tssh(fs) implementation - coffin - secure lan file storage on a device
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 (DIR) commit 936eaabdf97d76a188d416cb1addb41247fa44f5
 (DIR) parent 490b71a2cd862f90538d3cf1ea5b26d6124881c4
 (HTM) Author: parazyd <parazyd@dyne.org>
       Date:   Mon,  7 Mar 2016 21:13:51 +0100
       ssh(fs) implementation
         M bin/sacrist                         |      24 ++++++++++++++++++++----
         M gmakehook                           |      16 ++++++++++++++++
       2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/bin/sacrist b/bin/sacrist
       t@@ -145,18 +145,34 @@ _create_new_tomb() {
            if [[ $entry =~ webdav && -f $coffindot/webdav.conf ]]; then
                _msg info "Found WebDAV data. Setting up..."
       -        cat $coffindot/davinfo >> /etc/apache2/davpasswd
       -        _msg info "Wrote to davpasswd"
       +        if [[ -f $coffindot/davinfo ]]; then
       +            cat $coffindot/davinfo >> /etc/apache2/davpasswd
       +            rm $coffindot/davinfo
       +            gpasswd -a www-data $undertaker
       +            _msg info "Wrote to davpasswd"
       +        fi
                sed -i -e :a -e '$d;N;2,3ba' -e 'P;D' /etc/apache2/sites-available/tomboxdav.conf
       -        cat webdav.conf >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/tomboxdav.conf
       +        cat $coffindot/webdav.conf >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/tomboxdav.conf
                _msg info "Wrote to tomboxdav.conf"
       -        gpasswd -a www-data $undertaker
       +        rm $coffindot/webdav.conf
                /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
                _msg info "Done setting up WebDAV!"
                _msg info "No WebDAV data found. Continuing..."
       +    if [[ $entry =~ sshfs && -f $coffindot/sshpubkey ]]; then
       +        _msg info "Found SSH info. Setting up..."
       +        mkdir -p /home/$undertaker/.ssh
       +        cat $coffindot/sshpubkey >> /home/$undertaker/.ssh/authorized_keys
       +        chown -R $undertaker:$undertaker /home/$undertaker/.ssh
       +        _msg info "Wrote to authorized_keys"
       +        rm $coffindot/sshpubkey
       +        _msg info "Done setting up SSH."
       +    else
       +        _msg info "No SSH data found. Continuing..."
       +    fi
            sudo -u $undertaker $tomb dig -s $tombsize $graveyard/$tombid.tomb    
            sudo -u $undertaker $tomb forge $graveyard/$tombid.key --unsafe --tomb-pwd "$keypass"
            sudo -u $undertaker $tomb lock $graveyard/$tombid.tomb -k $graveyard/$tombid.key \
 (DIR) diff --git a/gmakehook b/gmakehook
       t@@ -173,6 +173,11 @@ function _clean {
        # }}}
        # {{{ zenity dialogs
       +function _fsel {
       +    --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +    --file-selection \
       +    --title="$1"
        function _zenques {
             zenity \
                --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       t@@ -334,6 +339,15 @@ function _create {
       +    if [[ $feats =~ "sshfs" ]]; then
       +        _zenques "Do you already have an SSH key setup for your user?"
       +        if [[ $? = 1 ]]; then
       +            sshpubkey=$(_fsel "Select your SSH pubkey you want to use.")
       +        else
       +            sshpubkey=""
       +        fi
       +    fi
            TOMBHOOKS=$(_zenques "Choose 'Yes' if you want to edit your tomb's bind-hooks and post-hooks")
            if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
                bindhook=$(zenity \
       t@@ -376,6 +390,7 @@ function _create {
                    print "create:${UNDERTAKER}:${TOMBNAME}:${TOMBSIZE}:${feats}" | sudo tee $hooks
                    if [[ $feats =~ "webdav" ]]; then; _writedavinfo; fi
       +            if [[ -n $sshpubkey ]]; then; cp $sshpubkey ./sshpubkey ; fi
                    if [[ -n $bindhook ]]; then
                        print "$bindhook" | sudo tee $coffindot/bindhooks
       t@@ -388,6 +403,7 @@ function _create {
                print "create:${UNDERTAKER}:${TOMBNAME}:${TOMBSIZE}:${feats}" | sudo tee $hooks
                if [[ $feats =~ "webdav" ]]; then; _writedavinfo; fi
       +        if [[ -n $sshpubkey ]]; then; cp $sshpubkey $coffindot/sshpubkey ; fi
                if [[ -n $bindhook ]]; then
                    print "$bindhook" | sudo tee $coffindot/bindhooks