tsmall fixes to installation - coffin - secure lan file storage on a device
 (HTM) git clone git://parazyd.org/coffin.git
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 (DIR) commit 07c540384311cd9f4ab6badc9b454cfa71b842c8
 (DIR) parent c4ed1f8e424d2a2aa952640be61bf13eb6171c22
 (HTM) Author: parazyd <parazyd@dyne.org>
       Date:   Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:47:26 +0200
       small fixes to installation
         M conf/config.sh                      |      20 +++++++++++---------
         M src/coffinrc                        |       7 ++++++-
         M src/zlibs/hooks                     |       2 ++
       3 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/conf/config.sh b/conf/config.sh
       t@@ -47,9 +47,8 @@ edit-sudo() {
        [[ $1 == "snowman" ]] && {
                pushd `pwd`/conf                
       -        # install files
       -        install -m640 coffindav.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
       -        install -m600 davpasswd /etc/apache2/
       +        print "Creating coffin group..."
       +        groupadd coffin && print "Done!"
                # ssl
                print "Generating ssl certificate..."
       t@@ -60,12 +59,17 @@ edit-sudo() {
                        return 1
       -        mkdir -p /etc/ssl/coffin
       -        install -m 444 coffin.pem /etc/ssl/coffin/
       +        install -m 640 -d /etc/ssl/coffin
       +        install -m 440 coffin.pem /etc/ssl/coffin/
                install -m 400 coffin.key /etc/ssl/coffin/
                print "Done!"
                # Apache
       +        install -m 774 -g www-data -d /etc/apache2/DAV 
       +        print "DAVLockDB /etc/apache2/DAV/DAVLock" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
       +        install -m600 davpasswd /etc/apache2/DAV
       +        install -m640 coffindav.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
                apachemods=(dav dav_fs dav_lock ssl)
                print "Enabling Apache modules..."
                for i in $apachemods; do
       t@@ -73,15 +77,13 @@ edit-sudo() {
                a2ensite coffindav.conf
       -        print "Creating coffin group..."
       -        groupadd coffin && print "Done!"
                /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
                [[ -f /etc/init.d/ssh ]] && { /etc/init.d/ssh start }
       +        install -m 770 -g coffin -d /home/graveyard
                # TODO: add initscript
                print "Successfully installed and configured coffin!"
 (DIR) diff --git a/src/coffinrc b/src/coffinrc
       t@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
        # Configuration file for coffin. If you want to override any defaults,
        # please do so here, and rename the file to '.coffinrc'.
        # Careful!
        # Directory where you keep all your tombs and data
       +# Reminder that the default is already installed, 
       +# and the directory group owner must be 'coffin'
       +# with permissions 770
        GRAVEYARD        /home/graveyard
        # Directory where your keys get mounted
        KEYMOUNT        /media/tombkey
        # Path to tomb executable
        TOMB        /usr/local/bin/tomb
 (DIR) diff --git a/src/zlibs/hooks b/src/zlibs/hooks
       t@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ create-new-tomb() {
                print "${keyhash}:${keypass}" >> $TOMBPASSWD
       +        chmod 600 $TOMBPASSWD
                act "Wrote to ttab and tombpasswd"
                # Check for features
       t@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ delete-tomb() {
                        grep -v ${keyhash} $TOMBPASSWD > $TOMBPASSWD.tmp
                        [[ $? = 0 ]] && mv $TOMBPASSWD.tmp $TOMBPASSWD && \
       +                        chmod 600 $TOMBPASSWD && \
                                act "Removed from tombpasswd"
                        # Check for features