(ARC) 8
       Welcome to Veronica-2, the reincarnated Gopher
 (ARC) 4
       search engine, and VISHNU, the Veronica-2-
 (ARC) 7
       powered prototype hierarchical search system!
 (PHO) b
 (ARC) b
       Veronica-2 covers 1,000,000 selectors and growing
 (ARC) 8
       (approximately 40% of Gopherspace according to
 (ERR) e
       our best estimates).
 (PHO) b
 (ARC) 6
       We strongly recommend reading the help files
 (ARC) 5
       before you begin. Floodgap Systems takes no
 (ARC) 6
       responsibility for the quality or content of
 (ARC) 8
       matches found using V-2. WARNING: All Veronica
 (ARC) b
       searches are logged and are regularly read by the
 (ARC) 8
       programmer to find bugs and tweak performance.
 (PHO) b
 (HEX) b
 (QRY) Search Veronica-2
 (ARC) a
 (QRY) Search VISHNU (experimental)
 (UUE) 8
 (DIR) Help files and how to search with Veronica-2
 (ARC) 5
 (TXT) About the indexer
 (PHO) b
 (QRY) 6
 (TXT) Known issues with Internet Explorer -- please read
 (PHO) b
 (HEX) b
 (TXT) V-2 statistics
 (ARC) 1
       (Last time of update and server status)
 (PHO) b
 (ARC) 1
 (DIR) Floodgap Systems gopher root
 (UUE) f
 (DIR) All the gopher servers in the world (that we know of)