on who you're defending
       against. Hacker or CIA in 15 years with their quantum computer
       __[2023-04-25(Tue)13:48:15 #1698]_____________________________________
       #1691 Yeah, that's fine. Don't have to make a big deal about
       it. You've defined a threat model and that approach fits it best.
       __[2023-08-08(Tue)17:20:21 #1758]_____________________________________
       I keep my passwords on index cards sorted by name, with different
       coloured cards for each e-mail account. I used to write them all
       on sheets of paper, but got tired of searching through them.
       __[2023-09-05(Tue)07:59:26 #1764]_____________________________________
       All my passwords are the same, and the usernames and few exceptions
       are written on a manual page of some monitor. The trick is to use
       different identities for every acc and you're good to go
       __[2023-09-07(Thu)14:41:51 #1765]_____________________________________
       no because if they get hacked you get hacked also who uses
       passwords kek
       __[2023-09-07(Thu)14:43:41 #1766]_____________________________________
       no because if they get hacked you get hacked also who uses
       passwords kek
       __[2023-09-25(Mon)14:23:07 #1767]_____________________________________
       my password: ILov
       __[2023-09-26(Tue)23:07:48 #1768]_____________________________________
       Roboform. 20 years without an incident.
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