tadded stuff in customise - libdevuansdk - common library for devuan's simple distro kits
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 (DIR) commit ad29e93415d6796ea1b0fd07f68827b8fe5fc68a
 (DIR) parent 510875218b04e350b12efb5daab37a33d305e629
 (HTM) Author: KatolaZ <katolaz@yahoo.it>
       Date:   Sun, 12 Jun 2016 23:05:25 +0100
       added stuff in customise
         M zlibs/customise                     |      61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
         M zlibs/helpers                       |       2 +-
         M zlibs/imaging                       |       9 +++++----
         M zlibs/sysconf                       |      22 +++++++++++++++++++---
       4 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/zlibs/customise b/zlibs/customise
       t@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ install_default_kernel(){
                reqck || return 1
                local kernel_base=linux-image
       +        local kernel=""
                case $arch in
       t@@ -39,35 +40,81 @@ install_default_kernel(){
       -                        error "Architecture ::1 is not supported!!!" ${arch}
       +                        error "Architecture ::1 arch:: is not supported!!!" ${arch}
       +                        zerr; zshexit
       +        notice "Installing stock kernel for ::1 arch:: (::2 kernel::)" $arch $kernel
                mountdevprocsys ${root}
       -        sudo chroot ${root} apt-get install --no-install-recommends ${kernel}
       +        sudo chroot ${root} apt-get --yes --force-yes --no-install-recommends install $kernel
                umountdevprocsys ${root}
                notice "default kernel installed"
                fn make_qemu_img $@
                local imgfile=$1
                local imgsize=${2:-4G}
       -        local imgformat=${3:-qcow2}
       +        local imgformat=${3:-raw}
                req=(strapdir os release version arch imgfile imgsize)
                reqck || return 1
       -        check_executable qemu-img || error "Could not find qemu-img!!!" && return 1
       +        local blockskip=2050
       +        ## create the qemu image 
       +        act "creating qemu image"
                qemu-img create -f ${imgformat} ${imgfile} ${imgsize}
       +        sudo parted ${imgfile} --script -- mklabel msdos
       +        sudo parted ${imgfile} --script -- mkpart primary ${blockskip}s -1s
       +        sudo parted ${imgfile} --script -- set 1 boot on
       +        ## setup the loop device
       +        loop1=`sudo losetup -f`
       +        sudo losetup ${loop1} ${imgfile}
       +        loop2=`sudo losetup -f`
       +        sudo losetup -o $((${blockskip} * 512)) ${loop2} ${loop1}
       +        ## now we create the fs
       +        act "creating filesystem"
       +        sudo mkfs.ext4 ${loop2}
       +        ## and we loop-mount it 
       +        ztmpd
       +        mntdir=$ztmpdir
       +        sudo mount -o loop ${loop2} ${mntdir}
       +        echo "mntdir: $mntdir strapdir: $strapdir"
       +        # now we rsync everything 
       +        sudo rsync -av ${strapdir}/ $mntdir
       +        # we now install the grub bootloader
       +        #_install_bootloader $mntdir
       +        sync
       +        sudo umount ${mntdir}
       +        sudo losetup -d ${loop2}
       +        sudo losetup -d ${loop1}
                if [[ ! -z ${imgfile} ]]; then
       -                notice "QEMU image created in ::1" ${imgfile}
       +                notice "QEMU image created in ::1 imgfile::" ${imgfile}
       -                warning "Unable to create QEMU image file in ::1" ${imgfile}
       +                warning "Unable to create QEMU image file in ::1 imgfile::" ${imgfile}
        \ No newline at end of file
 (DIR) diff --git a/zlibs/helpers b/zlibs/helpers
       t@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ check_executable() {
                fn check_executable $@
       -        if [[ `which $progname | grep "not found" | wc -l` -ge 1 ]]; then 
       +        if [[ `which ${progname} | grep "not found" | wc -l` -ge 1 ]]; then 
                        return 0;
                        return 1;
 (DIR) diff --git a/zlibs/imaging b/zlibs/imaging
       t@@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ vars+=(imgname imgpath)
        img_mkimage() {
                fn img_mkimage $@
       -        imgpath=${strapdir}.img
       -        local mbrtype="$1"
       -        local bootfstype="$2"
       -        local rootfstype="$3"
       +        imgpath=${1:-${strapdir}.img}
       +        local mbrtype="$2"
       +        local bootfstype="$3"
       +        local rootfstype="$4"
       +        local imgsize=${5:-$imgsize}
                req=(imgpath imgsize mbrtype bootfstype rootfstype)
                ckreq || return 1
 (DIR) diff --git a/zlibs/sysconf b/zlibs/sysconf
       t@@ -38,9 +38,25 @@ conf_install_kernel() {
                req=(arch chrootpath)
                ckreq || return 1
       -        notice "Installing stock kernel (linux-image-$arch)"
       -        sudo chroot ${chrootpath} apt-get --yes --force-yes install linux-image-$arch
       +  local kernel_base=linux-image
       +  local kernel=""
       +        case $arch in
       +                  amd64)
       +                            kernel=${kernel_base}-amd64
       +                            ;;
       +                  i386)
       +                            kernel=${kernel_base}-586
       +                            ;;
       +                  *)
       +                            error "Architecture ::1 arch:: is not supported!!!" ${arch}
       +          zerr; zshexit
       +                            ;;
       +        esac
       +        notice "Installing stock kernel for ::1 arch:: (::2 kernel::)" $arch $kernel
       +        sudo chroot ${chrootpath} apt-get --yes --force-yes install $kernel
        conf_print_debconf() {