(ERR) 6
 (UUE) a
       This is a temporary version of my gopher site previously
 (QRY) 2
       Welcome. This gopher space is dedicated to popularization of 
 (ARC) 8
       available at gopher://gopher.rp.spb.su
 (QRY) 9
       forgotten non-commercial Internet services, such as Gopher, Archie, 
 (QRY) b
       WAIS, online library catalogs accessed via telnet, online dictionaries
 (QRY) 8
       etc., along with DIY and underground art. Some information here is 
 (QRY) 3
       currently in Russian but many different languages are planned.
 (ERR) 6
 (UUE) 5
       There are some features (local search etc.) that
 (ARC) d
       won't work with UMN gopherd here on SDF.
 (UUE) 9
       I hope I'll have a chance to move the gopher to some
 (HEX) 5
       stable location.
 (ARC) a
       Here is some information about Gopher
 (UUE) e
 (TXT) What is Gopher (from the Floodgap.com site)
 (ARC) 6
 (TXT) About this gopher
 (ARC) 4
 (DIR) Gopher info and help
 (ARC) 8
 (DIR) Search the gopherspace
 (ERR) 6
 (HEX) 8
       DIY sound practices
 (UUE) f
 (DIR) Stauropygial Records (DIY record label)
 (UUE) f
 (DIR) Zloj Pop (Experimental noisy folk punk band)
 (UUE) f
 (DIR) Ankylym (Yet another experimental punk band)
 (QRY) 2
 (DIR) Stop Asking Stupid Questions (lo-fi noise project)
 (ARC) 7
 (DIR) Other bands/labels/zines
 (ERR) 6
 (UUE) e
 (DIR) Gopher E-Zine (just an idea, nothing much yet)
 (ERR) 6
 (ARC) 6
       Old Russian fonts and orthography
 (ARC) a
 (DIR) Download Old Russian fonts
 (ERR) 6
 (HEX) d
       The Dark Side Of The Net
 (ARC) b
 (DIR) Internet Underground
 (ARC) 7
 (DIR) My gopher at sdf.lonestar.org
 (ARC) 4
 (DIR) My gopher at www.polarhome.com
 (ERR) 6
 (HEX) a
       My books are here now
 (HEX) 6
 (DIR) Books
 (QRY) 5
 (TXT) Cherry Hopkins Publishers (under construction)
 (ERR) 6
 (QRY) 5
       This gopher can be also accessed via email gopher@mail.rp.spb.su
 (UUE) 8
 (TXT) Help with gophermail
 (ARC) 1
 (TXT) Contact me
 (HEX) c
 (DIR) calendar
 (HEX) 8
 (DIR) cherry
 (HEX) c
 (DIR) download
 (HEX) 4
 (DIR) help
 (HEX) 6
 (DIR) links
 (HEX) a
 (DIR) servers
 (HEX) 2
 (DIR) web