(ERR) 4
       Welcome at Mini located in Svendborg, Denmark
 (PHO) 7
       a small 266mhz p2 with 192mb ram
 (PHO) 0
       root / 10 gb, /web 100 gb
 (PHO) c
       Contact address, rachael@telefish.org
 (ARC) 8
 (TXT) Welcome text and server infomation
 (ARC) 6
 (TXT) This machines dmesg infomation
 (ARC) 6
 (DIR) Amiga software and hardware guides
 (QRY) 9
 (DIR) Aminet in GopherSpace(through Caramba.cs.tu-berlin.de)
 (HEX) 1
 (DIR) Old ascii art
 (HEX) a
 (???) Rachael`s dynamic site
 (PHO) a
       link to major places in gopherspace
 (ARC) a
 (DIR) floodgap.com former gopher.ptloma.edu
 (ARC) a
 (DIR) Search gopher space with Veronica/2
 (UUE) 9
 (DIR) Gopherexx, Gopher server for amiga written in arexx
 (UUE) f
 (DIR) gopher, patch for UMN gopherd 3.0.5 to fixed security bugs
 (ERR) f
 (DIR) coherent
 (ERR) 7
 (DIR) text