(ARC) 4
       "All the gopher servers (that we know of)"
 (PHO) b
 (ARC) e
       As the Veronica-2 robot patrols Gopherspace, it logs
 (ARC) f
       all the gopher servers it encounters here, along with
 (ARC) f
       statistics on how many selectors it has found at that
 (ERR) 8
       server so far.
 (PHO) b
 (ARC) f
       This is the current snapshot of the new Veronica-2 on
 (UUE) 1
       its new home server. It has been running since Saturday
 (HEX) 6
       afternoon PDT, 28 June 2003.
 (PHO) b
 (UUE) 3
       This data is extracted directly off V-2's MySQL database,
 (UUE) 3
       so it is constantly up-to-date with the robot's progress.
 (PHO) b
 (ARC) 0
       Send questions to gopher@floodgap.com.
 (PHO) b
 (HEX) d
 (DIR) gopher.floodgap.com home
 (PHO) b
 (ARC) 2
 (DIR) "Greatest hits"
 (ARC) 5
       (most recently verified sites, new and old)
 (PHO) b
 (UUE) 4
 (DIR) Search Gopherspace with Veronica-2 and VISHNU
 (PHO) b
 (QRY) f
 (DIR) Top-Level Commercial and Network Servers
 (UUE) f
 (DIR) Top-Level Organizational Servers
 (UUE) f
 (DIR) Top-Level Informational Servers
 (UUE) 4
 (DIR) U.S. Academic Servers
 (QRY) 7
 (DIR) U.S. Government/Military Servers
 (TEL) a
 (DIR) Other U.S. Municipal Servers, Cities, States, K-12, Freenets
 (ARC) 4
 (DIR) Canada
 (QRY) c
 (DIR) Central and South America
 (???) c
 (DIR) Europe (Andorra-Netherlands)
 (???) 7
 (DIR) Europe (Norway-Yugoslavia)
 (QRY) 8
 (DIR) Middle East, Eurasian, India
 (BIN) d
 (DIR) Australasia, Asia, Pacific Rim
 (ARC) 4
 (DIR) Africa