thandle page titles in markdown easier - mars - superminimal static website framework
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 (DIR) commit 5a5784a53b4544597855a78a9321a52e508aff90
 (DIR) parent c85d220ed80b3b35c5f64af98cfbc56c038e06aa
 (HTM) Author: parazyd <>
       Date:   Mon,  4 Jul 2016 09:59:36 +0200
       handle page titles in markdown easier
         D example/markdown/index.html         |      49 -------------------------------
         M example/markdown/           |       6 +++---
         M                             |       3 +--
       3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/example/markdown/index.html b/example/markdown/index.html
       t@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
       -<!DOCTYPE html>
       -        <meta charset="utf-8">
       -        <meta name="description" content="Who is parazyd, software developer, designer, crypto, bitcoin, linux administrator">
       -        <title>This is da real title</title>
       -        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style.css">
       -        <div id="header">
       -                <a href="/"><img alt="logo" src="../logo.svg"></a>
       -                <a id="headerLink" href="/"></a> <span id="headerSubtitle">something something</span>
       -        </div>
       -        <div id="menu">
       -                <span class="left">
       -                <a class="thisSite" href="">home</a>
       -                <a href="">moo</a>
       -                <a href="">pub</a>
       -                </span>
       -        </div>
       -        <div id="content">
       -        <div id="nav">
       -        <ul>
       -        <li><a  href="/">main</a></li>
       -        <li><a href="">code/</a></li>
       -        <li><a href="/blog/">blog/</a></li>
       -        <li><a href="/blog/musings/">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;musings/</a></li>
       -        <li><a href="/projects/">projects/</a></li>
       -        <li><a href="/contact.html">contact</a></li>
       -        <li><a href="">../</a></li>
       -        </ul>
       -        </div>
       -        <div id="main">
       -<h1>And this will be teh header</h1>
       -<p>and more st00f</p>        </div>
       -        </div>
       -        <div id="footer">
       -        <span class="right">
       -                copyleft 2016 parazyd, design heavily inspired by <a href=""></a> ♥
       -        </span>
       -        </div>
 (DIR) diff --git a/example/markdown/ b/example/markdown/
       t@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
       -##+ This is da real title
       +##+TITLE This is our title
       -# And this will be teh header
       +# And this is our page content
       -and more st00f
 (DIR) diff --git a/ b/
       t@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ process-page() {
                                        done }
                                local pagetitle=`grep '^##+TITLE ' $page | cut -c 10- -`
       -                        sed -i -e 's/DEFAULT_TITLE/'$pagetitle'/' $name.html
       +                        sed -i -e 's/<title>.*<\/title>/<title>'$pagetitle'<\/title>/' $name.html
                                tmpage=`mktemp` && cp $page $tmpage
                                sed -i -e 's/##+TITLE .*//' $tmpage
       t@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ skip-page() {
        push() {
                countdown "rsyncing" && \
                rsync -P -e 'ssh' -avul --delete --stats \
       -                #-n \
                        --size-only \
                        --exclude-from 'rsync-exclude' \
                        . $WEBHOST:$WEBROOT