(DIR) CCSO Nameserver Resources
                                CCSO Information Hub
       A series of reference documents were published by the University
       of Illinois between 1988 and 1992. These cover everything from the
       motivations for creating the CCSO Nameserver, to a retrospective
       of what worked and what didn't. These are a great place to start
       if you're looking for some historical context:
 (BIN) The CCSO Nameserver - A Description (PDF)
 (BIN) The CCSO Nameserver - Guide to Installation (PDF)
 (BIN) The CCSO Nameserver - Programmer's Guide (PDF)
 (BIN) The CCSO Nameserver - Why? (PDF)
 (BIN) The CCSO Nameserver - An Introduction (PDF)
 (BIN) The CCSO Nameserver - Server Client Protocol (PDF)
       An RFC memo that formally describes the CCSO protocol
 (TXT) RFC 2378
       Man pages
 (TXT) qi.0
 (TXT) ph.0
       Other interesting documents
 (BIN) A CCSO User Guide for the University of Illinois (PDF)
 (TXT) CSO Nameserver FAQ
 (TXT) Qi Installation Quick-Start
 (BIN) Rebuilding a Nameserver Database in 24 Easy Steps (PDF)
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